Warning: DantexNero with special focus on Triggered!DantexNero (as in boy-to-boy action, don't like then I suggest clicking either the back button or the close button of your explorer), SMUT in almost every chapter, misunderstanding, Nero talking his devil side, a bit of fluff and, well, the end...

Disclaimer: Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom while the demon featured in this chapter belongs to… I guess everyone…

Author's Notes (feel free to not read): Long chapter is long (11,000 words? And that's not counting the Replies to Review Corner). This may be my longest chapter for Devil May Cry AND for a smut chapter. Let's see if this can top everyone's favorite Chapter 6. –laughs-

NOTE: See previous notes…



4 Days After: Greatest Fear



When Nero came to, he was lying on a soft bed. A blanket covered him till his chin and a soft pillow was under his head. Realizing that he was naked underneath the blanket, Nero wrapped the blanket tighter around him and sighed. Something inside him wondered why it felt as if something was missing.

'You seriously don't remember?' He heard a voice ask inside his head. Nero opened his eyes and thought for a moment why there was a voice inside his head. The voice scoffed and commented sarcastically, 'You're really slow when you've just woken up. Hi. I'm your devil side. You might remember me as the dumbass who keeps on asking for sex. Oh. And maybe as the dumbass who tried to take over your body.'

"Oh." Nero rubbed his hair as it finally dawned to him who the voice was. Nero frowned as he asked, "Why did you try to take over me, anyway?"

'Hmmm...' For some reason, Nero started to imagine a mirror image of him crossing his arms as he thought. His devil side commented, 'It'll be more accurate if you imagine me as the blue thing behind you during your trigger.'

Nero blinked at the comment. An image of him rolling his eyes appeared in his mind before he heard the voice explain, 'Remember: thou art I, I art thou? I hear everything you think about. I feel everything you feel. I see everything you see. Do I have to continue or do you get my drift?'

"So you can hear my thought." Nero frowned and turned to his side, glancing at the digital clock that read 01:00 pm, as he asked, "Then why can't I hear yours?"

'Because I'm already saying them.' Nero imagined his devil side rolling his eyes once more before explaining, 'You think I'm talking but how can I talk when I don't have a mouth?'

"You don't?" Nero asked curiously.

'Don't try to imagine that.' His devil side warned before he continued, 'I'm a part of you. I don't have a body like you. Everything I sense and everything I feel comes from you. You hear me because I am a part of you. Just think of me like something in one of those mystery novels you read. You know? The one where the killer has a split personality who likes to talk to him inside his head, telling him why it's so fun to kill and all? Think of me like that... without the part where I can take over your body to kill people.'

Nero sat and mumbled, "You did try to take over my body once."

'I succeeded... for a while.' His devil side added with childish glee.

"Why did you try to take over anyway? I know Dante said-" Nero stopped and looked around. He finally remembered why he felt as if something was missing. Dante wasn't in the room.

'Finally! Took you long enough.' Noting that Nero was still looking around, he informed his human side, 'He left... like an hour ago or something.'

Nero stared at the door and wrapped the blanket around him as he asked, "How did you know?"

'I felt him leave the bed. Unlike you, I'm a light sleeper.' His devil side said smugly.

"But you're me. Shouldn't we be the same?" Nero asked out loud as he wrapped the blanket over his head. The room wasn't that cold but Nero felt the need to cover his body.

'You're the human half and I'm the devil half. We're opposing kinds tied together. In a sense, everything you lack, I give you. Everything I lack, you give me. I 'm the reason why your body has heightened senses. I'm a light sleeper so you can be a heavy sleeper.' It felt weird getting a lecture from his devil side. He was so used to hearing his devil side either act like a kid or act like a power hungry bastard. But still, Nero felt grateful for the pieces of information he was getting.

'That's because I realized that if we don't want a repeat on what happened four days ago, we have to communicate better.' His devil side explained and Nero wondered if his devil side was talking about the takeover part or the part where Nero could no longer hear him. Before he could ask, his devil side answered, 'The part where you could no longer hear me? It was fucking lonely. So just ask away and I'll try to answer your questions. But…'

Nero rolled his eyes and commented, "I knew that you would ask for something. What do you want in return?"

'You listen to me especially when it concerns beating demons up.' His devil side said and Nero nodded.

"Deal." Nero nodded as he thought that it wasn't a bad deal.

'Okay.' His devil side's tone became lighter and chirpier, reminding Nero of the time his devil side had started to become more vocal in Fortuna, as he said, 'Ask your questions.'

"What do you lack that I gave you?" Nero asked as he continued to stare at the door.

'A body. The ability to feel emotions such as love.' Nero's cheeks reddened at the word and his devil side chided, 'Seriously? You got embarrassed just by me saying that word?'

"Shut up! It's weird hearing it!" Nero shouted, resting his chin on his kneecaps. Nero continued to stare at the door as he asked, "Can't normal demons feel love? Weren't you a normal demon or devil before this?"

'You think I was some demon floating around and possessed you or something? Come on.' His devil side sighed before explaining, 'How many times must I tell you before your human mind can understand it? I am you. I'm not some demon with a corporal body that randomly picked you to possess. I've been with you for the day you were conceived.'

"You know my- I mean, our mother?" Nero asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

His devil side was silent for a moment before replying in a softer voice, 'No. I don't. While you were being conceived, I was too.'

"You've been with me from the beginning?" Nero asked, unsure what his devil side meant. Nero looked at his right arm as he asked, "Then why couldn't I hear you before my hand became like this?"

'I don't know. I've been talking to you your entire life but you never heard me before that day. Maybe he would know the answer? He seems to know a lot about us.' His devil side suggested.

Nero sighed and reluctantly got off the bed as he replied, "I guess it wouldn't hurt asking him."

Nero stood, the blanket still wrapped around him, and said, "Hey. You didn't answer two of my questions."

'What questions?' His devil side asked innocently, not remembering what questions he was suppose to answer.

"Can normal demons or devils feel love?" Nero asked the more recent of the two questions.

His devil side seemed to be silent and Nero imagined that he was thinking of an answer. After a moment, his devil side replied, 'Can't say about every demons or devils out there. All the demons we fought, I didn't feel like they know what love is at all. Those artificial demons that stuttering bastard made? Those things definitely didn't feel any emotions at all. They were tools. The flaming kitty though... maybe he did. The plant hag definitely loved her annoying brats. Am I missing any?"

"The glow-in-the-dark toad and Sparda." Nero replied as he sat on the edge of the bed.

'How the hell should I know if Sparda felt love?' His devil side whined and groaned as he continued, 'Glow-in-the-dark toad probably felt it. At least, his brothers seemed angry we did a number on Mr. Glow-in-the-dark. Sparda, I have no idea. If we believed the teachings of the Order then he probably did. I remembered we read in a book that Sparda cast off his demonic powers because he fell in love with a woman.'

"I seemed to remember that." Nero nodded. Although he tried to hide it from others, Nero enjoyed reading. Before Kyrie and Credo played with him, his only playmate had been the big library in the orphanage he had lived his early childhood in. Nero remembered the book his devil side was talking about because it was the first book about Sparda he ever read. Nero frowned as he commented, "But that was a picture book."

'Hey. It's hard to talk for a guy who's been dead thousands of years ago. Books rarely talked about the geezer's libido.' His devil side whined and said, 'Hell. There are even a lot of contradictories about him. Did he die? Did he just return to his world? Did he love a normal woman? Or was that woman a witch? Or did he father a child? Or was it two sons? Seriously, man, I don't know if Sparda felt love. But...'

Nero blinked at the slight hesitation in his devil side's tone. His devil side said quietly, 'He did fight for the human race. Maybe... he did?'

"For all of mankind?" Nero scoffed at the thought. He had seen the hypocrisy of men. All he had to do was point at Fortuna.

'Maybe not for every human out there but for someone…' His devil side suggested in a quiet voice, almost as if he knew what Sparda may have felt back then, 'Maybe that person was a witch. Maybe she wasn't even a she. Who knows? The point is that Sparda fought his own kind. He fought his brethren and his comrades. He fought his own lord. He left everything behind to be for that person.'

Nero frowned when he realized the implications his devil side was making. Nero stood once more and hissed, "I'm not Sparda."

'Of course not.' His devil side sarcastically commented, 'At least Sparda had the guts to say how he felt about his most important person.'

Nero rolled his eyes and walked towards his right where his bag was. With a frown, he countered, "We're not even sure if he did tell that person."

'Considering there's a lot of books which tells about Sparda fathering a child or two, I think the possibility that he did is high.' His devil side reasoned and Nero groaned, knowing he did not have a retort for that one. Nero remained quiet as he unzipped his bag and took out a towel, a pair of black boxers, a black buttoned jacket and a pair of jeans. As he zipped his bag, his devil side said, 'The shirt's under the bed.'

Nero frowned and lay on his stomach. He saw the white sleeveless shirt with a hood he had thrown yesterday under the bed. Nero reached for the shirt and managed to grab the hood part. He pulled the shirt towards him and got up. Nero inspected the shirt, deciding if he could still wear it. Nero nodded to himself and looked around. He wondered Dante's room had a bathroom. Seeing only one door, Nero decided that the bathroom was somewhere else. Nero hastily put on the clothes he was holding and placed the towel over his shoulder. As Nero walked towards the door, he asked, "What about my other question?"

'What was your other question again?' His devil side asked.

Nero stopped in front of the door and gripped the door knob as he asked seriously, "Why did you try to take over me?"

His devil side was silent and Nero didn't move. After a minute of Nero just standing in front of the door silently, his devil side finally replied in a hesitating yet serious tone, 'I... was addicted to that sword.'

Nero looked at his demonic arm where he kept the demonic katana. Nero remembered the name of the katana and asked, "Yamato?"

'That... thing... is dangerous. It feels so much like him. Whenever you trigger, it feels like being with him.' It took a moment for Nero to realize that the 'him' his devil side was talking about was Dante. He remained silent as his devil side continued, 'It feels like being one with him.'

Nero blinked and asked, "Are you saying..."

'Oh, come on. Do I have to spell everything to you?' His devil side asked in an annoyed tone. His devil side sighed and explained, 'Whenever you trigger with that thing, it feels like I'm getting fucked by someone who feels so much like him, 'kay?'

Nero blushed at his devil side's words and shouted, "You perverted sex-addict!"

'Oh, come on. It's not the feeling of being fucked. It's the feeling of being with him that's addicting. Of course, the real thing is so much better than a similar one.' His devil side clarified. There was a brief pause before his devil side mused, 'It felt more like a colder and uncaring version of him.'

It felt like Dante? Maybe it was because Yamato had belonged to Dante's brother.

'Who knows. If that's true then his brother must be one cold bastard.' His devil side commented on his thought in a disinterested tone before adding, 'It's not a good feeling though.'

Nero frowned as he asked, "Because it's colder?"

'Well, that too but I was talking about something else. It's because being addicted to that sword made me feel weaker than powerful. The idea of being dependent on that thing...' His devil side hissed, 'I hated it but I couldn't stop using it. That's why…'

'As much as possible, don't use that sword.' His devil side said and Nero noticed the hesitation in his devil side's voice. It was almost as if he didn't want to let go yet he knew he must let go. It was similar to someone trying to stop doing a destructive vise of his. His devil side added, 'Use it when there's no other choice but never before that.'

Nero nodded and said, "Fine. I'll try."

Nero finally opened the door and looked around. Seeing no one, he descended the stairs. He reached the office and found no one. On the table in front of the couch was a box of pizza with a note on top. Nero grabbed the note and read it.

Kid. I went on a mission. Wait for me to get back.

- Dante

P.S: You can eat the pizza BUT leave 3 pieces. If you don't, I'll kick your ass.

Nero frowned at the P.S and dropped the piece of paper on the table. Nero sat on the couch and dropped the towel next to him. Nero opened the box and grabbed a piece. The pizza was already cold but Nero ate one. He grimaced as he mumbled, "I'm not going to spend the rest of my life eating pizza."

Nero raised his legs and laid them on the table, mimicking Dante's position yesterday. He leaned back and ate the piece of pizza in his hand as he stared at the ceiling.

What should he do while waiting for the red-clad hunter to come back?

'Wait. We're waiting for him?' His devil side asked in a surprised tone.

"We're not?" Nero asked back as he licked the oil from his thumb.

'We can go and surprise him. Maybe beat the demon he's hunting before him.' His devil side suggested with glee as Nero took another piece of pizza from the box.

Even Nero couldn't help but like the suggestion. It would be priceless to see the older man's reaction if he did defeat the demon before Dante. Not to mention, it would show Dante that he wasn't some woman who would just wait for him with a smile.

'Is this one of those...' His devil side mimicked a woman's voice which actually reminded Nero of Kyrie as he ate the slice in his hand, 'Welcome back, dear. What would you like first? A bath? Dinner. Or maybe...'

'... me?' His devil side did a fake giggle and Nero choked slightly. Nero coughed and forced himself to gulp the food inside his mouth. His devil side said in a disapproving manner, 'That was disgusting. You should have just vomited.'

"That's disgusting." Nero replied as he took another bite.

'And that wasn't?' His devil side countered in a slightly annoyed tone.

Nero simply shrugged and commented on the more important topic, "Even if we were to go, there's no way to find out where Dante went."

'There has to be a way! Look around. Maybe there's a clue to where he went!' His devil side energetically said and Nero frowned.

"Can I take a shower first?" Nero asked as he finished the slice.

'I don't really mind. We smell like him.' His devil side commented happily.

Nero rolled his eyes and countered, "We haven't taken a bath for two days. We smell like sweat and-"

'Sex?' His devil side cut him off with a glee.

Nero hit his head with his demonic hand lightly as he asked, "Do you have to say it like that?"

'Shower can wait! Find something that will give us a hint on where he went!' His devil side commanded and began whining, 'Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!'

"Okay, okay, okay. Just shut up!" Nero shouted and his devil side stopped. Nero groaned and stood. He walked towards the office table and looked around. There were a few magazines lying on the table. Most of them were firearms magazines. There was one magazine with a naked woman lying on the bed. Her chest was covered by her long curly brown hair but the look she gave the camera was both mischievous and slutty. Nero frowned and he heard his devil side hiss, 'Rip it!'

"I can't rip it, you idiot. Dante might get angry." Nero countered but he knew he would have ripped it if he had been the Nero of eight days ago. Nero sighed at that thought and threw the magazine to the wall.

His devil side laughed and commented, 'What is this? Passive-aggressive anger management?'

Nero rolled his eyes and retorted, "I'm not angry."

His devil side snickered and said in a sing-song voice, 'Whatever you say, captain. Just remember. What I feel is just a mirror of what you feel.'

Nero didn't reply to that. What could he have said, anyway? He was irritated by the idea of Dante looking at a magazine like that. It was as if Dante was telling him and the entire world that what he wants is a woman. What about Nero then? He wasn't a woman. Does that mean-

His devil side groaned and whined, 'Come on! Can we not do our angst-filled monologue today?'

Nero sighed and apologized as he looked at all the things on the table, "Sorry. I didn't mean to."

'Of course you didn't.' His devil side said sarcastically before commenting, 'You know, you shouldn't even be having this episodes.'

'All you want is to be near him, right? It wouldn't matter if you're just a toy for him. Right?' His devil side asked in a sardonic manner.

Nero bit his bottom lip. He knew that his devil side was trying to get Nero to say how he truly felt out loud. It was only during the times Nero said those things out right that he would accept it. That's why Nero remained silent. His left hand touched a notepad. Nero grabbed it and looked at it closely. He could make out an imprint on the topmost paper and asked his devil side, "You think Dante wrote the address on the paper before this one?"

'If he did, can we read it?' His devil side asked back.

Nero looked back at the table and found what he was looking for in a cup. Nero grabbed the pencil and began filling the paper with the pencil's dark grey pigment. The imprint remained white and Nero could read the address. Nero ripped the piece of paper and said, "Shower first."

'Later. Come on! He might kill the demon before we get there.' His devil side whined.

Nero used his devil side's reasoning and countered, "And he may have already killed the demon as we speak. Either way, we won't know."

'That's why we have to go now!' His devil side whined once more.

Nero frowned and asked, "And how do we get there? We don't even know where this place is!"

'Taxi.' His devil side's answer was so logical that Nero couldn't believe he didn't think of it in the first place. His devil side snickered and said smugly, 'See? Everything you lack, I give you. When you're too busy being an angst-filled teenage boy, I'll be your awesome common sense.'

Nero frowned at his devil side's words and countered, "More like an obnoxious know-it-all."

His devil side laughed and Nero began to walk towards the stairs, planning to get his money from his bag. He just hoped that it would be enough. If the price of food was less than the price of a taxi ride then he was screwed.



The price of the taxi had taken more than half of the total amount Nero had. The taxi driver wasn't even kind to him, staring at him with distrusting eyes. But maybe it had something to do with Red Queen. He felt annoyed and he decided to glare at the house in front of him as he hissed, "If Dante isn't here. I'll kill you."

'Killing me would mean having to kill yourself.' His devil side reminded him and Nero growled in irritation.

"Then I won't talk to you for a week." Nero said instead and his devil side laughed.

'Oh come on. You think you can do that? You know I can be very obnoxious if I wanted to. Not to mention, I have to make up for those days you couldn't hear me.' His devil side said and chuckled.

Nero knew he lost this argument so he just glared at the house in front of him. The house was in ruins. What may have been the second floor seemed to have caved in and Nero could see what may have been the remains of a bedroom. Moss and vines covered the exterior, making it appear like a house made of plants. The main door was opened slightly and Nero walked towards it. He passed a rusted gate and pushed the gate open. The gate creaked before falling to the ground. Nero stared at the gate and said defensively, "Not my fault."

'Never said it was.' His devil side replied. Nero groaned and continued walking. When he reached the door, he frowned and hesitated. What if the door fall down as well if he even tried to push it gently?

His devil side sighed and asked, 'The real question is: do we care?'

Nero chuckled and shook his head as he smirked, "Yeah. I guess we don't."

Nero pushed the door opened and it creaked but didn't fall. Nero looked inside and looked around. There were cracks all over the floor and the remains of what may have been the pieces of furniture that adorned the first floor when it had been a more amicable form. Nero walked inside cautiously, his left hand already by Blue Rose. Nero looked around and saw that there was a staircase on his right but there was a gap by the upper part of the staircase. He could jump over the gap but Nero wondered if the staircase could hold his weight once he landed. On his left was another hallway. Nero took Blue Rose out and walked towards the hallway. He whispered, "You feel it, right?"

'It feels like him but…' His devil side seemed unsure and Nero shared his hesitation. Nero continued to walk and stopped on the first door he saw. The door was slightly opened and Nero pushed it with his demonic hand. The door creaked as it opened slowly and Nero aimed Blue Rose in front of him. The door led to a room that reminded Nero of a child's room. He walked inside cautiously, almost stepping a small headless doll. Nero saw a figure on his right corner and turned around, aiming Blue Rose at the figure. Nero recognized the figure and called out, "Dante?"


Dante turned around and said in his usual joking manner, "Hey, kid. I didn't expect you to find me here. Miss me already?"

Nero placed Blue Rose back to her holster and explained as he scratched his cheek with the point finger of his demonic arm, "Well. I was thinking of killing the demon before you and… Well…"

Nero couldn't find any other words to say since he was embarrassed that Dante had found him before he could defeat the demon. Dante chuckled and smirked as he said smugly, "So that I might praise you?"

Nero stared at Dante and asked with confusion in his eyes, "What?"

Dante shook his head and sighed. He smirked sarcastically at Nero and said, "Let me guess. You came here to try and beat this demon so I would praise you. Maybe even fall in love with you."

"That's not-"

"I'm flattered, kid. I truly am." Dante began to walk towards Nero as he continued, "But that's a stupid idea."

Nero backed away instinctively as Dante continued to walk towards him, a malicious smirk on his lips as he continued, "You think I didn't know, kid? You think I'm oblivious to your feelings? I knew. I always knew."

Nero couldn't move as Dante approached him. Dante placed his hand on Nero's chin and forced the younger man to look at him as he said maliciously, "Why do you think I keep you?"

"What are you-"

"Really? You can't understand it?" Dante sighed and leaned forward as he said, "You see, kid. I have needs."

Nero's eyes widened as he heard Dante's next words, "And you were my source for those needs."

Nero pushed Dante away and the older hunter laughed. He grinned maliciously at Nero and said in a mocking way, "Come on, kid. You didn't really think I'm in love with you, right?"

"Stop it…" Nero whispered as he backed away.

'Shut up.' His devil side hissed at Dante angrily.

Dante chuckled and shook his head as he said in an amused manner, "Oh, kid. You should have known better. Why would I love an annoying punk like you? You're a good find, kid. Willing, erotic and your ass is just-"

"Stop it!" Nero raised his left hand to punch Dante but Dante caught it effortlessly.

Dante grinned and asked with malicious amusement in his eyes, "Are you even trying, kid? Your punch was slow. There wasn't even any power in it."

Nero tried to get away from Dante but the older man gripped Nero's wrist tightly. Dante smirked at Nero and pulled him closer. Nero lost his balance and Dante caught him. With an evil smirk, he said as he forced Nero to look at him, "Let's get one thing straight, kid. You're mine. You belong to me."

Two days ago, Nero would have agreed wholeheartedly to that. Two days ago, Dante had said the same words. But now, he feared it. He feared the real meaning behind it. And Dante said the real meaning behind it with a malicious smirk, "You're my toy."

"I…" Nero's words were caught in his throat. His entire body felt weak and his eyes began to water.

'Don't listen! Don't fucking listen! He's-'

Nero felt Dante's lips on his own and Nero's eyes closed, submitting to the man in front of him. His kiss was different from all the other kisses he had received before. It was cold and uncaring. As if-

"Nero!" The loud sound of a gunshot caused Nero to back away. Nero's eyes widened as Dante fell, blood dripping from his temple as he fell to the floor on his side. Nero stepped forward to go towards Dante but stopped when a familiar voice ordered him, "Stay away from that bastard, Nero!"

Nero turned around and saw Dante walking towards him, his left hand aiming Ebony on the fallen figure. Nero couldn't understand it. There were two Dantes?

The Dante who was still standing walked towards him with narrowed eyes. He grabbed Nero by his left arm and forced the younger man behind him as he ordered, "Stay behind me."


The Dante currently on the floor laughed and got up. Nero's eyes widened when the one who rose wasn't Dante but Nero himself. But the Nero in front of them was bloodied. His clothes were drenched in blood and he laughed maniacally. He raised his bloodied hands and said gleefully, "Look, Dante. Look. I'm dead."

The bloodied younger hunter threw his head back as he laughed. Nero backed away and mumbled, "What the-"

Dante's grip on his arm tightened and the older man aimed Ebony towards the head of the laughing Nero in front of them. The bloodied Nero stopped laughing and looked at Dante with narrowed eyes. He stared at Dante angrily as he asked, "Are you going to kill me, Dante? Are you going to kill your precious Nero?"

"Shut up. You aren't Nero." Dante hissed back but his finger refused to push the trigger. He could already feel his power draining, an effect of the bloodied Nero in front of him.

"Of course not. I'm just another person to add to the people who died because of you." The bloodied Nero swayed as he tried to stand. He continued to stare at Dante with eyes filled with anger and madness as he continued, "Your mother, your brother, your friends who knew you as Tony and many more people who had the misfortune of knowing you! How many people would have to die because of you? I'm next, right?"

"Shut up." Dante hissed and Nero flinched as Dante's grip on his arm tightened.

"I'll die because of you. I'll die because of how you feel about me. I'll die because you lo-"

'Shut up!' A loud angry growl that could have only come from Dante caused Nero, who was still trying to regain his strength, to fall in surprise as the older man triggered. Ebony began to sing, hitting the bloodied Nero in all different places. The bloodied Nero continued to laugh maniacally as his entire body was ripped apart by bullet holes. The bloodied Nero fell on the floor once more, black blood oozing from his body.

"See? This is the future you accepted… son of Sparda…" The bloodied Nero continued to laugh as he turned to black ooze before disappearing entirely.

The triggered form of Dante turned to face Nero and Nero stared at the clear red eyes of the devil form he had been used to seeing. Nero opened his mouth to speak but didn't get a chance to when he was thrown to the wall next to the door. The wall collapsed against Nero's weight and he fell to the floor. Nero gasped when he felt a warm clawed hand around his neck, simply pinning him to the floor as another clawed hand pinned his left hand next to his head. Nero opened his eyes and stared at the demon on top of him. He tried to open his mouth once more but he stopped when he heard a demonic voice hiss, 'You let it kiss you.'

It took a moment for Nero to realize that it was Dante's voice. But his voice was more demonic and the lips of Dante's triggered form did not move. It reminded Nero of the times his devil side would speak to Dante. That's when Nero realized that he was hearing Dante's devil side. The older man's devil side sounded more aggressive, more… possessive. The hand that had been around his neck gripped Nero by the chin and he heard Dante's devil side hiss, 'Even when we told you that you belonged to us; even when we marked you. You still let it kiss you.'

"I didn't-"

'Shut up.' Dante's devil side ordered and a shiver ran pass Nero's spine. There was a dark feeling inside him that enjoyed the dominating tone of the demon on top of him. Dante's triggered form leaned forward and Nero heard the older man's devil side hiss, 'I have enough of his fear. I'll mark you permanently myself.'

"What are you- AH!" Nero's back arched as he felt fangs sink unto the nape of his neck, sinking deep enough to draw blood. One of Dante's clawed hands entwined with his demonic right arm and Nero's eyes widened as he felt something foreign creep to his Devil Bringer. His eyes began to turn red and Nero moaned as a foreign form of power began to course through his body. But it was gone soon afterwards. Dante's triggered form jumped away from Nero and he heard Dante's devil side growl angrily.

'I have enough of your hesitation and fear! Do not inter-' The voice of Dante's devil side disappeared in a flash, as if someone had turned off the power of a television set. Nero saw Dante returned to his human form, breathing heavily as he fell on his back. Nero placed his right hand on the nape of his neck, moaning as he applied pressure on his bleeding neck.

Nero sat up and crawled towards Dante, calling out cautiously, "Dante?"

"Sorry 'bout that, kid." Dante apologized tiredly as he sat as well. Nero stopped when he was next to Dante and looked at the older man. Dante smiled tiredly and placed his hand over Nero's right hand as he asked, "Is it still bleeding?"

Nero removed his hand from his neck and Dante saw the bite mark. It was deeper than the other bite marks he had made in the past and that made him frown. Dante placed his hand on the mark and gently traced the form. Nero shivered at the gentle touch and Dante said softly, "Well, I guess he accomplished his mission. That's never going to heal."

"Why not?" Nero asked. He had assumed the mark would heal like all the other wounds he had received before.

Dante smirked sardonically and said, "Because it's a mark. Think of it as a curse. That's accurate enough."

Dante got up and picked up Ebony from the other room. He looked at the area where the demon had been before disappearing for a moment before telling Nero, "Come on. My car is parked at the back."

Nero tiredly got up and followed Dante to the other end of the hallway. He touched his neck and called out, "Hey, Dante."

Dante didn't look back but replied, "Yeah?"

"Does this mean I'm really yours now?" Nero's question caused Dante to stop walking. Nero stopped as well and called out, "Dante?"

"No." Dante replied curtly before walking once more.

For some reason, that answer made Nero feel pain in his chest.


The way back to Devil May Cry was uncomfortable and filled with silence. Nero simply stared outside and held his neck with his demonic hand. When they finally reached the office, Nero asked, "What was that demon?"

"A boogeyman." Dante replied as he got out of the car. Nero got out as well and followed Dante inside.

As Nero closed the door behind him, he asked, "Those are real? I thought they were just stories to scare kids."

Dante smirked and turned to look at him as he explained, "Pretty sure that 'boogeyman' isn't their real name but that's the name people used for them. That thing was hiding on the second floor closet when I tried to kill it. But I missed my first shot and it ran away."

Nero dreaded the answer to his question but he asked anyway, "Because you saw that it was me?"

Dante's smirk dropped and he turned his back as he replied, "Yeah."

"It… Does it show us what we fear the most?" Nero asked for confirmation. That demon had transformed into Dante and acted like Nero was his personal toy. As much as Nero didn't want to admit it, everything that demon pretending to be Dante said was what he was frightened of most of all. The idea of being nothing more but Dante's personal toy… Nero was afraid of it.

"Yeah." Dante replied and he walked upstairs. He didn't bother looking back as he said, "I'm going to get some shut eye."

Nero could no longer see Dante but he heard a door open before closing. Nero sat on the floor and hugged his knees as he closed his eyes. He chuckled sardonically as he mumbled, "You're right. I am a liar."

His devil side remained silent but Nero knew he was there. Most probably, he was waiting for Nero to continue speaking. Nero rested his head on his kneecaps as he continued, "What I fear the most isn't him rejecting me. What I fear the most is the thought that he could never love me."

"I'm alright as long as I can be with him?" Nero chuckled but he could feel the pain in his chest twisting around, attempting to choke him. Nero tightened his embrace on his knees and said, "I don't want to be the character that goes 'I want my beloved to be happy'. Damn it. I want to be happy too!"

'Then tell him.' His devil side said in a serious tone.

Nero raised his head and asked, "What if he says no?"

'His devil side tried to mark you permanently. We only do that when we want to be together with another demon for the rest of our lives.'

Nero's smile curved into a sardonic smile as he commented, "But that doesn't mean love."

His devil side sighed in annoyance and replied, 'Okay. Let me use human words for you. Marking a demon means marriage.'

Nero shook his head as he replied stubbornly, "Still doesn't mean love."

'Damn it. You're really getting on my nerves. Now, I understand what his devil side must be feeling. Fine! I have enough of your hesitation and fear! DANTE!' Nero flinched at how loud his devil side had shouted Dante's name.

He heard a door open and Dante rushed towards him. Nero noticed that the older man was just wearing a pair of pants and he looked at the floor out of embarrassment. The older man stopped by the stairs and looked down at Nero as he asked in a slightly concerned voice, "What is it?"


'What do you feel about us?' His devil side loudly asked, making Nero's eyes widened.

He turned his head to the side and hissed, "You promise you won't tell him!"

'And I kept my promise. I didn't tell him how we feel. I'm asking him how he feels.' His devil side gave emphasis to the word 'we' and 'he'. Nero growled and glared at the floor.

"How I feel?" Dante's voice seemed distant, as if the older man was musing on the question. Nero turned his head to look back at the older hunter and Dante smirked as he asked, "Do you really want to know, kid?"

"Yes." Nero said as he stared at the older man.

"You might not like the answer." Dante warned in a joking manner which only caused Nero to feel both confusion and dread. He was confused if Dante was seriously about his warning or not and he dreaded the answer he might receive.

"Have you ever thought about why that demon turned into a dead version of you?" Dante asked seriously. Nero could no longer see even a hint of humor in Dante's eyes.

"Are you afraid of me dying?" Nero asked as he stared at Dante's ice colored eyes. The distance placed between them kept Nero from seeing the hint of sorrow in Dante's eyes. All he could see was an unreadable expression.

Dante shook his head and replied solemnly, "Not just dying. I was afraid of you dying because of me."

"Because of you?" Nero repeated, unsure what Dante was saying.

"My father is the one you guys consider as a god." Dante explained and Nero's eyes widened as he realized what Dante was saying.

"Your father is Sparda?" Nero asked for confirmation and Dante nodded. Nero had assumed Dante had Sparda's blood in him, since Sanctus had said it, but he never thought that the red-clad hunter was the son of the Dark Knight.

"Demons are after me because I am the son of the traitor Sparda. Everyone I care about would be put in danger. Especially you…" Dante whispered his last sentence so softly Nero wouldn't have caught it had he not have a heightened sense of hearing.

"Why?" Nero asked as he continued to stare at the older man on top of the stairs.

Dante leaned on the railings and replied, "Because I want… I want you."

"Why?" Nero repeated the question and Dante chuckled.

"I don't know. I seriously don't know why… Maybe because you and I are similar? Maybe because you're the first one I truly felt a connection with? Maybe because I've been alone for so long that I've decided I want you because I could?" Dante chuckled sardonically as he explained, "I seriously don't know, kid. All I know is that I want you."

Noticing that Nero was still waiting for a real answer, Dante sighed and smiled solemnly as he asked, "Hey, kid. If you ask a demon why he's a demon, what do you think that demon would say?"

Nero frowned at the question. He crossed his arms and replied in an unsure tone, "I'm a demon because… I was created a demon?"

Dante continued to smile at him solemnly as he said, "If I were to answer that, I would have answered: I'm a demon because I am."

"What?" Nero tilted his head in confusion.

Dante chuckled and backed away. He turned around and began to walk away from Nero as he said, "Let's leave this conversation at that. Your room is the one in front of my room. I'll bring your bag and case there."

Nero only stared at where Dante was leaning on, trying to understand what Dante was saying to him. What was the difference between their answers?

'Man. You can be dense when you want to.' His devil side berated.

Nero frowned and asked, "And you understand what he meant?"

'I want you because I just do.' His devil side pointed out and Nero looked at the floor.

"It's not-"

'Love? Come on. Do you expect him to say the word 'love'? Don't be stupid.' His devil side scolded and added, 'That's the limit of what we're gonna get as long as he doesn't know how we feel about him.'

Nero looked back at the top of the stairs. Could it be that Dante was actually avoiding the question the same as he was? If so…

'If Sparda could fight his own brethren for a woman he loved, we're not a coward to just keep quiet, right? Come on. For once, try acting like the 'you' from eight days ago and blindly attack!' His devil side hissed and Nero knew that he was right. They couldn't stay where they were right now. Not when he had already opened Pandora's box.

'Really? You're using metaphors and shit right now?' His devil side whined and Nero rolled his eyes.

"I'm trying to be serious here." Nero hissed at his devil side and his devil side groaned.

'And I'm trying to get the pace moving, dumbass! We've been staying in limbo for what? A day? It's driving me crazy. And don't tell me it hasn't been driving you crazy as well!'

Nero rolled his eyes once more and commented, "So you can use metaphors and I can't?"

'Are we really going to argue right now?' His devil side asked with annoyance.

"That's because you- Ah! I have no time for this shit!" Nero ruffled his hair with his left hand and ran up the stairs.

'Finally.' His devil side commented with a sigh.

"Shut up, okay? Let me do the talking." Nero hissed as he stopped in front of the door leading to Dante's room.

'As long as you don't mess up.' His devil side mumbled before becoming silent.

Nero shook his head and sighed. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He heard the bed creak then footsteps walking towards him. The door opened and Dante appeared on the other side of the door, one hand on the door knob while his other hand was resting on the frame of the door. Dante sighed and said tiredly, "Kid, the door behind you. All your stuff are-"

"I love you." Nero said it so bluntly that he even surprised himself. All traces of Dante being tired left the older man's face and Nero crouched as he covered his face with his hands. He shook his head and mumbled, "Shit. Damn it. Fuck. I said it! God damn it!"

Dante stared at the young man currently crouching in front of him and Nero continued, "Damn it! I wasn't supposed to just bluntly say it. Fuck! What was I thinking?"

"Kid…" Dante tried to get Nero's attention and Nero removed his hands from his face. Nero's entire face was red and Dante asked, "You okay?"

"No. I'm not okay!" Nero shouted and stood. He glared at Dante and shouted, "I haven't had a shower for two days now! My mind has been a mess since I fucking met you! My devil side is driving me crazy-"


"Shut up!" Nero shouted at the ceiling before turning his glare back to Dante as he continued, "I've been kissed by a demon who was telling me that you just think of me as your personal sex toy and I've been stuck on limbo just fucking deluding myself that I just want to be by your side but I don't. I fucking don't want to be like the characters from those fucking books I read where they just want their beloved to be happy. That sucks! That fucking sucks! I want to be happy! And it's your fault!"

"My fault?" Dante asked, trying to keep up with Nero's rant.

"I wasn't as happy as a fucking man in a cloud when you came. But ever since you came to my life, I wanted things I didn't think I could have! I'm happy with you and, sure, it was my devil side who asked but you fucking just gave me an explanation that wasn't really an answer and an answer that wasn't really that concrete!" Nero stopped to breathe before continuing, "So here I am pouring my heart out like a fucking girl in a cliché romantic novel and I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that you would say what I want you to say or am I going to beg you to say something you don't mean but I want an answer, Dante. I want a fucking answer of yes or no!"

Nero's voice became softer and hesitant as he asked, "Do you love me? Or do you want only my body?"

Dante stared at Nero for a moment before answering seriously, "Yes. No."

"What the hell! Pick one, damn it!" Nero shouted angrily.

"You asked two questions! I answered both of them!"

"You as-" Nero stopped his insult when he realized that he did, in fact, ask two questions. Then he realized Dante's answer. He looked at Dante and his cheeks reddened as he let out one syllable, "Oh."

Dante stared at Nero with a grin as he rubbed the back of his neck, "So…"

"So…" Nero shyly looked at his feet, unsure on what to say next.

Dante chuckled and shook his head as he commented, "Man, this is awkward."

"Yeah, it is." Nero nodded, scratching the side of his nose with his finger, as he mumbled, "I don't know what to say."

"We're on the same boat, kid." Dante chuckled.

"Does that mean we're… I mean… We're…" Nero couldn't find the correct words to say.

"I guess we are." Dante replied, grinning at Nero.

"Now what?" Nero asked and Dante grinned sheepishly at him.

"I… don't know." Dante replied and Nero chuckled.

'If I may suggest…' Nero's devil side started and Nero groaned.

"You're going to suggest us to fuck, aren't you?" Nero hissed which caused Dante to grin.

'To be fair, I was going to suggest we continue what his devil side started a while back.' His devil side said defensively.

"Oh. The permanent mark?" Nero turned towards Dante and saw the older man was frowning slightly. Nero tilted his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What my devil side was trying to do wasn't just marking you. It's a demonic ritual akin to marriage. If we continue, every demon will know you belong to me." Dante explained seriously.

"Would that also make you mine?" Nero asked and Dante chuckled as he shook his head.

"It doesn't work that way, kid. Demons live by the words 'the weak belong to the strong'." Dante noticed that Nero was glaring at him and he added, "I don't mean you're weak, ki- I mean, Nero. I just mean that I'm stronger than you. Mating usually occurs after a demon defeats the one he wishes to take as a mate. The ritual marked that start of their lives as mates."

"So if we do this, I become yours but you're not mine?" Nero asked with a frown.

Dante chuckled and said, "I already belong to you, Nero."

"Stop saying such romantic crap!" Nero punched Dante lightly on the shoulder and the older man chuckled at Nero's red face. Nero looked at the floor and said solemnly, "But you get to say that I belong to you to every demon out there."

"And it will put you in greater trouble." Dante said seriously. Nero looked back at Dante and the older man placed his hand on Nero's cheek. Dante stared at Nero softly as he said, "Every demon out there would be out for your blood because you're the mate of the remaining son of Sparda. You'll be in greater danger than before."

Nero stared at Dante for a moment before he said, "Do it."


"Mark me. Make me yours or whatever you want to call it. Do it." Nero said seriously and Dante frowned.

"Do you understand what you're saying, Nero?" Dante asked seriously and explained, "Demons will be after you-"

Nero rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "What else is new?"

Nero placed his left hand over the hand caressing his cheek and said, "All I have to do is kill every demon out for my blood, right? And since they're demons, they'll probably go…"

Nero mockingly said, "You belong to the son of Sparda! I shall kill you and make him suffer! Bwahahahaha."

Dante laughed at Nero's deadpan expression of an evil laugh. Nero grinned and continued, "Then as I'll reply to them: 'Get your facts straight, overgrown baby. He belongs to me!' then I'll beat the crap out of them."

"Overgrown baby?" Dante raised an eyebrow and Nero grinned sheepishly.

"I was thinking of an overgrown baby demon when I was saying the line." Nero explained and Dante chuckled.

"You seriously have thought of a line to say to demons already?" Dante asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unlike you, sometimes I like to prepare my snarky comebacks." Nero reasoned and Dante laughed.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to mark you so you can say to every demon that tries to kill you that I belong to you?" Dante asked with amusement in his tone.

Nero nodded with a grin before adding in a soft voice, "And… I want to be yours."


"I know. I know. It's cliché and it sounds like something a love-struck teenage girl would say but you made me this way."

"I made you a love-struck teenage girl?" Dante asked with a raised eyebrow and Nero chuckled.

"No, you ass." Nero hit Dante playfully on the shoulder with his demonic fist. They both chuckled for a moment before Nero said, "It means it's your responsibility to make me yours. Make it official, already. I mean… you do…"

Nero hesitated before asking, "… love me, right?"

Dante's eyes softened and he pulled Nero closer. He placed his lips on Nero's forehead and whispered, "I do. I love you, you damn punk."

Nero punched Dante on the shoulder once more and Dante chuckled. Nero closed his eyes and ordered, "Then mark me."

"Always so demanding." Dante chuckled once more before whispering, "But I love that about you."

"Stop saying that word. It's embarrassing." Nero mumbled as he leaned unto Dante.

Dante smiled and commented, "But you look so cute when you're embarrassed."

"You-" Nero raised his head to look at Dante but his words were cut off as Dante's lips descended upon his. Nero closed his eyes and leaned unto the older man's warmth. His kiss was gentler than all the other kisses he received from the older man and it made Nero shiver in anticipation. Dante wrapped his arms around Nero's waist and pulled the younger man inside the room. Their lips were still joined together, Dante's tongue exploring the insides of Nero's mouth when Dante turned them around. Dante kicked the door close before dropping on the bed with the younger man.

They finally parted and Dante caressed Nero's cheek as he said to the younger man under him, "We'll do it differently for today."

"Huh?" Nero was confused at what Dante was saying but Dante did not reply. He grabbed Nero's demonic arm and kissed the glowing skin gently. Nero blushed at the gentleness Dante was giving him and said, "Dante… you're making me uncomfortable."

"Why? Because I'm being gentle?" Dante grinned at the meek nod from the younger man. Dante chuckled and kissed Nero on the forehead. He whispered softly, "This is punishment for my devil side."

"I don't mind being handled…" Nero was embarrassed just saying the word but he continued, "… roughly…"

"It's not the roughness that made me tick." Dante explained as he pulled Nero's shirt up. Nero raised his arms so that Dante could take off his shirt and Dante threw the shirt to the floor. Dante mischievously grinned as he explained, "It's the fact he tried to take over my body."

Nero moaned as Dante kissed the nape of his neck softly. The older man's hands were usually rough but, at the moment, they were gentle as they caressed Nero's upper body. Dante licked the mark repeatedly, like a cat licking an injury, as his hands began unzipping Nero's pants. Nero wrapped his arms around the older man's neck, finding the gentle touches both embarrassing yet enjoyable. Dante trailed soft kisses on Nero's entire body and it made the younger man shudder. Dante raised Nero's lower body and took off the younger man's pants together with his boxers. He threw both of them to the floor as well and wrapped his arms around Nero's back, kissing the younger man gently on the lips once more. Nero wrapped his arms around Dante's neck tightly and reciprocated the kiss. He wrapped his legs around the older man's waist and Dante placed three of his fingers between their lips. Nero parted his lips and sucked on the fingers as Dante began kissing his left ear. Nero moaned at the action and eagerly coated Dante's fingers. After a few more licks, Dante began to remove his fingers from Nero's mouth. Nero took his tongue out and managed to lick the fingers one last time. Dante adjusted their position so that Nero's lower body was raised and he whispered, "This will be the last time I would have to prepare you."

"Huh? Ah!" Nero moaned as he felt a finger enter him. He raised his hips higher as the finger began moving in and out of him.

"After this ritual, your body would prepare itself whenever I arouse you." Dante explained as he inserted another finger inside Nero.

"What do you- Ah!" Nero's eyes widened when he felt another finger enter him. Three fingers were now inside him and Nero moaned as they began to prepare him, moving in and out of him.

"Better not to think of the logic behind it." Dante grinned as he teased, "You'll just get a headache."

"Ah!" Nero moaned loudly as Dante's fingers began moving faster. His demonic right hand began to claw at Dante's shoulder but Dante paid no attention to it, stretching Nero as he continued to trail soft kisses on the younger man's face.

Once he concluded Nero was prepared, Dante took his fingers out and grabbed Nero's wrists. He stared at the panting younger man under him and ordered, "Look at him, Nero."

Nero turned his dazed eyes to look at him and Dante smiled as he joked, "You better get used to seeing this face. You'll be seeing it for the rest of your life."

"Should I also be getting used to your unending talking?" Nero retorted tiredly. Dante chuckled and kissed Nero on the lips as he entwined both of their hands together. He entered Nero slowly, making the younger man let out a long moan. Nero gripped his hands tightly and hissed, "Move faster."

"Not yet." Dante hissed back, trying to control his desire to simply plunge inside the younger man like all the other times they have done it. Dante smiled and raised Nero's devil bringer to his lips. He kissed it gently and whispered, "Let me punish my devil side a bit more."

Dante began thrusting slowly and shallow. Nero whimpered at the movement and gripped Dante's hands tightly. His mouth was open as he continued to pant. Even the shallow slow thrusts Dante was doing only gave him pleasure. It was almost as if everything the older man did would give him pleasure. Dante stared at Nero as the younger man tried to keep his eyes open. He continued to breathe heavily and Dante could see a trail of saliva falling from the corner of Nero's mouth. Dante began to lose his composure as he continued to stare at the young man under him. Nero's eyes were filled with want and lust. He continued panting and tried moving his hips to make Dante's thrusts deeper.

"Damn." Dante could feel his devil side trying to rip from the cage he had placed it in. He smirked and said, "Guess this is my limit."

"Hu- AH!" Nero's eyes widened in surprise as Dante plunged him inside him in one single thrust. Nero's grip on Dante's hands tightened so much that his nails were drawing blood as Dante began moving faster and deeper.

"Ah! Ah! Fuck! Dante!" Nero could only manage to shout out as pleasure racked his entire body, driving him insane. Nero stared at Dante's eyes and saw red eyes staring back at him. Dante leaned forward and captured Nero into a demanding kiss. Nero reciprocated Dante's kiss and Dante began slamming into Nero in an inhumane speed. Nero felt as if his entire body would break at the way Dante was thrusting into him but he couldn't care. All that matters was the pleasure Dante was giving him.

Dante licked the nape of his neck before biting it hard. Nero moaned at the sudden pain but it slowly transformed into another source of pleasure as Dante continued his inhumane thrusts. Nero turned his head to the side and moaned Dante's name every time the older man slammed deep inside him, "Dante! Dante! Dante!"

Warmth began to engulf his demonic right arm and he noticed that the arm entwined with Nero's Devil Bringer was triggered. He could feel power transferring to his right arm towards his entire body. The power was familiar and warmer than the feeling of triggering whenever he used Yamato. Nero closed his eyes and moaned as he received pleasure from Dante's thrusts and the power surging all over his body. Nero tightened his hold on Dante's hands and tried to speak, "Dan! Te! Fuck! I'm- Ahh!"

Dante kissed Nero passionately on the lips and felt another source of warmth fill him. That was all Nero needed to come as well. Dante dropped on top of him, both of them panting heavily. Dante rolled to Nero's side, letting go of Nero's left hand. With Nero's right hand still entwined with Dante's left, Nero asked, "Is this forever?"

Dante chuckled and said in a joking manner, "Yeah. You're stuck with me, kid."

Nero chuckled as well and said, "Don't ruin the moment, jackass."

They both turned to look at one another and smiled. Dante grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around them. He pulled Nero to him and wrapped his free arm around Nero's shoulder. Nero frowned and said, "I haven't showered yet."

"So have I." Dante replied with a grin. He kissed Nero on the forehead and said, "Right now, I want to rest. We'll take a shower when we wake up. Together, if you want."

"Pervert." Nero mumbled and Dante laughed. Nero closed his eyes and leaned unto Dante. Tiredly, he called out, "Dante…"

"Hm?" Dante replied with his eyes closed as well.

"Good night." Nero whispered, waiting for the words he was so used to hearing for the past eight days and the words he would continue to hear every night after this.

"Good night… Nero."



Author's End Notes: The End. Yeah. Seriously.


Replies To Review Corner:

L. K. Heinrich: Wuah! Okay. First of all. Thank you for pointing out the errors for the previous chapter and it's never too late to point them out. The whole 'pot calling the kettle black'... I actually thought that it was 'back' ever since. -laughs sheepishly- Thanks for correcting me. Yeah. I also read that somewhere in the 'net. I think it was because his human half has a lower life-span than his devil side. -shrugs- Anyway. I also think Nero should be jealous over pizza... and strawberries. -laughs- I hope this last chapter managed to tie up all the loose ends. If there's something not clear or unanswered, please tell me and I'll see if I can answer them. Although Dante didn't find out why Nero's devil side wanted to kill Lady. -laughs- Nero falling asleep actually has different reasons for the chapters. Chapters 1-3, Nero fell asleep because he still wasn't use to the whole 'thing'. Chapter 4, Nero didn't fall asleep. The end of the chapter is parallel to the cutscene after you defeat Dante in the Order's HQ. Chapter 5 has no smut and it's just Nero musing over Dante's final words to him after every 'experience'. In Chapter 6, Nero was tired from traveling the entire day to get to Dante. Chapter 7 is actually Nero faking his sleeping so that Dante wouldn't question him. And Chapter 8 is more of trying to stay consistent to how every other chapters ends... or they're just tired from their marriage ritual. -grins- But, of course, Dante is good at blowing people's minds... sexual or not. -laughs-

SirenaLoreley: I'm happy that my updates had brought light in your moody life. And Nero being insecure is mainly because everything is moving too fast. It's only been eight days since his 'first' meeting with Dante after all. And yeah. The love bite was a dead give away but of what? That was Nero's main dilemma. What did Dante mean by saying he belonged to him? Was it as a toy? Or something more. That's what this last chapter was meant to answer. I hope it did. -grins-

HikariNoTenshi-San: Oh yes. Young Nero should be more honest about his love for Sir Dante. -laughs-

Nefarious Seraph 13: First of all, I have to apologize for the blunder in the previous chapter. Our connection had been acting up when I was writing the replies. It's possible that the 'save' containing my reply to your review wasn't saved. -bows lowly- I'm so sorry. I only saw it when I read your review. And I didn't reply to your pm because I was going to address you in this section anyway. It's okay pming me. If I feel that I need to answer, I will send a pm to you so feel free to pm me all you want (as long as it's not spam -grins-). A story that's written in Dante's POV is mostly probably going to be a side-story of Those Nights. The most insecure phase of a person is when a person is a teenager. Not to mention, Nero didn't really have a normal upbringing so he's bound to be insecure when it comes with relationships (Credo betrayed him even though Nero always considered him as a big brother, everyone in the city but Kyrie looks at him warily because no one knows who his parents are). Possessive Dante is always fun to write. That's why his devil side is so possessive. He's a manifestation of Dante's possessiveness -laughs-.

bitbyboth: I hope the depth of the previous chapter and this chapter wasn't too much though. -grins sheepishly- Nero's brash and the type to rush into things so I can imagine him continuing an argument (even if it's silly) mainly because he needed to have the final say. -laughs-

xXChantoXx: Thank you for enjoying the previous chapter even if it wasn't as smutty. And I agree. Our devil hunters are just so cute when they're jealous. -laughs- I like long stories too but I fear that I won't be able to finish a long story. I think it's better to be able to finish a story than to leave it unfinished. -glance on the unfinished stories- Yeah. Definitely. -smiles sheepishly-

bLOODmOON: Oh. I think Dante was having a hard time just keeping his devil side from attacking the poor woman. -laughs-

Doryan: Thank you for thinking the previous chapter was cute. -grins-

Lexleafia: I know what you mean. -nods- I always think that a smut-filled story will not have a good plot, mainly because the focus is smut. -grins- Thank you for thinking my writing is amazing and that I'm getting better as the story progressed. You'll probably see me in the DMC corner for a while since I still have an unfinished DMC story and another story about to be written since 'Those Nights' is finished although they won't be M-rated. -grins sheepishly- And thank you. -grabs a yaoi tissue box- I always have fun when writing. It's my alarm. Once I feel that it's no longer fun writing a piece of story, I know I'm no longer interested in the fandom. -grins sheepishly-

sphinx-69: I was laughing out loud too when I was writing their argument. It sounded so silly. -laughs- Well, I hope this chapter didn't make you feel bad. I mean... nobody died and... yeah... something bad happened to Nero but it all worked out in the end! -grins sheepishly-

ukenceto: That's true. -grins sheepishly- Although, in the anime, he was more possessive with his pizza but maybe it was because he was still grouchy (anime!Dante is usually grouchy). Who knows. Or maybe it was Trish who paid for that pizza so he didn't have a say on it. Or maybe he was just teasing Nero. -laughs- Well. Pick whatever reason you want. I just wanted Dante to annoy Nero a bit. -laughs-