A/N: I've decided to mark this story as complete, but I wanted to give an update to those who are following it in hopes of further developments. I'm planning on publishing a separate one-shot that covers some of Ukitake's perspective in the next couple of days. It takes place immediately following the events of this story, but seeing as it's a different voice, and a different feel, I thought it really deserved to be its own piece.
I am also currently working on a sequel, which I hope to begin publishing in the near future.
For those who want to keep an eye out, the one-shot will be titled 'The Truth of Shadows: Ukitake'. I have not set the title of the sequel yet, but the current working-title is Solstice. Who knows, it might just stick.
Anyway, I just want to thank everyone who has followed and enjoyed this story, and especially those who have taken the time to review. I truly appreciate the support and feedback.
- Silver