Ch.3 Amnesia

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Obviously

Warning: Contains curses and words that should not be read by children and some OOC-ness

A/N: Ok someone asked me if Nanami and Ami are the same person and yes they are, Ami is just a shortened version of it, a nickname if you want.

Nanami = Ami

"blah" = speaking

'blah'= thinking

"blah" = Kyuubi speaking

"blah" = when reading or in a flashback


Morning came fast for the Namikaze family and for once Naruto didn't want to sleep in. He was way too exited, he really wanted to see this twin of his and figure out how he was. The fear of him being like Sasuke had manifested and he had had a dream of just that. A clone of himself acting just as arrogant as Sasuke. Naruto shuddered at the thought. He made his way down and saw his mother making breakfast.

He tried to smile "M-morning mom, what's for breakfast?" he said. He was still a little angry, but he would at least try to get along with his parents today. After all, it was supposed to be a happy day, a brother of his, one long thought to be dead, was returning to his family.

Kushina turned and smiled at her son 'At lest he's talking, I thought he'd give us the silent treatment. Maybe his talk with Kozu helped with that?' she thought with relief. "Just some sandwiches, we need to get to the hospital to get your brother" she said and put a plate in front of her son with a face that said 'eat up' and sat down.

Naruto looked down at the plate amused "It sounds like your talking about Ren, I mean I don't know how many times we have had to go get him from the hospital after a prank gone wrong. Seriously he's a worse prankster then me, although not as good at executing them" he finished with a small grin.

Kushina whacked her son lightly over the head "He got that from you, you know. And you sucked at pranks to" she said a grin on her face. Naruto just looked at her with a pout "I did not" before remembering he was supposed to be angry with her and looked away, eating the rest of the sandwich.

Kushina just smiled and took the plate off the table and put it in the sink. "Your father will meet us there, he had something to take care of at the office. Ren and Ami-chan won't be home until this afternoon and Kozu is coming with us" she said and motioned for them to leave.

Naruto suddenly grinned "Heh, both Ren and Nanami are inn for a surprise when they get home" he said while taking on his shoes. His mother made a face but didn't say anything


They arrived at the hospital and saw Minato chat with his student. They walked over and came just in time to hear some of the conversation.

"… and he will not be doing anything that's even remotely close to exercising, maybe walk around a little, but nothing more than that, he shall be lying down and resting, got it?" they heard Rin say to Minato as they got close. She looked serious. "Yes I got it, he wont get out of our sight. Anyway how hard can it be to keep an eye on someone that has amnesia" it was a rhetorical question but Rin was going to answer anyway, or she would have if not for Naruto.

Naruto, who was having his head down, whipped his head up towards Rin and his father "What do you mean amnesia, doesn't he remember anything?" he asked, or rather demanded. When the three adults shook their heads he groaned "Aww, that's unfair, how can I find out anything about him if he himself cant remember?" he said. The others just chuckled. "Naruto I told you yesterday, he has amnesia. If you had paid more attention you would have noticed" Minato said to his son, glad that he was at least talking to them. Naruto just grunted and went to stand a little away.

Rin turned to the parents "I have some papers that needs to be signed. About him being hospitalized and about his identity, now if you would come with me" she said, rather formally, and led them to the reception desk.

Naruto was left on his own, Kozu on Kushina's hip. Then he heard his name being shouted "Naruto!" he recognized that voice, it was Kiba. He turned and saw the boy and his dog running over to him. 'What's Kiba doing here' he thought and waved yelling "Hey Kiba!," when they got close he voiced his previous thought "What are you doing here?"

Kiba grinned a little "Well, I had team training yesterday and, eh, well I kinda went a little overboard and exhausted myself, had to stay here over the night. But what about you, why are you here?" he said while walking over to the reception to check himself out, Naruto following.

Naruto laughed a little of that first part "Sounds like you" he said. Then he focused on the last part of what the dog nin had said "Well, if I told you why I'm here you would just not believe me, so I'm going to spare you the info" he said, but smirked a little knowing Kiba would want to hear it even more now.

Kiba grew exited at what info the blond wasn't telling "What! No, now you've got to tell me. Is it some sort of big secret or something?" Kiba asked looking like he would explode from excitement.

Naruto just looked at him thinking 'He is worse than Ino sometimes', before looking in the direction of his parents and saying, a bit higher so he knew they would hear him "Yea, a secret that's been kept from me for twelve years" Kiba looked at him funny and he continued, lower this time "If I told you I had a twin I never knew of, would you believe me?" he said seeing confusion in his friend eyes.

Kiba looked at Naruto as if he was crazy "A twin, seriously Naruto, if you had a twin we'd all know, you're not exactly subtle" he said, but then he saw Naruto grin and asked "What?" in a confused sort of way

Naruto just looked at him and said in a slightly angry and sad tone that was laced with bitterness "So thought I, until my parents oh just told me that my long thought to be dead twin is really alive and well, yea except he's apparently got amnesia". Kiba just looked at him with raised eyebrows.

Minato and Kushina had just signed the papers and heard their son, they looked at each other in obvious pain and worry before each put a hand on their blond son's shoulders. "Well, we can go see him and take him home now, he's on the third floor" Kushina said but Naruto didn't look at her.

Kiba rose his eyebrows higher 'So it's true, damn the others need to know this' he thought and said "Well then I'll leave you to it, bye Naruto see ya later" while running out of the hospital to find the other genin.

Naruto, Kozu and their parents just walked up to the room where the whiskered boy was. Room number 301, it was one of the rooms that was close to the operation rooms. Apparently he hadn't switched rooms yet after he was placed there. They went inside and was met with the sight of a blond boy in a sitting position on the bed, looking towards the window.

Naruto stopped and gaped at the sight. 'Damn it's like looking in a mirror, with a slightly more alive reflection but still… when they said we're twins they surely didn't joke about it' he thought.

The boy on the bed looked at them and smiled and said in a low voice "So, apparently you're my parents and they are my brothers, right?. One of the medics told me about you and said you'd come" while observing them. His eyes stopped on Naruto and their gaze locked.

Minato and Kushina smiled "Yes, we are, and as we said yesterday, I'm Minato and this is Kushina we're your parents. This is Kozu," Mianto motioned for the little boy in the woman's hands and smiled "And that's Naruto, your brothers, your other siblings aren't here at the moment though" the man said while smiling at him

The blond on the bed just looked at them. The little boy had dark orange hair and blue eyes. The woman… eh his mother, apparently, had dark red hair and a violet kind of eyes, and the man blonde hair like his with blue eyes. Then his eyes landed on his second brother. He was almost a reflection of him, the only thing different being the weird marks on his own face. 'Are we twins or something, we're so alike it's almost creepy.' he sighed mentally 'I wish I knew' he thought.

The woman sat the boy she had on her hip down on the floor and reached for her bag. She took out some clothing and went over to him. "Here, I brought your clothes over, I washed them" she smiled as she said. He quickly dressed, and noted that the clothes were a little to big but saw no importance in it, and then they were on their way home.


A day later Naruto sat observing his siblings. Nanami and Ren where sitting in front of his twin, who still didn't know his name, asking and answering questions. He felt sorry for the guy, he knew how tiresome Ami-chan could be, especially when she found something she liked. This 'new nii-san' as she put it since she didn't know his name, not that anyone knew, was now her new interest at the time. She could switch interests all the time, he remembered when she wanted to try painting. He grinned at the thought, the living room had never been so colorful before.

Rin had just been there, deeming him ready for small activities again. 'Mom and dad looked rather skeptical though' he thought as his mother came inn with something to eat for all of them. "Hey everyone, eat up, and Ami, Ren stop asking your brother questions he cant answer" she said stern, although still smiling and then looked at him "Naruto maybe you could take him out for a little tour of the village, or what do you think" she turned to the twin and found him nodding. "Good, after you've eaten then" she said and left the room.

Later the twins were walking the streets of Konoha "Here is the shopping district and over there is the ninja academy" Naruto explained as he showed his brother the town. Naruto wasn't entirely sure how to feel about all this. He was confused, happy, sad and angry all at the same time. Confused about all the feelings he was experiencing and how weird he thought all of this were, happy that he actually had a twin, the guy wasn't so bad, even if his memory wasn't quite with him. Sad because of both of his parents, he couldn't even begin to understand what went through their minds now that his twin had been found alive and well. And he felt sad for his whiskered double, he didn't have any memory, and when he got them back he would surely be even more confused then he was now. Much of this made him angry, and he was still somewhat angry and hurt that his parents had kept all of this from him for twelve years.

He looked back at his twin, he seemed to be looking around. "This sure is a large village" he said looking back at his twin with a grin. He grinned back, "Yea, it is. It's one of the largest in fire country" they laughed. He had found out that they were quite alike.

He walked to show him the training grounds. When they were there they heard a loud voice calling them. "Hey Naruto! and ehh…" typical of Kiba. Naruto turned and saw him and some others running over to them. He looked to the side and saw a curious look in his twins face. "Kiba!" he yelled back.

When the others got close they just looked. Both team 8 and team 10 were there, not including their senseis though, and Ino was the first one to speak up. "Wow, you guys really are twins" she said. The blond boys just looked sheepish and the whiskered one put his hand behind his head, rubbing his neck.

Naruto smiled "Yea, apparently, and trust me it's not just looks that's alike." He said and looked back at his twin "Well, um, this is Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, Shino and Hinata. My team's not here, though you'll probably meet them later" his smile turned a little into a frown at the end.

His twin grinned "That's ok, sorry but I can't tell you my name, don't know it myself, whish I did though, trust me, having amnesia is not fun" he said a bit sheepish. The others just smiled and suddenly Shikamaru spoke up. "Huh, even your voice sounds similar, troublesome, like one of you wasn't trouble enough. We were just hading out to the barbeque place, wanna come?" he said lazily like always.


On the way there, the gang attracted a lot of attention. Rumors of Naruto's twin had spread like wildfire, why wouldn't it? After all he was the son of the Hokage and one that was completely unknown. He wasn't exactly common knowledge to the people of Konoha. Only the ones that had been there during, ether the birth or in the rescue mission knew of him, and those who where there during those where ether the ones closest to the family, or guards with duty of confidentiality, meaning they couldn't say anything about it.

The whiskered boy got a lot of looks by both civilians and ninjas alike. Everyone could see just how much the two blond boys resembled each other. Soon the whiskered boy had all of the attention from the people on the street and the ones in shops.

Naruto noticed and looked at his twin and saw him become very uncomfortable, he wasn't looking at anything but the ground as they walked, deliberately avoiding eye contact with anyone. Naruto frowned. 'Wonder why he reacts like that, I mean it's not fun to be studied by unknown people, I would know all about that being 'the son of the Hokage' and all, but it's almost like he expects something bad to happen because of it… could it be some sort of habit?' although that though scared him a little he brushed it off as shyness on his twins side at being in an unknown place with unknown people.

It seamed as though the others saw it as well, Shikamaru got an especially questioning look on his face, but they probably thought it to be the same as Naruto, shyness. But nonetheless they still sped up a bit.


Minato sat in his office with the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. They had just 'checked up on' how his sons, well more like son, had been doing on their trip around town with the crystal ball. And what they had seen had scarred them a little. When Minato had gotten to the office that morning he had seen the Sandaime in the Hokage chair. He had gotten a 'perfect' idea to spy on his sons too see how they were doing. Sarutobi had called him paranoid and tried to talk him out of it, but he himself was curious as to what the twins were up to.

They ended up spying on them meeting up with the rookie teams and making their way on to the streets. Though it was there they saw it. They saw the whiskered boy go from being happy, to confused, uncomfortable then to what looked like pained before ultimately looking down at the ground. They knew this because first the boy had smiled and talked with the others, then when they got into a more populated street he had started looking around and noticed something and started fiddling and then he had looked more down as if sad and then locked his gaze on the ground.

They had also seen what had caused those reactions, and that was what caused them to think for reasons for why he would react to attention as if it was a bad thing. The result of that thinking was what ultimately scared them in the end, especially Minato considering it was his son, the son he had just gotten back.

Sarutobi saw the look on his successor's face and tried to lighten the mood. "It could just be that the boy is ether shy or not used to a lot of people, you said it yourself, the boy may have been a traveler since he has ninja skills and no identification. The very fact that he was found out cold on a forest road outside a popular restock point (The village) for travelers also point towards that fact" he said with a smile, but even he wasn't so sure, for all they knew he might as well be some sort of spy. People without identification that was found outside the village was usually spies from another village, and the fact that he was found outside of a village that was currently in a small civil war, which would make infiltration of said village easy. Plus that it was common knowledge that Konoha shinobi were often there to watch the border. An injured boy would surely be taken to nearest hospital by one of them, and the nearest one just happened to be Konoha hospital.

There was only one problem in that theory, if that was the boys plan, then why did he still have his shinobi gear on him. He had kunai, shuriken, sealing scrolls and some medical supplies with him. He also didn't have any food, so that meant that he had not been inside the village.

That brought other questions as well though. Why was the boy there? and why was he out cold in plain sight?


A/N: ok that's chapter three. I know it's been long since I updated, and I don't really have an excuse for why other than that I'm a slow writer. But two of my other stories are also going to be updated within the next few days.

Hope you like it so far R&R thanks C: