Yup... this is the end...

thank you for dealing with this story~ i hope u guys really enjoyed it... it was fun writing it~

What if…?

Chapter 25 End


Gokudera sat on the green grass that was on top of Tsuna's grave, he smoked his cigarette and sighed.

Reborn who was looking at his student's grave had his fedora covering his eyes, the infant knew wishing for his no-good student was not going to bring him back.

"Reborn-san, Tsuna was the first person I opened up to right?" The parted haired male said once he looked up at the orange sky.

"Yeah, he was… Dame-Tsuna was also the first student I actually care for."

Dino who was crying in the corner looked up and glared at his tutor, 'Then you didn't care if I died? No wonder you tied me to dynamite and said it was 'training'"

'I never want to mentor another person.' The sun Arcobaleno closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.

Yamamoto was staring at his bat that was untouched for a few months. "You should take a break once in a while" The swordsman had the line repeating in his head, he slowly forgot how the voice of his boss sounded like.

"Hibari, the cloud guardian of the sky, and Tsuna, the Vongola Decimo… they were never this weak"

Everyone there snapped their heads to see the male who said those words.

It was a male, who had white hair and a purple tattoo under his eye. It was Byakuran.


Ryouhei got up and pointed at the spiky haired male. "WHAT ARE YOU EXTREMELY DOING HERE?"

"I'm just here to bring back Tsunayoshi~"

"NANI!" Reborn looked up, followed by other people.

"What do you mean?" Mukuro glared at his 'enemy' "What are you going to do to my Tsunayoshi?"

"Just use a way that the ancient people used in another parallel world." The male smiled and walked over to Tsuna's tombstone. "You guys better start digging him out."

"What about Hibari-san?" Chrome looked with hopeful eyes. "What about the cloud?" Her hair that was covering her eye danced in the wind.

"That birdie will be fine~ You won't have to dig him out~ I already helped him!" and so the tattooed male placed his right hand on the ground where Tsuna's body was buried. There was a wave of energy that past the family of Sawada Tsunayoshi.

"Start now~"

Then the spiky haired male disappeared, as if he appeared only to help the guardians of the great boss.


When Yamamoto and Gokudera lifted the cask unto the grass, the group heard a thumping noise in the ground, and that second Hibari came ripping the dirt apart.

"I am going to BITE YOU TO DEATH!" Hibari was covered in dirt, but that did not stop him from walking to where Tsuna was. The skylark broke the lid of the casket. "Wake up, before I bite you to death."

And the next thing you know, there were chocolate orbs that became visible.

"Welcome back, Tsuna, looks like you need more training~" Reborn smirked, secretly crying of joy.

"Oh Tsunayoshi-kun~ you still owe me a fight" Mukuro smiled at the brunette who was pushing himself up.


"Herbivore… fight me."

"Dame-Tsuna… you are no-good"


What if…? End




How was the end~ did u like it better?

The story would have ended differently if it ended at chapter 20... but it would not have been a good one though... even thought this ending sucks ... that one would be suckyer... suck-i-er... suck..er?

and i am honoured by the reviews i have recieved! i feel loved!

and yeah~ ahh i dont want to end this!

but ill be writing other stories... so... yeah... look at my profile for more info about things~~~