Nine lives is quickly becoming my favourite show atm, I do not own anything from the books of the TV show, though I wouldn't mind a piece of Benjamin Stone… I am a strong Chalek supporter and don't like Brian which is probably clear in this story. I think Chloe is mad for continuing to go back to Brian when she has Alek there. BUT I will stop ranting about how annoyed I get when Chloe chooses Brian because otherwise I will write waaay too much. Enjoy the first chapter!

They were gaining in speed and numbers; she couldn't run like this for much longer. Chloe was tired of running. But she was alone she had no choice but to keep going, to push through the exhaustion and keep going. Her night vision was helping but it could do nothing about her speed. They were closing in on her picking up their pace steadily as she became more and more fatigued. Chloe felt a strong hand grab her shoulder and pull her forcefully to the ground. As she was falling, she found herself able to think of only one person…Alek.

3hrs earlier

"So do you ever feel the need to go and kick some ass just for fun?" Chloe tried not to let her laughter escape as she folded clothes in the store she worked in. Paul was a little enthusiastic when it came to anything related to the Mai or their powers. She listened even more closely to hear Alek's reply which was bound to be somewhat sarcastic. "Did you seriously just ask me that? Why am I even talking to you?" Chloe snickered at his reply but kept her head down to avoid Paul and Alek knowing she was listening to them. Paul idolized Alek; he was everything Paul wanted to be and more. Alek seemed to find Paul more annoying than anything else but Chloe knew better. She suspected Alek liked Paul more than he let on. Chloe saw her best friend Amy join the others at the table, Chloe looked at her watch to see that it was a few minutes before lock up time at the shop. Chloe was cleaning up when the door opened; she looked up to see Brian Rezza walking towards her.

"Brian, hey" Chloe said, surprised. She hadn't seen or spoken to Brian since she had told him they could no longer see each other. Chloe had thought she had loved him but the time apart had cleared her head, a kiss from a Mai would be fatal to a human and she wasn't willing to risk anything. But that wasn't all that was stopping her from being with Brian, a nagging voice in the back of her mind reminded her. There was also Alek. He was sarcastic and cocky 99% of the time but there was no denying that he would do anything for her, and he could be so sweet when he let his guard down. The only problem was he didn't like feeling so vulnerable even with Chloe so she rarely saw his other side. "Hi Chloe, it's good to see you." Mumbled Brian, not meeting her eyes as he spoke. He still looked wounded by her sudden change of attitude that had prompted them to stop speaking, Chloe felt bad for him but it was for the best even if he didn't know it. Chloe could almost feel Alek listening to their conversation; she didn't even need to look at him to know he was listening. "Look Brian, I'm sorry for the way I left things. You have to know I really didn't mean to hurt you but there was no other way, I know you don't understand but I really wish we could move past this and be friends." She suggested tentatively, unsure how he would take the suggestion but hoping he would agree. She really did like him.

Unfortunately Brian was not pleased with her apology, he straightened his shoulders and drew himself up to his full height. He glared down at her and then turned and smashed the racks of clothing to his right. Chloe drew back, frightened. She knew she had no reason to feel so scared, she could overpower him easily. It was just so strange to see Brian acting this way, he was always so sweet and rarely got angry. This fury was so new to her and she didn't like it at all. Brian started coming towards her, his face red with uncontrollable anger. "Brian, don't do this. Please." She tried to reason with him but it was no use. Chloe felt a tear slide down her cheek but made no effort to wipe it away, she couldn't tear her eyes off this unfamiliar person making his way towards her, his hands curled into fists. In an instant, Alek was in front of Chloe shielding her from the blow that Brian was preparing to deliver. Alek stood tall and fearless, his blonde hair swept out of his eyes, which were blazing with fury. He was the very image of power, menacing but beautiful at the same time. Chloe was mesmerized looking at him until Amy grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the two fired up guys. Chloe thought Brian would back down once he saw Alek; instead he seemed to grow angrier if that was even possible. A flash of fear hit Chloe, Brian was so much bigger that Alek but Alek is Mai and a skilled fighter, she reminded herself. Still she didn't want to leave in case Alek was in danger.

Brian struck first punching Alek squarely in the jaw, Alek staggered backwards clutching his jaw in pain he swung at Brian, hitting him in the stomach. Brian retaliated hitting Alek. It was the same for a few minutes until it became clear that Alek was struggling and in obvious pain. Brian was taking the upper hand in the fight. Alek looked at Chloe and a flash of understanding hit her, it was all in his eyes. His eyes showed the unbearable pain he was in, but when he looked at her she saw desperation. Alek was begging for her forgiveness, he knew if the fight continued he would most likely die and he thought he was failing her. Chloe pulled her arm away from Amy, hearing her yelling for Chloe to stop and through herself in between Alek and Brian. Alek had just been dealt another punch and had fallen to the ground, he was calling out to her, begging her to leave, not to save him but to run. Chloe ignored him and looked Brian straight in the eyes, she tried to find the Brian she knew in them somewhere. After a few moments Brian's anger seemed to subside. Chloe spoke in a level voice to him "leave now Brian, walk out this door and don't stop walking until you are inside your house. I don't want to see you ever again and if you even come near any of my friends I will come after you myself. Understand?" Brian simply nodded and left.

Chloe knelt down beside Alek and brushed a strand of blonde hair away from his bruised and swollen face. Silently she helped him to his feet and supported him as they walked out of the store. She would come in early tomorrow morning and clean up the mess they had made before Lana came in. The walk back to Alek's apartment was quiet, but the quiet was not an uncomfortable silence Alek had said everything he needed to say when he looked at Chloe before Brian delivered his final punch. A worried Jasmin opened the door when they reached the apartment, she had already spoken to Amy and was ready to take control and look after Alek. It was only then that Chloe really began to comprehend everything that had happened that evening and she started to shake, only a little at first then more until she was shaking uncontrollable from the shock she was feeling. She didn't notice Alek standing and approaching her until his strong arms enveloped her and she was surrounded by his warmth. He sat down and pulled her against his chest, where she buried her head and sobbed. Alek just held her until her sobs subsided and she was breathing normally once more.

Chloe sat up and looked at Alek who was already looking much better, in fact he looked almost back to normal. There was concern on his face as he studied her so she smiled a small smile to ease his mind. "Thank you." Chloe said, she didn't need to say anything else because Alek already knew. She said goodbye to Jasmin who had just returned to the room after leaving to give Chloe and Alek some privacy. "Do you want me to come over tonight?" Alek asked her, as she was halfway out the door. "If you don't mind?" Chloe replied, she needed Alek more than ever tonight. He nodded, she knew he would be there simply because she needed him. The evening air was brisk as Chloe walked home, she had a long walk ahead of her to get to her house but she was hours before her mother expected her home so she there was no need to call Amy for a ride.

Chloe had been walking for close to fifteen minutes when she felt something was wrong, she looked behind her to see a shadow disappear behind a wall. She used her Mai hearing to listen closely as she walked and her night vision to look behind her every couple of seconds. After a few minutes Chloe heard footsteps, not one set but lots of footsteps. Her heart began to quicken and she looked behind her as saw not one but three men this time disappear into the shadows. She picked up the pace and set off at a brisk walk only to hear them speed up as well. It sounded as though there were even more men now, she broke into a jog and heard several sets of footsteps start to jog too. Now she was certain they were after her. She didn't wait around any longer, she began to run. Really run to get away from her pursuers who unfortunately could run just as fast if not faster.

They were gaining in speed and numbers; she couldn't run like this for much longer. Chloe was tired of running. But she was alone she had no choice but to keep going, to push through the exhaustion and keep going. Her night vision was helping but it could do nothing about her speed. They were closing in on her picking up their pace steadily as she became more and more fatigued. Chloe felt a strong hand grab her shoulder and pull her forcefully to the ground. As she was falling, she found herself able to think of only one person…Alek.

This is my first Nine Lives fanfic, but I absolutely adore the show. Skylar and Benjamin are the perfect Chloe and Alek, this show MUST get a season 2 because I will be so sad if it doesn't. Please review and let me know if I should keep going with this story. thanks guys! Nine lives season 2!