A/N: Sorry for such a late update!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

Turn Back the Hands of Time II

Jonathan reached out to take a sip from his glass of water and straightened himself back up as he made himself comfortable on the headboard of the bed with the pillow supporting his back. "There had to be an interest with the mind if Tetch was taking the same class as me, but I never asked him until I saw him…"

I looked over to Jonathan and waited for him to end his sentence as he seemed to hesitate. "Saw him do what?" I said as to help him continue.

"Saw him controlling some of the students with some sort of card. I didn't think much of it since the students would pick on him occasionally, but when he started asking them to jump off the building or ask them for their money—they would do it—after that, I guess it's only natural for someone to start getting suspicious of their roommate."

I nodded and wondered if Jonathan ever tried to stop him but I somehow knew that he wouldn't. If Jonathan was bad now then back then he would probably be worse. A lot worse. "You mention that the students were asked to jump of the buil—"

Jonathan scoffed and interrupted me. "It's not like some of the other students didn't try to stop them. Besides, I don't think anyone ever tried to tell someone about it. To them the students were nothing more than mindless fools."

The way Jonathan was talking about it with no hint of remorse really made me think that he really never cared about anything or anyone that was being mind controlled by Tetch. "Did Tetch ever try to control you?"

The room fell silent as Jonathan looked like he was trying to think back to that time. I saw him narrow his eyes and wondered if I stirred a bad memory. "Jonathan?"

"One time."

I was confused but also surprised that Jonathan was actually still talking even if I did hit a nerve. "What does that mean?"

Jonathan turned away from me and twirled his thumbs and started playing with the hem of the bed sheets. "It only took him one time for me to decide what I needed to do, but even then, I knew he wouldn't give up."

As I was walking by the court of the college, I could see that Jervis was being scolded by our professor. I couldn't actually hear what they were saying so I moved a bit closer and as I did, I hid behind the corner of the wall. Their voices became audible.

"Mr. Tetch, I find your essay quite troubling. I mean the way you described the aspects of mind control and how you convey the way you would find this interesting really sounded more of an obsession. I'm sorry but I can't accept your essay." The professor began walking away, leaving an angered Jervis behind.

Jervis scowled as he looked at the professor. "Oh, I don't think you will be thinking that for long." He walked up to the professor and took out a small card from his coat pocket and placed it on him. The professor suddenly stopped and Jervis walked in front of him with a fake smile placed on his face. "Professor, please make sure that you give Jervis Tetch the grade he deserves." He then reached out and took the card from him.

I saw how the professor snapped out of his trance and shook his head a couple of times. The thought of following Jervis crossed my mind but if he could do that to him, then he could possibly do it to me, as well.

Walking away, I head to the library. As I'm walking down rows of books, I look up to a familiar book and reach out for it. Looking the book over, I walk to a table and sit down so I could begin with my reading. After reading pages upon pages, I hadn't known that the library was due to close, nor did I notice a redheaded man walking up towards me.

Jervis eyed his roommate and let a smirk come across his lips as he saw the book he was reading. He didn't need to read the title of the book, he only needed to see the cover and the way the book was made, enough for him to notice what his beloved roommate had taken an interest in.

He stood behind the highly interested man who took in the words that he had memorized by heart. Jervis watched for some time until he placed his hand over Jonathan's shoulder and he instantly tensed up. "My, my, what have we here? I didn't know you also enjoyed a good book of my dearest Alice. Although, I do find it strange that a man like yourself would read a book like this with no purpose. Tell me, why would you take an interest now?"

Jonathan closed the book and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I don't see why I need to explain anything to you, unless you answer me a question."

Jervis's had an amused look on his face. "Oh, a quid pro quo?"

The bespectacled man gave a false smile. "Something like that, now, I want to know how you were able to manipulate the professor into giving in to your commands."

The redheaded man had a look of surprise cross his face but then it vanished as he smirked down at his eager roommate. "Certainly."

"After that he told me everything and how he was interested in mind control. I really didn't care since he was the only person who somewhat understood me. I felt like I had a real friend." Jonathan finished his sentence but never once looked at me.

"I assume you two were best friends."

Jonathan seemed like he was thinking this over and said, "Kind of. Like I said, he was the only one out of the entire student's that understood me."

I nodded and felt a pang of jealously strike me for a moment, then it disappeared but I could still tell that what I felt a moment ago was jealousy. I didn't know why but for some reason I wanted to go back out into the night and go look for that Wonderland-obsessed-freak. "You said he tried to use his device on you."

Jonathan remained quiet as he looked to be thinking whether he wanted to tell me or keep me in the dark about something so personal. He looked over to the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. "He had come up with a new type of control device that didn't need use of his cards. He needed to test it on someone… and…" he trailed off which was making me pissed off.

"And what?" Please continue.

He clenched the sheets in his hand and began once again. "And he tested it on me when I was sleeping."

My fists were clenched so hard that I heard my knuckles crack. "What type of device was it?"

Shaking his head, Jonathan looked back at me. "I don't remember. It was such a long time ago, and besides, I have the notes of the incomplete device he had been working on stashed with my toxin notes. The ones you refused to tell me where they're at."

I leaned my back on the headboard. "Then its better that you don't know where they're at then. Sometimes it's better to forget and start anew." At least that's what I told myself. From here on out I will no longer be the man that wears a Bat suit and comes out during the night to punish all those criminals. Now I'm just going to be… Bruce Wayne. Just Bruce.

The ex-psychiatrist looked away and said, "Not him. Tetch is obsessed with his work, just like—"Jonathan quickly stopped himself but I knew what he was going to say.

I placed my hand over his skinnier, paler one and by that mere gesture; I was able to gain his attention. "You're not him, Jonathan. You can start all over if you want."

This caused him to let out a dry chuckle. "Me? Are you serious? I'm a wanted Arkham escapee; I can't start a new life because I don't have a life. The only life I had vanished the moment the Bat-Man stepped into my life and turned my toxin against me! You, Mr. Wayne, are the reason I don't have a life!" Jonathan calmed himself back down and pulled his hand away from mine. He looked away from me again and looked towards the wall. "And besides, you'll probably just send me back to Arkham now that you know I need prescribed pills to keep me in… check."


He was surprised but I also was surprised when those words left my lips. But I couldn't find myself to stop what I was saying after seeing Jonathan's confused but relived look. It looked really charming on his face.


I went over in my head what I wanted to say but it all disappeared when he grabbed my hand as if he wanted to hold onto some false hope that I wasn't going to send him back to the place anyone could call Hell. "I said, 'No'. No because I don't know a Scarecrow. All I know is an ex-psychiatrist by the name of Jonathan Crane. Like I said, it's better to forget and start anew."

The look on his face was bewildered and somewhat cute for a man who wanted to poison an entire city. I really liked seeing this side of him; I kinda wanted to see more. Though, I hardly thought he would make a face like that anymore.

Jonathan looked down at the sheets as in thought, until he brought his sapphire eyes back at me and locked them with mine. "So, you're saying that you're not going to send me back to Arkham?" I nodded. "And you're saying that I can stay here then?" Again, I nodded. "Can I still go out to Wayne Enterprise and be able to use your chemical lab?"

Now this, I had to think it over. I didn't want him to get tempted to make more of his infamous batch of fear toxin but I also didn't want to deprive him, and maybe I was a bit out of still to ever consider giving him a nod. "But," he gave me his complete attention, almost like a child who was waiting to hear their condition before going in to a candy shop. "You have to cover yourself up. I don't want anyone to know who you are, got it?"

He instantly nodded his head and let a small smile reach his lips; it was barely noticeable but a smile nonetheless. I nodded once again and then felt the room go all awkward with the silence. I wondered what was for breakfast since Alfred hasn't come up. As I move to get up, I felt some one place their hand over mine. I didn't turn around to look at Jonathan since that would only ruin the mood. I waited for awhile to see if he was going to say something, but when I decided that he wasn't, I began to move again until—

"You're not him anymore."

And I knew I didn't need to ask him who "him" was. I only nodded as my response.

"… Good."

I wondered how that was "good" but I didn't comment on it, I merely stood up—well, tried to stood up—and began making my way to the door. Once I opened the door and closed it, I leaned my back on it and looked up, closing my eyes. What have I gotten myself into? And why? I didn't feel like thinking anymore since my stomach was begging to be fed, so I leaned away from the door and began to make my way to the kitchen. And I knew it wasn't just going to be a breakfast for one, anymore. It was going to be a breakfast for two from now on, and I didn't have a problem with that.

A/N: I know… long time for an update, but at least it's something!

Hope you guys continue to review and let me know any type of criticism you may have. Again, sorry for such a late update.