AN- I don't know why but I wanted to write this

Summary: Ahsoka failed a mission by disobeying direct orders from the council and her master. She's been left at the Temple for three months and this is the outcome


I stood in the ring of the Jedi Council. They all stared at me with disapproving eyes, even Master Plo. I hung my head. Their eyes held no forgiveness what so ever. Things would be bad, I knew it. They would probably kick me out of the Order. I had not only disobeyed orders from my Master, I had disobeyed orders from the Council.

I was sitting at the camp. The Council had told me to stay close to my Master, no matter what. This mission was dangerous. We were taking out a super weapon. I heard a noise behind me and glanced around. Everyone else had fallen asleep, so I stood and went off on my own. The noise turned out to be a spy droid. I followed it, made to destroy it only to run into Count Dooku. He smiled down at me and grabbed my throat.

I couldn't breathe. That's pretty much all I could comprehend…His ruby red blade came up and I could feel the heat close to my face. I tried to kick him and escape, but he simply crushed my neck harder. If I could have screamed in pain, I would have.

"Your Master and the Council will be very disappointed in their little pet. I wonder…would it be more painful to kill you, or to leave you to their…unmerciful consequences…" he appeared thoughtful. A strangled noise escaped my throat. And he suddenly let go.

I fell to the ground, gasping for air, clutching my burning throat. I could already feel it starting to bruise. I turned my head slightly to see why he had dropped me. My Master stood, blade drawn, and eyes full of fury. I didn't know if it was towards me or Count Dooku, but I didn't want to find out.

Along with him was the entire squadron. Blaster bolts flung through the air. My Master went to fight Dooku. The battle seamed to last for an eternity before the Separatists finally fled the scene. My Master didn't even look to see if I was okay. He stared down at me, many emotions raging in his eyes; disappointment, embarrassment, anger, hatred, and most of all…shame.

The shame in his eyes made me wish Dooku had killed me.

"Let's go Ahsoka." he said coldly, and started to walk away.

I looked around before standing up slowly. We'd lost the entire squad save Rex. I was thankful he had his helmet on. I didn't want to see how much he hated me for being the reason so many of his brothers were killed. I walked slowly behind them, my head hung. It hurt, the bruises on my neck straining but the pain was a good distraction.

"Master Yoda." Skywalker was talking into his comlink. "We have to abandon the mission." his voice was laced with bitterness.

"Leave, why must you?" Yoda's voice sounded.

"We had some complications. Rex, Ahsoka, and I are the only ones who made it out."

"What happened?"

"My padawan."

And the transmission ended.

Now I stood here waiting my judgment. My master hadn't said one word to me on the flight home. I'd never felt so alone in my life…Not even when I was little and shunned because of my "advanced abilities."

"Padawan Tano, your rash behavior has gone on long enough." Master Windu said, voice angry. "One more mess up and we will have no choice but to exile you from the Order. You are to remain at the Temple for three months. The only thing you could possibly do is archive security, and after what happened last time…" he didn't need to finish. "Dismissed."

I bowed and left. My master glared at me one last time before walking away from me. News must have traveled fast because the knights that walked around glared at me, and the padawans and younglings snickered. I found my feet moving faster and faster until I was almost running to my room. I opened the door and slammed it shut, pressing my back against the wall. Sliding to the floor I curled in on myself, wanting to hide, and with that I sank into the sweet oblivion of sleep.


I couldn't believe my padawan was stupid enough to jeopardize the mission like that! I swear I taught her better. As we left the Council chambers, I cast a dirty look in her direction, and walked away. She looked on the verge of tears, I was too mad to trust myself not to snap at her. I watched as she walked away, and soon started to run, the gazes of the others probably hurt.

I sighed and marched down the halls to the front entrance, and made my way to my speeder. I was going to see Padme. I needed to talk and she would be the one who would listen best. She always was…

I arrived at Padme's apartment and knocked on the door. 3PO answered and before he could say anything, I ran in. Padme was sitting on the couch, reading something off of a data pad. She looked up at me.

"Ani!" she exclaimed, and I hugged her tight. She looked me in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

I sighed and sat down next to her on the couch. "It's Ahsoka… She disobeyed orders and is to remain at the temple for three months. They won't let her do guard duty because of what happened with Bane, so she is stuck doing personal training…She…she's upset…I could see it in her eyes. I didn't talk to her and that may have hurt her more…"

"Ani, she's strong like you. She'll make it through this." she tried to reassure me and the only thing I could think to was, "Yes but at what price."

"I'd rather have Ahsoka fighting than being on her own…Three months of practical solitary confinement will be near impossible for her. Togrutas live in groups. They couldn't stand to be on their own. The don't know how to take care of themselves…I'm worried what she will do to herself."

Padme laid her head on my shoulder. She understood. She didn't pry, or try to make me talk. She let me think, and I drifted into sleep right there on the couch.


I woke to a banging on my door, and someone calling my name. I still felt spent, and curled tighter into myself. I remembered why I was here, and a silent sob ripped itself from my throat. I drew in a shaky breath as the door slid open. Someone shouted my name again, and I realized it was Obi-wan. He knelt beside me, one had on my shoulder, the other turning me over onto my back.

"Go away." I groaned, trying to turn over but he held me down.

"No Ahsoka. What's wrong? Why are you on the floor?" his voice held a note of worry. I sighed and sat up, trying not to wince at the soreness of my muscles as I stretched.

"I just fell asleep…" I yawned. "And I'm still tired so please go away." I laid back down without getting off the floor. Curling back into myself, I sensed Obi-wan's worry. Let him worry…It was probably fake… He finally left and I stared at the floor. It was then I noticed I'd started to cry. My tears were pooling slowly on the Dura steel floors. I wiped my cheeks dry and stared at the pool.

Master Skywalker would be ashamed if he knew I was letting my pain out through tears. But honestly, I didn't think he could be any more ashamed of me…

I'm such a worthless screw up I thought. Thinking something like that probably wasn't a good idea…My emotions were so strong, everyone in the Temple probably felt them, and Master Skywalker probably could too, wherever he was. At least he wouldn't hear me.


I'm such a worthless screw up.

I woke up gasping as Ahsoka's voice rattled around inside my skull. Her thoughts were filled with such pain, and hatred towards herself. I knew she was hurting. Her pain was like a neon sign in the force. I thought I'd be relieved the pain was emotional and not physical but I knew from experience that emotional pain could tear anyone down, leave them cowering and begging.

Padme looked up at me.

"Ani? What is it?" she asked through bleary eyes.

"It's Ahsoka…I need to go back to the Temple." I stood up quickly, gave Padme a quick kiss, and rushed out the door and to my speeder. As soon as I entered the Temple, I was met by Obi-wan.

"Anakin you need to speak with Ahsoka." his voice was urgent.

"I know I know!" I snapped. "Why is she so upset by this?" then I remembered her voice. "Obi-wan…I heard her say, in her thoughts, that she was a worthless screw up. Why is this hurting her so much? She messed up, okay. We don't hate her."

"She doesn't know that Anakin. Her entire squadron was killed. Only Rex made it out. She probably thinks he hates her for the death of his brothers. You wouldn't speak to her at all since the incident. She probably thinks you hate her. She probably thinks the Council hates her too."

"I've told her that there is nothing she could ever do that could make me hate her."

"Anakin, she's young. She's a great fighter, and people expect a lot of her. She has a lot of weight on her shoulders and she's confused. I'll bet if she feels anything it's abandoned."

I nodded slowly, before running towards her room. I opened the door and feared the worst when I saw her on the floor, curled up. I rushed over and dropped to one knee. She was only asleep. There was a small puddle of water near her, and her eyes were puffy. She'd been crying.

"Ahsoka." I said quietly, shaking her shoulder. "Snips wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and when she saw me, she averted her eyes.

"Hey Snips…How are you feeling?" I asked as she sat up.

She had guarded expression on her face. "Fine." was her simple answer. She stood up, went over to her bed, and curled up again. I placed a hand gently on the side of her head. "Ahsoka. We need to talk."

Fear radiated from her and I knew what she was thinking. She thought I would send her back. "Ahsoka something's wrong. I know you think I hate you but-" I stopped. She wasn't looking. I put two fingers under her chin and made her look at me. "Hey look at me. There is NOTHING you can do that will ever make me hate you, understand? You may drive me crazy but I will never hate you."

She looked down, almost pondering something. My COM link went off and I pressed the button.


"Anakin." Obi-wan said. "The Council has a mission for you."

"I'm on my way."

I looked down at Ahsoka who had curled into herself and was laying back down. I put a hand on her shoulder for a moment before leaving.


When he asked me how I was feeling, I wanted nothing more than to break down crying, telling him everything. I wanted to sit there and not be judged as he held me and comforted me. But instead I just said, "Fine." I thought maybe he had forgiven me a little. Then the lies came.

He said he'd never hate me, no matter what I did. LIE. I could feel the hatred rolling off of him in waves. I didn't need to ask why he was mad to know it was because of my failure. My heart screamed to tell him to tell me the truth, but I didn't want to hear. He could tell me he didn't hate me…but I hated myself enough for the both of us.

It was my fault that our men were killed, and it was my fault that Dooku got away… My stomach growled loudly and I slowly stood and made my way for the Mess. When I entered everything got quiet. The clones stared at me as I got my food and sat down in front of Rex.

"Hey Rex." I said hopefully.

"Hey Kid." he said flatly.

"How-How you doin'?"

"Better than some of my brothers."

I screwed my eyes shut and turned my head away.

"Sorry Kid…I didn't mean-"

"I know what you meant." I snapped back and stood, hurriedly leaving.

I had tears streaming down my face as I barreled through the halls, nearly colliding with Obi-wan and Mace Windu. I came to a screeching halt in front of them as they stared down at me. I felt trapped. I ran in between them, trying to escape, but Obi-wan caught my arm.

"Let me go Master." I demanded, tugging away, but he wouldn't go. "I said LET GO!"

"Ahsoka tell me what's wrong?" He pulled me in front of him and crouched down so he was eye level with me.

"I thought you knew? You ARE, after all, the one who had to tell Master Skywalker to talk to me. He wouldn't do it on his own free will. He HATES me because I was so stupid! They all died because of me!" I yelled, tears stinging my eyes.

"Ahsoka he doesn't hate you." he tried to tell me, shaking me a little. "Listen to me."

"No! Stop feeding me lies. I just want to be alone."

I tore out of his grasp and ran as fast as I could. It wasn't long before I realized I was heading towards a large window. I threw myself out of it and clambered onto the roof. No one would know I was there. I sat watching the sky.

Wow…This bad boy was sposed to be a one-shot but I started to get WAY longer than I anticipated. Please R&R