AN: I feel like I haven't updated this in FOREVER so I'm sorry about that. This is just a drabble that came to mind back when Chris was walking around with a hickey after filming The First Time. Reviews are always welcome! Enjoy :) X


Striding into class confidently, Kurt sat down next to Mercedes and immediately crossed one leg over the other like he always did. He hummed happily to himself as he placed his books from the previous lesson back into the satchel he was carrying.

Noting his good mood, Mercedes and Tina exchanged a grin before turning back to their friend.

"What's with the scarf?" Mercedes asked, reaching out to touch the fabric around Kurt's neck. She got a few centimetres away from it before Kurt slapped her hand away.

"What? I like scarfs," Kurt replied casually, forcefully keeping his eyes to the front of the room, "It's not exactly a secret."

"But it's Summer, Kurt," Tina piped up.

"Hardly scarf weather," Mercedes noted, raising her eyebrow at her best friend.

Wishing they'd just leave it, Kurt turned to face both Tina and Mercedes before saying, "Fashion doesn't have to agree with the weather."

"Right, style before comfort or whatever," Mercedes said, waving her hand to show it didn't mean anything to her.

Tina smiled at Kurt. "Well I like it."

Kurt returned the smile. "Thank-you, Tina."

"Me too," Mercedes gave Kurt a sweet, innocent look. "Could I try it on?"

Kurt felt a blush beginning to rise on his cheeks. They knew. They so knew, and they were just trying to torture him.

"No, you may not," Kurt said simply, his eyes glued to the front again. It was the one time in his life Kurt wished for Mr Schue to just hurry up and get to Glee club.

Santana, who was sitting a few seats away, hands linked with Brittany, threw Kurt a deadpanned look. "C'mon, Hummel, we already know you're getting some!"

The blush that was threatening to cover his face was now in full force over Kurt's cheeks as he turned to face Santana. "Just because I decided to wear a scarf today does not mean-"

Whilst he was speaking, Tina reached out and tugged Kurt's scarf off to reveal a purple bruise along the side of his neck.

Kurt's eyes widened at his friend. "Tina!"

Mercedes giggled. "I knew it!"

"Good to see Blaine's treating my boy right!" Puck called out as Kurt sank lower in his seat.

Moments later Blaine entered the room. Santana waggled her eyebrows at him, Puck clapped him on the back and Finn tried very hard to avoid his gaze.

Falling into the chair next to Kurt, Blaine looked curiously at his boyfriend. "What's going on?"

"You and your damn mouth, that's what's going on," Kurt practically hissed as Blaine's eyes honed in on the hickey present on Kurt's neck. The hickey he'd put there last night. A blush began to rise on Blaine's face too.

"The scarf didn't work?" he whispered directly into Kurt's ear, sending a shiver over Kurt's body as he tried hard not to remember the night before.

"Clearly not, Blaine, or else nobody would know." Kurt's tone was borderline rude and Blaine retreated, sitting as far back in his chair as he could, putting some distance between the two.

"'M sorry," Blaine muttered, looking like a kicked puppy.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "God, this is why I hate you guys sometimes!" His exasperation was directed towards the New Directions but Blaine still recoiled even more as he turned back to his boyfriend with wide eyes. He really didn't want to upset Kurt, in fact that was the last thing he'd wanted when his lips were on Kurt's neck, kissing and nipping and…

Blaine mentally shook his head, scattering his thoughts. Now was not the time.

"I just wish you all wouldn't make such a big deal out of stuff like this!" Kurt huffed and Tina carefully placed the scarf she'd taken back in his lap before retracting her hand quickly as if Kurt were a dog about to bite. "Blaine shouldn't feel bad for something like this, I shouldn't feel so Goddamned embarrassed and you guys shouldn't make us feel this way!"

For once there were a few rare moments of silence in the Glee Club before everyone stammered out mumbled apologies.

"I really am sorry," Blaine whispered, moving his seat closer to Kurt's and taking his hand.

Kurt looked at his boyfriend with adoring eyes and shook his head. "You should be the last person apologising, you didn't do anything wrong," Kurt insisted, squeezing Blaine's hand. "You, ah… you know that I liked it, right?" Kurt's voice was so quiet it was almost inaudible but Blaine heard and grinned.

"Yes, I was aware." Blaine placed a small kiss to Kurt's neck before pulling back and grinning once more. "But next time it's my turn to wear a scarf to school, yeah?"

Kurt hid a grin and nodded before squeezing Blaine's hand and turning to face the front just as Mr Schue rushed into the room.

"Sorry I'm late guys," he apologised. "Miss Pillsbury needed some help and –" Mr Schue stopped midsentence as his eyes lingered over Kurt briefly. "Kurt, are you alright? David hasn't been giving you a hard time again, has he?"

Looking confused, Kurt shook his head.

"It's just, your neck-" he got halfway through his sentence before realising that wasn't just a bruise.

Everyone held back a laugh as Kurt hastily wrapped his scarf around his neck again, feeling that blush creeping back.

"Right, sorry, anyway," Mr Schue continued, looking flustered as Kurt and Blaine exchanged an amused glance.

"Well I can cross 'show my teacher a hickey' off my bucket list," Kurt whispered and Blaine chuckled quietly. "God, this has been such a humiliating ten minutes."

Blaine gave Kurt a wounded look. "Sorry, I didn't realise you'd be this embarrassed. Maybe I shouldn't have-"

"No," Kurt said immediately, regretting his earlier words and hoping he hadn't hurt Blaine's feelings, "It's not anything against you. And I'm not ashamed that people know we're, ah, together in that way, I just hate the looks and laughs."

Blaine gave him a sympathetic smile. "But they're your friends," he told Kurt, referring to Mercedes and Tina who kept looking over every so often with amusement, "They're only teasing."

Kurt nodded. "I know. And I'd never admit this to anyone else but I guess it's kinda nice to be the one getting teased for this kind of thing." Blaine arched an eyebrow and Kurt sighed. "It's just nice to have someone for once."

Squeezing his hand, Blaine smiled, wishing he could express just how amazing it felt having Kurt in his life. Nice didn't even begin to describe it.

"Anyway, it'll be my turn next," Blaine reminded Kurt, a smirk playing at his lips, "And if you want I can always forgo the scarf. I'll give the embarrassment a go if you'd really like."

Holding back a laugh, Kurt grinned at Blaine and shook his head. "It's fine, I think I've dealt with enough embarrassment for the both of us."

Blaine chuckled and brought Kurt's lips to his briefly.

"Besides," Kurt said, a smile returning to his face, "You should never pass up a chance to wear a fashionable scarf."