A/N: Sorry for the wait. This was sitting on my computer for the longest time, and I finally was able to finish today. I hope you enjoy.
If someone had told Ginevra Weasley in first year that she would end up marrying Harry Potter, she would have fainted. Or screamed. Or any combination of the two.
Because she loved him. She'd loved him ever since her mother had introduced him in a bedtime story. She'd hung on her mum's every word, drinking in the story of the heroic wizard who had saved the world at the ripe old age of infancy. She'd vowed to marry him that first night. Her brothers had laughed at her for it, but she just bit her tongue. It would happen. She knew it.
Her belief only cemented itself when she first saw him. There was something about the lost, skinny boy who'd stopped her family. He seemed familiar to her, though she'd never laid eyes on him before in her life.
Although maybe she added that feeling after learning that he was really Harry Potter.
She begged her mum to let her meet him. Here was her chance to see, really see, the hero she'd heard so much about! But she was too young, and she would have to wait another year.
Imagine her surprise one summer morning when she descended the stairs to find him sitting at her dining room table. Instead of being charming and funny, like she'd always imagined, her eyes had become the size of dinner plates, and her face turned a shade of bright red that clashed horribly with her hair. She ran upstairs immediately and spent the rest of the day in her room beating herself up about it.
She knew she'd be taking hell about it from her brothers for years.
So she spent the rest of the summer avoiding him. The less contact she had with him, the less possibility of embarrassment.
So she kept her head down at Hogwarts and stayed away. It was easy, considering she was a year younger. She began to grow bored with her classes and work, and she didn't really have anyone to talk to.
Then she discovered Tom.
She'd discovered the diary a week into class, but set it aside. She wasn't one to write in journals. She'd soon grow bored, or would go back and tear out pages she thought sounded annoying.
But one day when she was particularly lonely, she saw the book lying near the bottom of her trunk. She hesitated, then pulled it out. She flipped to a random page and started to write.
And the diary wrote back.
Tom was everything she needed. He gave her advice, calm words to soothe her, and someone to tell everything to. She drew herself away from everyone else and began to depend solely on him.
Them everything started to change.
She'd wake up standing in the middle of the hall with no idea how she got there. She'd check the time to find hours missing from her day. She'd find herself covered in blood and a gap in her memory. Her entries to Tom became more and more frantic. His responses became more and more vague. So she threw him away.
She tried to focus on other things to keep her thoughts away from Tom. She thought of Harry again. In a hurried burst of inspiration, she penned a valentine to him. She never intended to deliver it. The day before, though, she realized that she didn't want to be someone who only ever wrote in a diary and didn't act on anything. In a rare surge of courage, she turned the valentine in.
To her horror, it was delivered in her presence.
She cringed at every word and attempted to edge away from the crowd. Before she could leave, though, she saw something that made her freeze in a panic.
Harry Potter was in possession of her diary. A diary filled to the brim with her secrets and fears, and quite a few entries that contained his name.
She had to get it back.
It barely stung when Malfoy called her out on the valentine. She didn't even see Harry's face when he turned to look at her. She was already running away.
She snuck into his dorm and tore it apart, frantically searching for it. She nearly ripped the diary as she flipped through it.
It was blank.
She let out a sigh of relief. Tom had hidden her words from him. She decided it was best to keep Tom with her, even if she didn't completely trust him.
With his return came more blackouts. She lived in terror, wondering if there was something inside her being released. Was she responsible for the attacks? People were petrified left and right, and there wasn't anything she could do.
Or was there? Harry was being blamed for her possible actions, and he'd already stopped You-Know-Who twice. If anyone was to be told about what was going on, it was him.
So she braced herself and sat next to them one day. She desperately tried to string together what had happened in a way that didn't sound mental. She opened her mouth to begin when Percy barged in and shooed her away.
That was one of the last things she remembered.
She woke up in the Chamber of Secrets. There was a boy there, standing over her body.
"Who are you?"
"You should know me by now, Ginny."
"Tom?" He nodded. "What are you doing?"
"I'm draining the life from you. In a few hours, you'll be dead and I will rise to power."
Her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.
When she awoke a second time, Harry was sitting in front of her. She scanned the Chamber, taking in the basilisk and the diary, and finally Harry, who was covered in ink and blood. Harry, who had come to save her.
She broke down in tears. In between sobs she told him what had been happening all year. A part of her was horrified that she was acting hysterical in front of him, but the rest of her didn't really care.
He'd saved her.
If someone had told Ginevra Weasley in third year that she would end up marrying Harry Potter, she would have pretended not to care.
Because she didn't. She wasn't the timid little girl who could barely talk to him anymore. She was becoming her own person. She made friends, did well in school, even played Quidditch. This last one was not to try and impress Harry, the best Quidditch player the school had seen in years. No, the Quidditch she did on her own. This branching out came after a little advice from Hermione.
"Do you still fancy Harry?" she'd asked suddenly.
Ginny's blush had answered for her.
"I think you should start finding out who you are as a person. Then I think he might notice you. At the very least," she added. "You'll have more fun."
And she did. She found her thoughts drifting to Harry less and less often. She even accepted an invitation to the Yule Ball from Neville…
…Which she soon came to regret. Harry, who had not yet managed to find a date, asked her. For a fraction of a second she considered accepting, then lying to Neville about why she couldn't go with him. But she knew that she could never do that, so she turned Harry down.
She spent the rest of the day in a cranky, depressed state.
Although, boys liked girls who played hard to get.
If someone had told Ginevra Weasley in fourth year that she would end up marrying Harry Potter, she would have scoffed.
Because how could he marry her if he only had eyes for Cho?
Cho wasn't even that pretty. Or smart. She wasn't very good at defensive magic. She was probably only in the DA for Harry.
But Ginny wasn't the girl she was four years ago. And she was going to make sure Harry knew that, dammit.
She dated other blokes. None of them were Harry, and she was reminded of this every time she laid eyes on whoever she was with. But she was determined to have fun and gain experience. She was going to distance herself, so Harry might have the chance to see her as someone other than his best friend's little sister.
She worked hard. She practiced outside of the DA when she could. She wanted to show Harry, and not only Harry, that she was someone to be feared. She wanted her brothers to know that she was not someone to take lightly.
When the time came to help Harry save Sirius, she jumped at it. It was almost fun, casting that Bat Bogey Hex at Malfoy.
…Alright, so it was fun.
She was sure that Harry saw her in a different light that year. She thought he knew that she was a girl who could protect herself.
But he told her to stay at Hogwarts while he went to save the world. She put down her foot and refused. He wasn't going to get himself killed because he was trying to protect her. She didn't need protection, dammit.
It was exhilarating, fighting for her life. The adrenaline pushed aside any doubt and cleared her senses. She knew exactly what needed doing. She'd never felt this clarity before. It made the broken ankle very worth it.
As did knowing that Harry saw her as a force to be reckoned with.
If someone had told Ginevra Weasley in fifth year that she would end up marrying Harry Potter, she would have tried (and failed) to hide a smile.
Because, really, she shouldn't be thinking something like that when she was dating someone else. Dean was a nice bloke. He treated her well and was a pretty good kisser. She knew she should be perfectly happy with him, but there was one thing that would always be missing.
Dean wasn't Harry.
She tried to forget this. She tried to push him out of her mind and be happy when she was with Dean. And sometimes, it worked. But lying on her bed in her dormitory, late at night, well…the topic inevitably came up.
She didn't want it to. She was sick and tired of pining after a bloke who saw her as nothing more than his best friend's sister. But she couldn't help it. So she just ignored what she felt and hoped it went away.
Then came the episode in the alcove.
Dean had pulled her aside in the hall for a quick snog after particularly bad Quidditch practice one day. She had allowed him to led her behind the tapestry and had settled into his arms comfortably.
That is, until her brother and the bloke she fancied burst into the passageway.
She knew Ron wouldn't be happy. Predictably, he'd exploded, calling her names and reprimanding her (as if he had any right to be doing so). Bu Harry…his expression had been unexpected.
She'd seen the shock and disbelief. That hadn't surprised her. But there was a look of intense dislike that had appeared on his face. She didn't know what to think of it. Had it been aimed at her? Did he agree with every word her brother was saying?
That expression occupied her thoughts for weeks.
A silly part of her hoped that the look had been for Dean. Harry had definitely been acting cooler toward his year mate. But then, that might have been her imagination.
He certainly had been acting cooler towards her. She tried to hug him after one Quidditch match, but he'd released her quickly. Did he think lesser of her since he'd caught her snogging with Dean?
She pretended like nothing had happened, and he didn't say anything. Still, her thoughts were once again consumed by Harry, and her relationship suffered for it. She noticed everything Dean did that she disliked. He tried to help her with the simplest things, and her independence chafed at it. She wasn't happy.
Dean noticed her distance, and tried to keep a firmer grasp on their dying relationship. She finally had to call it off.
She felt much freer after the end of that relationship, but she also felt lost. What was she supposed to do now?
She found her answer after the Quidditch House cup. She hadn't meant to rush up to Harry when he stepped through the portrait hole. But the rush of adrenaline from the game was still lingering in her system. She felt bold. She felt invincible.
As she stood in front of him, staring right into his eyes, she saw it. She knew his look. It'd been jealousy. Because he'd wanted to kiss her that night.
And if her instincts were correct, he was going to right now.
She wasn't sure who moved first. Was it her, with her Quidditch boldness and newfound freedom? Or him, with his jealousy and perfect opportunity?
It didn't matter, in the end.
What mattered was that their lips met and everything fell perfectly into place.
If someone had told Ginevra Weasley in sixth year that she would end up marrying Harry Potter, she would have laughed.
Not out of derision, or genuine humor. No, she would have laughed out of sheer joy. Because that meant he was coming home to her. He was alive, and he was going to find her.
She hated living like this. Going through each day wondering where he was, if he was all right, if every student in Hogwarts would be called into the Great Hall to hear an announcement that Harry Potter was dead. Her nerves were shot, but she wouldn't let anyone know. You couldn't show weakness at Hogwarts. The Carrows were like vultures, feeding on any scrap of panic they could induce. No, she held her head high. She followed Neville as he resurrected and led the new DA. Underneath her worry and anxiety was an undercurrent of anger and rebellion. It was who she was. She couldn't lie down and spend her days worrying. She had the power to do something…so she did it.
But then her parents were forced to go into hiding, and she didn't even have the DA to distract her from her fears. She tried to busy herself at Aunt Muriel's house, but there was only so much to be dome. Most of her days were spent holed up in her room, staring at the window. She chafed at her inability to help. She wanted to do something.
So when the call came out that something was happening at Hogwarts, when her fake Galleon started burning in her hand, she wouldn't take no for an answer. She forced her brothers to take her along to Hogsmeade and through the portrait hole. She stumbled a little as she emerged, but then she looked up and he was there. He was standing right in front of her, looking shaggy and unkempt, but he was still Harry. Her Harry. She wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms and never leave his side, but she knew that now was not the time. They would have time later. She pushed aside any errant thoughts that suggested otherwise. She was here, and she could fight.
But she was underage, and her mother refused to let her fight. She screamed, she pleaded, she did everything. But her stubbornness had come from the woman opposing her, and she wouldn't back down. She was left behind again while everyone she loved was out fighting for their lives. It wasn't fair.
So when Harry told her to clear out, she did so gladly. She wanted to stay with him, but she also knew that he wouldn't tell anyone what he needed to do. Instead, she turned and ran into the fray and toward their last chance at a peaceful future. She threw and dodged curses as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Time lost all meaning, and all she knew were colored flashes of light and the screams of battle. And then…it was all over. There was a break in the fighting. She almost dared to feel optimistic.
But she walked into the Great Hall and saw her brother lying on the floor, eyes closed in a way that would suggest sleep. Except Fred never looked that pale, and there was only one reason someone would look that way here. Her brother was dead. And everything she knew fell away and she was lost in an ocean of grief. Nothing else mattered in this world. How could it, when Fred was lost forever? She would never see him smile, never hear that infectious laugh, never receive a warm hug from him again.
Her grief soon dissolved into anger. This was Voldemort's fault. His actions had resulted in her brother's death. If Harry didn't kill him, she would. But then she took a look at all the students still straggling into the hall, and she pushed aside all her emotion. There were those that needed her help.
She found a small girl sitting on the steps outside. She crouched down and put an arm around her shoulders. She rubbed her arm gently and spoke to her softly. She told her everything would be al right, even though she knew that no matter how this turned out, that would never be true. She felt a strange prickling on the back of her neck, and turned around. No one was there, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. So she turned back to the girl and led her inside the Hall.
She was beginning to feel a little better. Harry could beat him. He'd done it before; she knew he could do it again.
But they were called outside with the approach of the Death Eaters. She could see Hagrid carrying a small lump in his arms, and while her brain knew exactly who it was, her heart refused to listen. But he was dumped onto the ground, and Voldemort's words confirmed it. The man she loved was dead. It took all of her father's strength to keep her from running to his side. She was once again lost in grief. She wanted nothing more than the deaths of every person in front of her. She wanted justice. She wanted vengeance.
But most of all, she wanted him back. She wanted Harry.
It seemed that everyone around her felt the same. They rebelled, they broke Voldemort's magic. Even Neville, whom no one expected much of years before. He pulled the sword of Gryffindor and slew Voldemort's snake. And with that, the greatest symbol of Voldemort himself was slain, and all hell broke loose.
Ginny went straight for Bellatrix. She was no fool to go straight for Voldemort (well, that and three teachers were already battling him). But she would satisfy herself with his second-in-command.
It was the hardest duel she'd ever fought. She knew she was outmatched. She didn't care. If she was defeated…well, at least she'd be seeing Fred and Harry again. She almost joined them, too, as a bolt of green light passed close enough to ruffle her hair.
She felt a jolt as her mother pushed her aside. "Not my daughter, you bitch!" she cried, and the duel resumed. Ginny watched in amazement as her mother dueled at a skill equal to Bellatrix. Then, a curse broke through her defense, and Bellatrix toppled to the floor, dead.
She felt triumph rise in her throat, and she turned to find another opponent. But what she found amazed her.
A giant shield charm appeared from nowhere, cutting Voldemort off from everyone else. And in that moment, Ginny witnessed a miracle.
Harry appeared from nowhere, very much alive.
And from then on, all she could hear was her pulse pounding in her ears and all she could feel was a wild joy. And when Voldemort fell to the floor, very much deceased, she was the first to move. She ran faster than she ever had in her life, and she threw her arms around Harry, determined to never, ever let go.
And she's remained by his side ever since.
A/N: Please review and tell me what you think!