A/N: Rerjoice 8027 fans! Another 8027 fic from my collection! I've written like 60 plus about this story… 70 plus on the other and a 110 in the ghost of a past love… so yeah XD Please enjoy! I have to upload another 8027 story! Be sure to review every story okay? I don't want to feel like I've posted these to early!

Summary: Tsuna woke up one day and found himself holding hands with Yamamoto. Later he realizes that he was transported to a parallel world thanks to the malfunctioned bazooka. But wait, there's more! In this world he and Yamamoto are actually a… couple? Wait! WHAT?

Parallel to Your Heart

By IlYamaTsuna7227li

Chapter 1

Headache. And a big one at that.

That was the first thing Tsuna felt when he woke up. A huge, mind-blowing headache. The young brunet groaned as he shifted slightly. What happened anyway that he got such a huge headache?

"Lambo…" Tsuna muttered the name as he remembered what happened. Lambo was fooling around as usual while they were in the park.

It was a perfect day. They were all out on a picnic. Lambo and I-pin were playing chase while he and his beloved Kyoko-chan were sitting under a cherry tree having a small talk. He thought the opportunity had finally come for him to ask out the cute orange-head. Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Ryohei were a few meters away playing a light soccer game. Well there were small tremors coming from them, but the young boss ignored them. They weren't going to destroy this chance.

However, just as he was about to open his mouth to ask his sweet angel, Kyoko, Lambo suddenly came running toward them all wet. He was crying about something. It seemed like Reborn pushed him into the pond because he was noisy. Tsuna couldn't help but sigh however it was too late when he saw Lambo taking out the bazooka. He tried to stop him, seeing as a wet bazooka discharging electricity was never a good thing, but then things went wrong when Lambo suddenly tripped and the bazooka came at him…

And now… here he was… wherever here was…

"Tsuna?" Came a soft voice laced with concern. The brunet suddenly felt a soft pressure on his hand. Wait… what?

Tsuna's eyes snapped open as he took in his surroundings with a quick eye. He was in the living room of his house. His house, not the Vongola mansion.

Wait, don't tell me… when I'm older I'm still living with my parents! Tsuna thought horrified. But then he looked sideways and saw picture frames. There doesn't seem to be any picture of him growing older. The latest seemed to be when he was still 15.

So the bazooka failed after all? Tsuna thought relieved. That's good. But the then the young boss raised an eyebrow when he saw that most of the pictures in the living room was him with…

"Tsuna?" Speak of the devil. Yamamoto.

"A-ah, Y-Yamamoto…" Tsuna said smiling a bit as he turned to look at the rain guardian. But then he felt his breath caught in his throat. The way Yamamoto looked was no different. Still the same tanned skin, same molten eyes that captured so many girls' hearts and broken them unknowingly. And he was still the same 15-year-old Yamamoto Tsuna knew, which was good…

However, the thing that made Tsuna stunned was the way Yamamoto was looking at him. There was something in the way the baseball teen was looking at him that made his heart pound. Something that made blood rush to his cheeks. There was concern in those eyes, no doubt about that… but there was something else too. Have you ever seen the way couples look at each other? Well Tsuna had a feeling Yamamoto was looking at him the same way.

"Hey are you okay?" Yamamoto asked squeezing the brunet's hand again to get his attention. Again… wait, what?

Tsuna yelped as he retracted his hand from Yamamoto. The baseball idol looked at him stunned and a bit curious.

Tsuna breathed in deeply before he looked at Yamamoto, eyes wide.

"Y-Yamamoto, why were you holding my hand?" Tsuna asked as he tried to ignore how good it felt to have his hand held by Yamamoto. Stop! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts!

Yamamoto titled his head at Tsuna's question like it was strange. "What do you mean Tsuna? Don't couples normally hold hands?"

"Yeah but why were you holding my hand?" Tsuna asked as he tried to calm down his heart. Yamamoto looked at Tsuna like he didn't understand.

"Well…" Yamamoto said as he shifted closer to Tsuna on the couch. The brunet could literally feel his heart pounding against his ribs. The baseball teen looked at Tsuna his eyes smoldering. "We're a couple aren't we…? So it's normal right?"

Tsuna's breath caught and for the second time that day… he fainted.

"…-he acted so surprised…" Came a hurt voice.

"Do you think he has forgotten about you?" Came a familiar voice.

"No… he recognized me when he woke up…" Came that hurt voice again. "Did I do something wrong, kid?"

"Hm, we'll see." The familiar voice. "Ah, I think he's waking up now…"

As that was said, Tsuna's eyes fluttered open. The first thing he saw was Yamamoto hovering over him in worry.

"Tsuna are you okay?" Yamamoto asked as the brunet sat up. Tsuna noticed that Yamamoto kept his distance this time. Probably not wanting to scare him. Really, Yamamoto was just too sweet sometimes.

"W-what happened?" Tsuna asked as he rubbed his head. Yamamoto extended a hand in worry but then hesitated as he explained.

"Uhm, you sort of fainted a while ago." Yamamoto said as he surveyed Tsuna with those soft eyes of his.

"O-oh…" Tsuna said letting out a sigh. "I-I see…"

"Hm, Yamamoto can you go and get us something to drink? Dame-Tsuna looks a little dehydrated." The familiar voice said. Tsuna looked around and saw Reborn observing him. Seeing his no-good student looking at him, the baby smirked. "Ciaossu Dame-Tsuna."

"R-Reborn!" Tsuna said. Yamamoto looked at Tsuna then at Reborn who nodded silently at him.

"I'll go get some juice." Yamamoto said as he stood up and walked to the door. He gave one last look at Tsuna before he closed the door behind him.

Almost immediately Tsuna turned to the baby and began bombarding him with questions.

"Reborn what did Yamamoto mean by we're a couple?" and "What day is it anyway?" were the constant questions he asked.

"Calm down Dame-Tsuna." Reborn said but then when the brunet continued to speak he sighed before he took out his morphed gun-Leon and pointed him threateningly at the brunet who immediately shut up.

"Hmph, I see you're still the same Dame-Tsuna so the fact that you're an impostor is ruled out." Reborn said as Tsuna gulped. "As for your questions, look at your bedside clock if you want to know the date."

Tsuna did as he was told, and when he did, he realized that he it was still the same day. He really wasn't ten years in the future.

"And as for your other question, Yamamoto meant what he meant. You're a couple, an item… you're together." Reborn said casually.

Red hue exploded over Tsuna's face. "W-What? B-but Yamamoto… and I-I… I mean we're both boys! And the p-person I l-like is K-Kyoko-chan!"

Reborn raised a curious eyebrow at the brunet before he said. "No, the person you like is Yamamoto. The two of you had been going out since three months ago. And I can tell you, getting the two of you together was the hardest thing I have ever done as a tutor."

"T-That's not true! T-three months ago, Kyoko-chan and I went on our first date! And today I was going to ask her if she could be my girlfriend…" Tsuna mumbled the last line to himself while blushing.

Reborn looked at Tsuna suspiciously. Something was wrong if his dame student insisted that he and Yamamoto weren't together. The hitman tutor hopped down Tsuna's bed as he went to the cabinet, opening the bottom most drawer. He took out an album and walked towards Tsuna.

The brunet raised an eyebrow as Reborn placed it on his lap.

"Look at it." Was Reborn's silent command. Tsuna did as he was told and he opened the blue and orange album.

The first thing he saw was a message written on the front page with a blue and orange pen:


I hope you like this gift!

Love, Yamamoto

"This was a gift from Yamamoto on your last birthday." Reborn said. "It's a scrapbook about the two of you. Maybe if you look at it, you'd remember what I was talking about."

Tsuna nodded, his mouth dry. His expression did not show the intense shock and fear he felt. Sure he was touched beyond belief that Yamamoto gave him something like this, but still, he likes Kyoko-chan, not Yamamoto.

The brunet flipped to the next page. It was a picture of him under the cherry blossom tree. He was blushing slightly while looking down. In front of him was a clueless Yamamoto who was looking at him curiously.

"I gave that picture to Yamamoto a few months ago. It was the time when you confessed to him." Reborn said casually. He had settled himself comfortable beside Tsuna looking at the brunet's expression.

"But I-!" I like Kyoko-chan! Tsuna thought. There's no way that I… a-and Y-Yamamoto…

"Save it." Reborn warned him. Tsuna sighed in defeat as he read the caption below the picture.

I was really happy when you confessed to me Tsuna. For me, this was the best day ever. After the caption was a small smiley face Tsuna found cute. Not that he was saying Yamamoto was cute. Just the smiley face was cute.

The brunet moved his eyes to the picture below the first one. This time it was a picture of him sleeping on the couch, blankets cocooning his body.

This was the time when we got home late because of the kid's training last month. You were so tired you collapsed on the sofa. I placed the blankets around you so you weren't cold. By the way, you said my name while you were asleep, ahaha!

Tsuna blushed at the caption. He was sleep talking? He shook his head and shakily flipped unto the next page. This time the picture was of him and Yamamoto. Yamamoto was grinning at the camera while he had an arm around a blushing Tsuna who was also smiling shyly at the camera. Only a few words were under the photo:

Our first date.

Red exploded across Tsuna's face as he reread the line with unbelieving eyes. Date? With Yamamoto? DATE?

Below that photo was another picture of him and Yamamoto in a fast food joint. The baseball teen was wiping Tsuna's cheek because there was a smudge of ketchup on him. Tsuna looked like he was protesting while Yamamoto just smiled gently like it was no big deal.

Tsuna's blush darkened as he shook his head and flipped to the next page. He and Yamamoto were on an ice rink. Yamamoto was carefully wrapping a scarf around Tsuna's neck with a concerned face. Tsuna's nose and cheeks were red and his eyes were watery even his clothes were soaked.

This was the time when the kid took as to the ice rink. Lambo accidentally pushed you towards the freezing water after cracking the ice. I was worried you'd get sick and in the end you did…

The picture below was of Tsuna lying on the bed with a cloth on his head. The brunet was red on the face and his brow was wrinkled. Beside him, Yamamoto had a warm soup at hand while he looked at the sick Tsuna with concern.

Tsuna was touched by the concern and the care the other showed. After a few seconds of staring at the picture he flipped onto the next page. This time it was a picture of Yamamoto smiling at the camera with a soft expression on his face. There were words scribbled on the side of the picture: Miss you Tsuna.

Below the picture was the caption:

I was on a training camp for five days, and I sent this card to you, remember? I missed you so much… that when I came back I ran directly to your house.

The next picture was Yamamoto hugging a startled Tsuna who was blushing in front of his house.

Tsuna's blush darkened again as he continued to flip through the pages. All in all, most of the pictures were about him and Yamamoto for the past three months.

There was one picture of him and Yamamoto enjoying a day on the alps (it was courtesy by the Vongola family), another picture was of him being held by Yamamoto while they were on a Ferris wheel, and another picture of him and Yamamoto trying to bake a chocolate cake for his mom and dad's wedding anniversary. To put it simply, Yamamoto and Tsuna seemed to have had a good relationship. Tsuna almost wished he could remember all this himself. Almost.

"So you see?" Reborn said when Tsuna finally closed the album. "Yamamoto was not lying when he said the two of you are together."

"But…" Tsuna said biting his lip.

Reborn sighed. "Okay then, tell me… What was the last thing you remembered before you woke up with Yamamoto holding your hand?" And so Tsuna began to tell Reborn about everything. About how he and the family were out on a picnic, about how Lambo got the bazooka wet and how he got shot.

"I see…" Reborn said with a nod. "So you got hit by that dumb cow's bazooka. Hmph, that explains your sudden memory change. Well then this could only mean one thing. You, Tsuna, are from a parallel world different from this one."

"A-A parallel world?" Tsuna squeaked.

"Yes, and seeing as we can't do anything about this…"

"How about shooting me with Lambo's bazooka again?" Tsuna said desperately. "All you have to do is get the bazooka wet again and I'll be on my way…" But then Tsuna was hit by a ten ton hammer, effectively shutting him up.

"Idiot! There isn't only one parallel world! There are millions of them! What if the next time you get hit, you'll land on another world? What then, huh? The more you get hit by the bazooka the less chance you get to go back to your world." Reborn said as Leon morphed back to normal. "The only thing we can do now is to wait for the effects of the bazooka to wear off."

Tsuna winced as he rubbed his head. Hey it was not his fault that he wanted to go home as soon as possible. Finding out that in this world you're in a relationship with one of your guy friends was just too much.

"What are we going to tell Yamamoto then?" Tsuna asked his tutor.

"It would be better if we don't tell him anything." Reborn said. "It'll be hard to explain and besides he'll be worried about the Tsuna from this world. We should keep it a secret and meanwhile you…" Suddenly a dark aura surrounded his tutor, Tsuna gulped.

"I want you to act as casual around Yamamoto as possible." Reborn said with a serious frown. "I said it before… getting the two of you together was hard. I don't want you to ruin dame-Tsuna's relationship with the rain guardian. If you do ruin it, the other dame-Tsuna will be moping around when he comes back. Understand?"

"H-hai!" Tsuna squeaked.

"Good." Reborn said with a smirk. "Now lie down and rest. Yamamoto's back with the juice." As he said that, the door opened. Yamamoto came in with a soft smile on his face. There was a tray of food and drinks on his hands.

"I got you some espresso kid." Yamamoto said as he lowered the tray in front of Reborn.

"Thanks." Reborn said in approval as he took the hot coffee. "I'll leave you two for a while. I need to call someone for a favor." As he said that, he jumped down Tsuna bed and headed to the door. He closed it behind him, leaving Yamamoto and Tsuna alone.

Yamamoto sat down beside Tsuna, placing the tray on the bedside drawer.

"Hey." Yamamoto said smiling at the brunet. "Are you okay now?"

Tsuna nodded, without speaking. He didn't know what to say to this Yamamoto. The one he supposedly had a relationship with in this world. The young boss shivered.

"I made you some juice, and some of my home made sushi." The baseball teen said his smile still intact as he gestured to the tray.

"U-uhm thanks." Tsuna said uncertainly as he reached out for the juice. There was an awkward silence as the brunet drank.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Yamamoto said as he stood up. Tsuna's eyes widened.

"W-wait, a-aren't you going to ask me if there's something wrong?" Tsuna suddenly said. He covered his mouth at the last minute. Yamamoto turned to him surprised but then he smiled.

"If you don't want to tell me, then it's up to you." Yamamoto said with a casual shrug but then he leaned in and patted Tsuna's head. "I trust you; if you're keeping something from me then I don't mind. I know you're doing for my sake anyway." As he said that, he leaned forward and kissed the other on the forehead.

"You need to rest. I'll see you tomorrow Tsuna." The rain guardian said as he walked to the door, leaving a red-faced and stunned Tsuna on the bed.

That night…

Tsuna sat up in bed his mind thinking over the series of events that had happened today:

He woke up to find Yamamoto holding his hand.

Next, he found out he and Yamamoto were actually together and fainted.

Finally, Reborn told him he was actually in a parallel world where he and Yamamoto were together.

Seriously, all of this was just too much to take in.

"And to put an icing on the cake, Reborn tells me not to tell Yamamoto." Tsuna mumbled to himself. "What does he want me to do then? Pretend that I'm from this world and act like nothing happened?"

The young brunet hugged his legs close to his chest. He was actually getting homesick already. He missed the guardians at home, especially his dear Kyoko-chan. Heck! He even missed the usual and oblivious Yamamoto from his world. The Yamamoto in this world, scared him. The baseball teen was making him feel things he didn't usually feel. Feelings he was afraid to acknowledge.

"Gah!" Tsuna groaned out loud as he ruffled his hair in annoyance. A few hours in this world and he was already going crazy.

"Calm down Tsuna…" He muttered to himself. "The person you like is Kyoko-chan remember that!" He muttered to himself in comfort. But then he yelped when the phone suddenly rang.

He took a deep breath before he reached out and accepted the call.

"H-Hello?" He mumbled nervously.

"Hey Tsuna, I'm glad you're still awake." Came a familiar, pleasant, and cheerful voice.

"Y-Yamamoto." Tsuna said letting out a shaky breath. "A-ah… w-well I couldn't sleep." He briefly explained.

"Are you alright? Why can't you sleep? I can come over if you want…" The rain guardian immediately said in worry.

"W-wait! It's no big deal! I'm fine!" Tsuna said waving the other's worry off. In the deepest recess of his mind he felt touched that Yamamoto would go to his house so late just to make sure he's okay. However that part that was touched was immediately crushed by Tsuna's 'common sense'. As dubbed by him.

"Are you sure?" Yamamoto asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah I am. Don't worry." Tsuna said chuckling a bit. There was a sigh of relief on the other side.

"Good to hear then. Go back to bed then okay? If you still can't sleep, go drink a glass of milk. I find that always helps when I have insomnia. I'll pick you up tomorrow, don't stay up late." Yamamoto reminded the other good-naturedly. Tsuna felt guilty to have someone care for him so deeply.

"A-ah." Tsuna said but then a question hit him. "A-ano Yamamoto, why did you call anyway?"

"Hm? Oh nothing. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I always check-up on you anyway, I thought you'd be used to it by now." Yamamoto said chuckling good-naturedly. "Sleep well then okay Tsuna? I don't want you feeling tired for tomorrow."

"Y-yeah, I will." Tsuna said as he gripped the phone unconsciously. "Bye."

"Bye…" Yamamoto whispered back softly on the other line. The brunet hung up first and placed the phone down. He exhaled tiredly.

"That was quick." Reborn said as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Usually it'd take at least an hour before either of you hangs up."

"Reborn!" Tsuna said shocked at the sudden appearance of his tutor. "Don't scare me like that!"

The tutor just shrugged like it was normal.

"And anyway, you know as well as I do that I come from a different world so I'm not the same as the Tsuna from this world." Tsuna huffed at his tutor. "The person I like isn't Yamamoto, and besides I didn't know that the Tsuna from here talks for about one hour with Yamamoto before hanging up."

"That's true however…" Reborn said as his eyes shadowed. "No matter what parallel world you're in Tsuna, you'll always be the same."

"Meaning what?" Tsuna asked curiously.

"Meaning there is a reason why the you of this world picked Yamamoto." Reborn said with a frown. "There's always a reason behind your decisions dame-Tsuna. Well, the you from here couldn't resist but fall for Yamamoto and I'm afraid… you'll be facing the same fate soon."

"What?" Tsuna said, astounded. "Are you telling me I'll eventually fall for Yamamoto?"

Reborn nodded and then he added with a smirk. "And don't worry, I approve whole-heartedly."

"W-wait! Wait a minute Reborn!" Tsuna said. "First of all, the you in my world already approves of Kyoko-chan, and next up I like Kyoko-chan! Not Yamamoto!"

Reborn sighed. "Still denying it I see. Well, stupid student of mine. The reason why I probably approved of Kyoko in the other world was because she is your choice. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but you usually make good choices so I just go along with the flow. However let me tell you this, the whole time you and Yamamoto have been together in this world, you have been the happiest person I've ever seen. And trust me, my eyes never deceive me."

"S-So what you're saying is…" Tsuna gulped. "Even if I picked Yamamoto in the other world you'd still approve? Just because it's my choice?" Tsuna said. Reborn nodded. "And you're also trying to tell me that I would be happier if I was with Yamamoto?"

"Exactly." Reborn said. "Now was that hard to understand?"

Tsuna shook his head disbelievingly. "You're crazy."

"Suit yourself. Like I said, it's you choice." Reborn said. "However, it would be much appreciated if you act more normally around Yamamoto tomorrow. And by normally, I mean act like how the Tsuna from this world would usually act."

"Act like what? How does the Tsuna from here usually act around Yamamoto?" Tsuna asked curiously.

"Oh, he just blushes when Yamamoto is near and acts all clumsy and like that." Reborn said. Tsuna sweat drops.

That's how I usually am! He thought.

"Anyway, just try not to pull away from Yamamoto." Reborn said with a frown. "I said it before and I'll say it again. It took a long time to finally get those two idiots together, and I don't appreciate anyone (especially you) tearing down my masterpiece."

"Masterpiece?" Tsuna repeated the word.

"Yes, masterpiece. Thanks to my ingenious plans Dame-Tsuna is eternally grateful to me." Reborn said with a smirk. "Now go to bed and stop moping around. If you're still awake after five minutes I'll have no choice but to shoot you with a sleeping bullet."

Tsuna squealed before he scrambles under his blankets shaking in fear. Reborn smirked as he headed to the door but then he stopped as he looked back at his cowardly student. He thought back to what Tsuna said while they conversed and sighed.

"Really Dame-Tsuna, sometimes I can't help but think that maybe… you are the stupidest guy on earth." Reborn said as he shut the door behind him.

Hasn't your heart told you yet what you're real feelings are?

A/N: Yes I still have more 8027 up my sleeve but some of them aren't really that good .