So this one's just a take-off of my "Attack of the Clones" 'fic where all of the Eriks and Charleses from other universes stop by. An orgy obviously ensues, and ... yeah, here it is. Rated M.

There's an instant attraction between Charles and Magnus, and as Charles feels Magnus' eyes drink him in, he lets himself give over to it. "So beautiful," Magnus murmurs, running a hand along Charles' cheek, making him sigh a little. "You've always been so beautiful, Charles."

They're in the midst of a lengthy make-out session, and Magnus has Charles tugged up against the wall, one hand under his rump and Charles' legs straddling his waist, when they both hear it: "Kinky," Erik says, smirking his way into the room, shutting the door behind himself. Charles flushes a bit, but Magnus just grins.

"I was just telling Charles how lovely he is." He begins kissing up the column of Charles' throat, and the young man's head falls back, his eyes narrowing into slivers, his gaze trained on Erik, whose face shows his growing arousal. "We can share him tonight," Magnus continues; he nips at Charles' Adam's apple, and Charles moans. "Join us."

Erik acquiesces by beginning to strip off of his clothes, first his shirt, and then toeing off shoes and socks and stepping out of his pants. He makes his way over to where Magnus is now letting Charles stand on his own feet. "Kiss," Magnus commands them both softly. "I want to see what we look like."

Charles glances up at Erik, and the taller man takes the lead, tilting Charles' head and running his tongue along Charles' lips, then crushing their mouths together. Charles moans and grips at the back of Erik's head, at his bare shoulders, and Erik gives back as good as he gets, stepping back only to help divest Charles of his clothing. Once nude, Charles shivers a bit, knowing how he must look to the two (also naked) beautiful men before him, wondering how they could possibly want him, too.

"Oh, but we do," Magnus tells him, and Charles frowns, chiding himself for projecting so loudly; and then Erik moves behind him, pressing fierce kisses into his neck, and Magnus moves in front of him and starts rubbing their cocks together, eventually taking them both in one hand and stroking them both off, and he forgets to be angry with himself.

Charles finds himself fascinated with Joseph, particularly with his hair. He runs his hands through it, lets the long silvery strands fall through his fingers, and Joseph watches him pliably, propped up on his elbows, a small smile gracing his lips. "It's odd, when I know you later on, you're very reticent to show your feelings around me," he comments at one point. "You always seem like you're holding back. You seem sad."

Magnus eyes them both with concern. "Perhaps it would be wise not to discuss our precise histories with one another," he suggests. "It could have unforseen consequences. For now, might we just enjoy one another's company?"

"I agree," the elder Charles says, perched on a bed beside Erik, who had seemed excited to carry him upstairs where the festivities were already taking place. Erik glances at him with a mixture of respect and awe. "It's best this way."

At some point, Erik gets the great idea to see the elder and younger Charleses kiss. It's a bit odd, the young Charles thinks, but then, this whole situation is beyond strange. He straddles his counterpart carefully, still a bit concerned and confused about why his future self might be handicapped. The elder Charles is patient, and Charles allows his face to be propped atop the other man's fingers. Their kiss is slight at first, and then increasingly exploratory, and when the elder Charles' tongue rubs against his teeth, he parts them, and it slips inside of his mouth.

"Jesus, that's hot," he hears Erik whisper, and smiles against the other Charles' lips.

At some point, Joseph half-volunteers/is half-ordered to go downstairs to fetch them all drinks, though he agrees good-naturedly. He's stockpiling beverages on the counter next to the refrigerator when he hears an annoyed, short cough. "Oh, hello," he blinks, eyeing the scaled, blue form before him. "Let's see ... you're Raven, right?"

"Mystique," the blue girl corrects him hotly. She eyes the bottles of wine that he's chosen critically. "Having fun?" she asks sardonically. Before Joseph can answer, she adds, "I wouldn't know, you see. I wasn't invited."

"Oh," Joseph blinks, and then shrugs. "Well, would you like to come back with me? That's an invitation, I believe." Raven - Mystique - smiles and helps him pick out booze that she knows the Charleses will like.

Before she enters the room, Raven disguises herself as yet another Charles, mimicking the form and the gait perfectly. When several pairs of similar eyes turn to her, she speaks in her brother's light lilt: "I'm another Charles," she notes aloud. "Hank's already taken my DNA."

"No he hasn't, Raven," the youngest Charles says, rolling his eyes a bit. Annoyed, Raven begins to pivot on her heel, but Erik stops her.

"Wait ... come over here and suck his dick," Erik says, nodding at the eldest Charles. Raven shrugs and complies.

When the clones begin to disappear, they've already been collectively sated, the glut of men in the room (Raven having left some time ago) stretched out across various surfaces, staring up at the ceiling. Magnus is the last to go and, sensing that time is short, makes a point of pressing a kiss to Charles' hand. "We'll meet again, Charles," he murmurs, his head still bowed.

Alone and together anew, Charles lays in the crook of Erik's arm, listening to the other man's heartbeat. "So what did the other children get up to this evening?" Erik asks him idly.

Charles ticks answers off of his fingers. "Sean and Alex have a 'secret' pot stash; Hank jerked off once and went to bed early; and I'm pretty sure Raven's still watching TV."

"Sounds about right," Erik smirks, and leans down to kiss the other man's forehead.