Hey guys, this is my new story protect me, I've had the idea in my head for a while now, so I'm going to try and write it onto the computer. Hopefully it will work out. ENJOY
(Also check out my other story: shallow waters run deep.)
It was a while back since Blaine had transfered to McKinley and Kurt was over the moon about this, he really was but there was something he was hiding from Blaine, from all his friends at McKinley, from his dad and carole and this secret he had to keep from everybody was the worst thing that could happen to him and once more he wished more than anything that he could tell Blaine and the rest of the people that cared about him, but he truly feared his life if he did.
Kurt was standing by his locker waiting for Blaine to finish his class so they could have their 2 minutes together before they would have to go their sperate ways for classes.
Kurt was day dreaming the thing that brought him out of his state of relaxation was feeling himself being shoved into the cold metal of the lockers and two hands on his hips he looked up to see karofsky, the hall was empty so no-body was going to see.
"I haven't seen you all day, are you avoiding me?" Kurt felt Karofsky's breath shadow his ear as he spoke "N-no," Kurt cursed himself for his stutter "why would you thing that?" Karofsky laughed at the fact Kurt would not make eye contact with him "I haven't been able to have my way with you today," Just as karofsky said that the bell went finishing the classes that were in progress "meet me after school on the football feild, if you dont show, I guess your'll want more tomorrow." then karofsky left down the hall before anyone could see.
Kurt fell to the floor and curled his knees into his chest hoping this was all a dream as the tears started to roll down his face.
Blaine left class and looked around the hall for Kurt, when he layed eyes on the boy his heart ached to see the boy he loved curled up by his locker crying.
Kurt felt to hands on his shoulder and he jumped fearing it was karofsky, but when he looked up he saw it was Blaine.
"Whats wrong, angel?" Blaine looked at kurt as sobs racked his body "n-nothing, just been a tough day is all." Kurt looked at Blaine through his watery blue eyes "ok, anything I can do?" Blaine didn't beleive a 'tough day' could make Kurt break down like this but rather than risk upsetting the boy further he decided to offer his help.
"I could really use a hug." Kurt knew for a fact Blaine wasn't buying his story, but he really did need a hug after what happened with karofsky "sure thing." Blaine pulled Kurt into his warm embrace he felt Kurt rest his head on his shoulder and start to cry again and until Kurt stopped crying Blaine planted soft loving kisses on the top of his head.
Kurt watched Blaine leave before making his way to the football pitch where Karofsky was already waiting "there you are baby, I thought for a sceond you wasn't going to show." Karofsky started to kiss Kurts neck "please, don't make me do this here." Kurt said in bareley a whisper "of course not, baby, thats far to risky."
Before Kurt could respond he was being dragged into the old equipment closet which had a lock and a light on the inside "you looked so sexy today, it was hard not to just jump you in that hallway." Karofsky started to strip Kurt of his clothes and had become attached to the pink nipples that lay prominent on Kurts pale skin.
Karofsky was undoing Kurts belt buckle slid Kurts pants and boxer breifs down in one "sorry baby, I forgot the lube." and with that Karofsky slid a finger into Kurts entrance.
Kurt cryed out as he felt the burn of Karofsky's finger in hiss ass he couldn't help but rest his head on karofky's shoulder
Blaine and Finn had returned to the school after only just making it around the corner of the road after Blaine left his guitar behind in his music class and Finn left his spanish book in class, and instead if walking through the school and explaining to the few members at staff that still remained at school what they was doing here so late, they made their way around the back of the school and through the football feild both Finn and Blaine heard muffled noises coming from the old equipment shed they walked a little closer to it both wondering if they should enter or not.
Dun dun dun ... sorry guys and I'm sure some of you will kill me, I'm a kutsie myself so this chapter was hard to write but time for a poll:
A) Finn and Blaine enter the old equipment shed and see kurt and Karofsky.
B) Blaine and Finn walk away to get their stuff and Kurt tells Finn when he arrives home because he cant stand it anymore.
C) Blaine and Finn walk away and Kurt can't help it anymore and tell's Blaine tomorrow ( or calls him that night in tears).
Now I'm going to hide.