On My Own

"I think he's on the rooftop to the left." Tony fired off two shots; I tried to reach for my gun, but my hand was shaking…

I leaned against the car and tried again to draw my weapon, but I felt dizzy, couldn't focus.

"Thanks for the back-up McG- oh man, you're hit."

Tony's face was a blur as he knelt down beside me, I was happy to know he was okay, I knew he'd get help, I was pretty sure I needed help…

"Lie down Tim; I need to stop the bleeding."

We'd pulled up in the parking lot of Barstow Industries to interview their IT Director. I stepped out of the car and my arm exploded in pain, I never heard a thing but I saw the blood, felt the searing heat through my arm….even as I was stumbling for cover behind the car I knew I had been shot.

Tony was taking off his jacket, why would he do that? Then I knew, he lifted my arm and wrapped the jacket around the wound, I tried to make him stop…it hurt so bad…

"You're going to…ruin…jacket."

"Ya think? Anyhow, I figure it makes two of us; you're not going to be wearing yours again anytime soon. Just don't think it's a good idea to try getting the first aid kit from the trunk right now."

I cried out as he pulled the makeshift bandage tight.

"I know it hurts Tim, but it's the only way…I have to call for help, can you put your hand here, just for a minute?"

"I think so." He lifted my good arm and helped me lay my hand over the source of the pain…I could feel the warm blood under my hand, oozing through the layers of Tony's jacket. Should it still be bleeding? How would I know…never been shot before.

I could hear Tony talking to someone…couldn't make out the words, couldn't concentrate…

"Hey Tim! Open those eyes for me, EMTs are on the way. How are you doing?"

"Been better…can you see anything?"

Tony pressed down hard on the jacket and I gasped as a new wave of pain radiated through my arm. "No sign of the shooter; I should call Gibbs…I'll just put my phone on speaker."

I heard him lay the phone on the ground, then the brief dialling tone.


"Boss, we're at Barstow's – Tim's been shot, unknown assailant."

I couldn't help smiling as I heard the sound of squealing tyres; Gibbs was on the way.

"How bad?"

"Through and through, right arm, but there's a lot of blood...can't see the shooter; got a pretty good idea of his firing position."

"Is your position secure?"

"Yeah, there's only been one shot fired."

"So far Tony; maintain your position, we'll be with you in five."

I didn't know how long it took Gibbs to arrive...but I figured it wasn't long...Tony wouldn't let me close my eyes...if only he would let me sleep I'd feel better.

"EMTs should be here any minute Tim, do you hear me?"

"I hear...pretty tired Boss..."

"I know Tim, but no sleeping right now, you have to stay with us; Ziva."

Gibbs moved away and Ziva was there, she had a blanket, I wasn't cold...was I? Not sure...when I looked at my hand it was shaking...so maybe I did need the blanket.

"Here you go McGee, this will help."

"Thanks Ziva...never saw...gun...you would…"

"No she wouldn't Tim, I didn't see it either. Shot must have come from that direction Boss, high up from the angle of the wound."

"Tony, call Metro PD, have them get officers down here to keep people inside. Until we're sure the area is safe I don't want any moving targets out here."

"On it Boss."

The wailing of a siren getting closer drowned out Tony's voice, I hadn't even thought about the shooter choosing more targets...maybe he was waiting for people to take their lunch breaks, our arrival just gave him an early practice shot...

Ziva leaned over and I could see her face. "The EMTs are here, I will help Gibbs cover them so that they can get to you quickly."

I tried to smile, but suddenly I was really cold and my teeth were chattering...I couldn't keep track of time, but it seemed an age before a new face drifted into view.

"Hi there, my name is Greg, and my partner here is Tricia; can you tell me your name?"


"Okay Tim; we're going to start making you a little more comfortable, how does that sound?"


"First off I need to get a look at your arm."

I must have blacked out when Greg unwound Tony's jacket because I don't remember them putting an oxygen mask on my face...felt better...not much, but a little.

"Hey there Tim, you drifted off...good to have you back with us."


"I know Tim; we've got an IV set up and the pain meds will start working real soon, the oxygen should help, and we'll get you to the ER just as fast as we can, okay?"

"Sounds...good, tell Tony...sorry about...jacket."

I could hear Tony's voice, but it sounded far away.

"Not important Tim, gives me an excuse to go shopping."

Like he needed an excuse...the other paramedic…Tricia, she was saying something…must pay attention…

"Tim, we're going to lift you on to the gurney; you ready?"

"Sure." I felt their arms holding me steady…I think I cried out, maybe I wasn't ready, or the meds weren't working yet…

"Should he still be in pain?"

That was Gibbs…I'd forgotten he was here.

"Can't give him too high a dose until the docs have seen him Agent Gibbs. But they'll kick in any minute and take the edge off."

"That's good to know."

I could see Gibbs now…he was leaning over me.

"Tim, we have to stay here to process the scene, find out if the shooter's still around; I'll call Ducky and have him meet you at the hospital."

I gave him a shaky thumbs-up as the gurney was lifted into the ambulance.

"Don't think Abby won't find out about this, prepare yourself for a visit. I'll call by later." Tony…he always had to have the last word.

The door slammed shut and we started to move, slow at first, then picking up speed, I heard the sirens. Not long now, and I'd be getting the really good pain meds…

"ETA is ten minutes Tim, you're doing great."

Tricia was busy doing whatever it is the medics do to keep you comfortable on the drive to the hospital, I turned my head to look at my arm and I wished I hadn't…there was a dark red stain on the clean dressing. Tricia had noticed…

"Don't worry Tim, a quick surgery to tidy everything up and you'll be good as new."

"Sweet…" My voice sounded muffled and slurred even to me, but Tricia smiled, and I started to relax a little for the first time since I'd been hit…

"No you don't, come on Tim, open your eyes for me."

I'd done enough first aid classes to know that I shouldn't be sleeping, I'm a geek, I know the theory…but the reality, that was tough…all I wanted to do was close my eyes…let the pain fade away…

"Steady Greg!" Tricia's voice had an edge of panic…the ambulance literally screamed to a halt, I could hear the screech of brakes and tyres as Greg tried to keep the vehicle under some kind of control. Tricia stumbled a little, but she held her hand on my chest, making sure I didn't fall…

"Greg, are you okay?" Tricia called out to her partner, there was no answer and we heard the sound of breaking glass…was Greg hurt?

The door opened, he must be okay…but Tricia cried out. "Who are you? Get out!"

Then there was a small popping sound, and smoke, seemed to be a lot of smoke…Tricia fell to the floor, I could hear her coughing, then it was quiet…what was happening?

Another face was looking down at me…he reached out a hand and took hold of the IV tube, there was a syringe in his other hand…this was wrong…I tried to stop him…no strength...he leaned closer, and soon there was no pain…
