
Same old, same old. Despite daily wishes and superb karma I do not own any of the CCS characters, not even the divine Yue. . . the world is a cruel place. . .

A Humanising Influence.


To the rest of us baby-sitting a pair of six year-old twins, boy AND girl would be similar to undergoing intricate surgery with a rusty chainsaw but for Sakura, who is well.Sakura, it sounds like fun and so she actually agrees!

Little Dominic and pig-tailed Sarah were the offspring of Fujitaka's secretary and close friend Anita. The arrangement was Sakura watched the duo from five 'till ten that evening but before she had even completed the first hour of guard duty the mistress was discovering an activity more fraught with danger than simply guarding the Star Cards.

"No, no, no, please don't touch that!"

Yue watched dispassionately from the doorway as yet another disaster was barely averted, so intent were the children and their sitter that they failed to notice the winged watcher until a thankfully unbreakable missile had to be deftly fielded by the guardian.

At that moment Sakura saw him and rubbed self-consciously at the suspiciously sticky stain on her cheek. What was Yue doing here? He hadn't changed into his true form for at least three weeks.

"Yue-san," she acknowledged taking the chance to straighten her clothes while the twins gazed at the moon being enraptured.

"Have you seen Kero?" Yue shook his head.

"How about Touya?" The silver head swayed again, this time so vigorously that loose strands whipped at his face.

Damn! "Oh. . .um. . ." The situation was desperate Sakura knew she needed backup. Sarah was slowly leaning forward, a chubby fist raised and clearly itching to touch the feathers held teasingly just out of reach. Dominic too was no longer content with just looking. Yue spared a single frigid glance for the advancing threat and Sakura watched as both faces crumpled into ragged sobs. She resisted the urge to drop her head in her hands and prepared to rob Kero's sweet supply and attempt sugar bribery.


Three mouths dropped open as the usually silent Guardian spoke. More effective than any 'Card of Silence' Yue had implemented the full force of his emotionless, seldom used but very beautiful deep voice. The twins were once again entranced, well, Dominic was entranced it's safe to say Sarah was infatuated.

The shrill ring of the telephone disturbed the precious silence and since she knew Yue would never answer it (and had probably never touched one his life) Sakura slunk towards it on her tiptoes afraid to shatter the hypnotic trance that seemed to have befallen her two charges.


"Sakura, its Syaoran." She felt her heart flutter at the sound of her boyfriends voice and cradled the receiver closer.

"Is everything alright?" He sounded concerned.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Well. . .um. . .we were supposed to meet an hour ago outside the -."

"Cinema!" She gasped. I can't believe I forgot but everything happened to quickly with the baby-sitting thing. "Syaoran I'm so sorry, something came up and I completely forgot" If only Touya was here to take over but he was -.

"Hang on, I've just thought of something. . ." She covered the mouthpiece.


Of course rather than speaking twice in one day the Guardian moved into her line of sight. The raised brows were her cue to continue.

"How come you're here? I thought Yukito was supposed to be studying with Touya today." The robed figure merely shrugged although the impassive face appeared vaguely uncomfortable.

"Well, if Touya went to your - I mean Yukito's house that must mean he'll be home soon after finding you - him - Yukito not there.

Yue inclined his head, 'possibly,' Sakura translated.

"Kero shouldn't be much longer either, he's probably just on another food pilgrimage.

A fine tremor ran through her Guardian's slender frame, he was all too familiar with the food obsession of both his brother and his borrowed form. The indignity of having his considerable intelligence wasted in arguing the finer points of double chocolate gateaux as apposed to single was frankly barbaric.

He opened eyes he had not even realised were closed and found his mistress gazing at him expectantly.

"Would you?" Would he what? Of course he didn't voice the question, it seemed safer to simply nod in affirmation a decision he soon regretted when his idea of safety was severely threatened by Sakura's sudden onslaught of gratitude. It was a miracle the hug didn't break any ribs. What had he agreed to?

Her next target was the telephone. "Hey Syaoran? Sorry about that, everything's sorted now I'll meet at the park in ten minutes okay? Good. See you there."

Where was she going? He still didn't speak.

"Alright, so you'll mind the kids until either Touya or Kero get home." What!? "I really appreciate this Yue. . ." !? "I'm sure you won't have any trouble with the twins, they seem to listen to you. . ." That's beside the point! "Touya shouldn't be much longer." Great. "I've got five, minutes to get ready!" Having said this she proceeded to set the perfect tempo for Yue's gloomy thoughts as she pounded up the stairs with less grace than Kero after consuming seven bowls of tiramisu.

The truth was he was avoiding Touya, the one human seemed to put him out of his depth but that was only because his false form had such strong feelings for him.


This declaration was accompanied by a sharp tug on his robes and he looked down to see the little girl clinging to his side limpet-fashion while the boy puffed his pigeon chest and tried to adopt Yue's nonchalant stance complete with folded arms. The glare he directed at his sister actually showed some potential, he even crouched defensively at the sound of Sakura running back downstairs having tidied herself up. She arrived breathless.

"Neither of them back yet?" He would never understand why humans insisted on asking such pointless questions when the answer was obvious. . .with the exception of Touya who usually made perfect sense and voiced few thoughts, especially not the inane ones. The Mistress' brother had an introspective thoughtfulness that he identified with and his care of Yukito was the only time he'd felt truly protected, albeit as his other form basking in the attention of the beautiful dark-haired boy. . .

"It can't be long now so I'll get going. Thanks again Yue. Be good you two." This said she closed the door and abandoned him to the mercy of two fiendish six year-olds and worryingly distracted thoughts about a certain chocolate eyed young man.Ugh! Chocolate? What did he know about chocolate? Clearly Yukito's obsession was getting to him. Can you really be a bad influence on yourself?

Please R&R - and no, contrary to popular belief that does not mean 'Rest and Relaxation' but 'Read and Review' so get off your arses and - I mean, I humbly beg you to share you infinite wisdom. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome and by 'constructive' I do not mean;

SAMPLE REVIEW. . ."That was a pile of shit."

I need something to work with. Please try and be polite.

EXAMPLE. . . "This story is a pile of shit but you clearly put a lot of effort into it so I'm upgrading it to manure ('cause it's good on roses)

Got the idea?


Over and out.