Author's Note: Hey guys! I know that this is a short chapter since I unfortunately had forgotten the plot of the story. I was thinking of rereading this story all over again reread my drafts in my notebook. Also, I have been addicted with the Nurarihyon no Mago so my updates will be kind of slow today since I am now very inspired in updating my second fic. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Diclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Bleach. They belong to their respective authors. So don't sue me!

Chapter 5: The Start of the Problems

"Could someone please explain to me again as to why Ichigo-kun and Nel-chan here have to sleep in my room?" Kagome asked. "I can understand having Nel-chan sleep with me since she is little and can fit with me but where the heck will I put Ichigo in there?" Kagome half asked and half shouted.

"Oh come on Kagome." Mrs. Higurashi assured her daughter. "Didn't you remember that we had a special bed for Ichigo-kun here whenever he sleeps in your room? It's been a long time since you see each other. It's time that you catch up with each other. Yuzu-chan and Karin-chan will be spending some quality time with Souta-kun here. Also, Nel-chan doesn't want to be separated with Ichigo-kun here. Am I right Nel-chan?" Mrs. Higurashi said while smiling.

"She is rright. I is doesn't want to be separated from Itsygo. Please Kagumi let us sleep together in yur room. Nel pwomised that I is gonna bother you in there." Nel said giving a puppy-dog-eyes look that she learned from Rukia and was proven 100 percent effective.

Kagome sighed knowing already that she can't say no to the very cute Nel here. She was so cute that Kagome agreed immediately. No sane person can say no to that face after all.

Hearing her affirmation, Nel began bouncing everywhere. She did her victory dance courtesy of Rukia again. Ichigo could only stare at the scene before he hid the smirk that was forming on his mouth.

After many hours of chattering, they were about to go to their rooms as they became tired when Isshin stood up with a serious face. "Everyone listened up. I have a very sudden announcement to make. We will be going to Mt. Fuji for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. We will continue our family bonding in there at the nice cold snow of winter there."

A lot of people were agreeing at the statement while the children of the man ignored the fact that he was saying something good for a while. For them, it was like a miracle had happened. Everyone had all happy faces except for one.

"I'm sorry everyone, As much as I really want to come along there, I can't. I can't go with you tomorrow." Kagome said. Her family was throwing her knowing glances at her face. Everyone aside from them didn't notice the gesture except for one. Ichigo.

Isshin immediately shifted back to his overdramatic self as he desperately cried at Kagome's feet.

"Why! What is wrong with you Kagome-chan? Is my idea so stupid enough that you won't agree with me? I was thinking of this for so many days before our arrival here. Misaki, forgive me for being such a failure in making this family not happy with my plans." Isshin said in an overdramatic way.

Ichigo had a ticked in his mind already. 'Will you shut up idiot?' Ichigo thought in his mind. A migraine was already forming on his head already and he really didn't like it.

"No it's not like that Isshin ojii-san." Kagome said in a defensive matter. "You see, I have a very important project this weekend and I have to pass it next week. Also some of my friends will be arriving to help me with it." Kagome said lamely as she also tried to convince herself with the self-made project.

"Oh, that's too bad. I really wanted you to go with us." Isshin whined.

"Well, it can't be help. Let's just enjoy ourselves tomorrow then. We'll just take Kagome-chan with us next time then." Kagome's mother said.

"I'm really sorry about that. But, I promise that I will join you guys next time." Kagome said reassuringly while thanking her mom for backing her up. Although Kagome was glad that the Kurosaki's had been fooled by her project thus excusing herself from coming to the place, her mind was thinking of something else. 'If I get my hands on you Inuyasha, you are so dead! My only chance of having a vacation with those adorable twins and Nel-chan had be ruined all because of your stupid selfishness!"

"Oh well, I really don't want this, but this situation will leave me no choice. Ichigo! You will be staying here with Kagome. As a man, you must protect a woman especially if she is alone in a house." Isshin said making both Kagome and Ichigo widened their eyes.

"What! You just can't decide like that oyaji!" Ichigo said in a threatening manner.

"I decide on what you do Ichigo since I'm your father. We just can't leave Kagome-chan here alone by herself so suck it up you stupid son of mine." Isshin said just as fiercely.

"Uhm, it's really fine. Really, I can take care of myself just fine." Kagome said not wanting to trouble her cousin already. Also, she couldn't take the chance that Inuyasha might come and the two might fight. Ichigo might be strong but Inuyasha is in an entirely different level than him. He would definitely crush Ichigo in one swipe. Oh, if only she knew just what Ichigo was capable of.

Ichigo sighed for what would be the umpteenth time. His father was correct. In this time, you can never be too sure that you might be attack when you are alone. Also, this might give him some time to investigate the strange reiatsu he just felt a while ago.

"The idiot is right, Kagome-chan. As much as I want to spend more time with the others, I really can't leave you alone in this place without someone to protect you. Anyway, I'm tired of going to one place to another. I'll just rest here for the remaining two weeks." Ichigo said nonchalantly.

"That's a waste Ichigo-niisan. Anyway, what about you Nel, are you coming as well?" Yuzu asked hoping for Nel to come with her.

"I is sori, Youzu. Nel wants to spend maaanyyy more time wit Itsygo 'ere." Nel said, making a contended face as she sit at the table.

Yuzu was a little sad at first, but she didn't dwell on it. After all, Nel made an impression theat said that wherever Ichigo go, she goes because it is more ffun with him.

Nel looked at Yuzu and was sad as well. "Don't woorrii,Youzu. Next time, Nel is comin' wit yu."

Yuzu perked at that and nodded happily. The others were continuing eating their food. Nel was imagining many ways to have fun with her beloved Itsygo and Kagumi. Kagome was nervous on what to do next week since Inuyasha might come in this time period and most of all, what would she do in that made up project? She was sure that Ichigo might become suspicious if she doesn't do that accursed project. She better call her classmate then.

Ichigo, on the other hand was thinking of the many ways to relax without the presence of any hollows that might be attacking him and his family and the most important of it all, he can get a whole two weeks of not being randomly attack by his idiot of a father next time. He can't wait for the trip tomorrow.

Oh yeah everyone. Here is the promised Omake that I was talking to you about. This take place before the Kurosaki's had gone to the Higurashi's.

Omake 1:

A captain's meeting was now taking place. Everyone was present at the moment even though some of them were looking annoyed. They were enveloped with an uncomfortable silence and everyone was tense. They were after all about to discuss about the fate of a certain green haired former espada that had been given them hell on her first day here on Sereitei.

"I can't stand this anymore Soutaicho!" The silence was broken by none other than Kurosutchi-taicho himself. "A lot of my facilities have been destroyed and I will not tolerate to have more to be eradicated just because of her."

"Please calm down Kurosutchi-taicho." The Soutaicho said trying to assure the deranged scientist. "I understand your complaint against the former espada Nel Odelshvanck but we can't just send her away without any reason or anyone who will accompany her."

"Nel had already destroyed 20 buildings than us already. It's a brand new record." Kyoraki said with amusement in his voice.

"It sure is." Unahana said.

"We need to do something before Soul Society will crumble to dust!" Soi Fon said.

"Hmm…so does anyone had any ideas on how to deal with this?" the Soutaicho asked. His voice was very strict and stoic but deep inside, he was hoping for anybody to have some ideas to get that crazy green haired former espada out of his place.

"I think I may have some." Hitsugaya said. His sudden statement had others gained attention to him.

The Soutaicho raised a brow. "Care to tell us your plan Hitsugaya-taicho?" He said with hope in his voice.

"I had heard that the deputy soul reaper, Kurosaki Ichigo will have a family vacation next month. They will be staying there for a whole month. I thought that maybe we could have Nel tag along with him. With Ichigo there, he can control the espada so we need not worry about her..for a while." Hitsugaya said while keeping a stoic face.

The soutaicho looked at the white haired lad. An amused smile was shown on his face. "This may actually work Hitsugaya-taicho."

"It will work Soutaicho" Hitsugaya said as he bowed politely. He then smirked evilly after that though nobody had noticed it.

The other had thought about the juubantai taicho's. They weigh the pros and the cons in the ideas though after some seconds they had reached the decision that it will actually work.

The Soutaicho looked at everyone and smirked evilly. He'll do anything to get rid of that accursed former espada especially after she 'accidentally' ceroed his office.

"So here's the plan.."

As Toshiro explained the details of the plan, they became somewhat happy. They were very excited about the plan and would do everything in their power to make it successful. Even if that former espada could be out of their sight for a short time, they will squint any peaceful time they had. Even though the others had taken a liking to the espada, they still had their own personal reasons to be annoyed at her

"Finally, Some peace and quiet.."the other taichos thought.

A/N: Finally! I'm done with this chapter. Hope you like this.