This is the start of a new story, it will take the galaxy on a huge adventure, along with everyone we know and love from the Stargate series too

Authors Note Edit 1

I took a longish hiatus from writing this story due to trying to graduate college with an engineering degree. When I thought about continuing this story I reread some it...and let me tell you, I wasn't impressed. I guess my lack of proofreading was pretty apparent. Anyway, this story is going to be revamped starting with chapter 1. I hope to flesh it out so it's just better over-all.

Stargate: Awakening

Chapter 1

I awoke with a start. I sat up covered in sweat and my heart was beating wildly.

What the hell kind of dream was that? I wondered.

It was a strange dream. I dreamed that I was on a spacecraft and I was with many of my brethren, not relatives, but close, like minded people. It was almost like a hive-mind, that's how closely we thought and agreed with each other, almost.

We were fighting some other ship and we were winning, though not with impunity. It was strange, I felt like the dream was real, it was the most realistic dream I remember having.

There was beautiful walls and floors on the ship and on a whole it looked rather artistic. The ship we were fighting was much different though, I studied it as I looked out a window in the dream. It was blueish and very large, it reminded me of an arrowhead, some sort of living arrowhead. I don't know why I thought it was living, that's just what I remember thinking. It shot some big blue energy weapons that looked like teardrops coming towards the ship I was on, and there were lots of smaller ships flying around protecting the enemy ship, they looked like pointy darts with stubby tails on the side near the end of the tiny ship.

Very strange. I thought as I laid back down and went to sleep, hoping that I wouldn't have that dream again.

When I laid back and finally got to sleep, I was on the ship once more...

It was a couple months after my first dream and I had been having different sorts of the same dream over and over again. Sometimes I was in space, other times I was in a beautiful city. Wherever I was I remember it being serene. Like it was just...right.

A few years before these events

"How's the secondary plan working?" asked the beautiful girl known as Ganos Lal.

The old looking man returned to human form next to her and answered, "The plans are in place. Our civilization shall be reborn in time to protect our children."

The girl nodded with solemnity and said, "I hope this works, the Tau'ri and all the others deserve some help with this, especially after all they have done for us."

The old man agreed and returned to his energy state. He disappeared to the ascended plane.

The woman looked on with respect, "Until next we meet, Myrddin."

Vala Mal Doran was doing her normal 'treasure hunting' in a seemingly empty ancient city. The city itself was falling to pieces. Nature was taking back the city one year at a time, trees standing in the middle of walkways with vines and grass growing everywhere.

Vala was walking around trying her best to find something worthwhile to make some money. Using an old goa'uld scanner she looked for power signatures or anything out of the normal. That's when something caught her eye. It looked like an old meeting hall, with the stones that made up the building lying everywhere on the ground around it, it was still larger than most of the other buildings in this overgrown city. She walked into the building with high hopes.

She searched the inside thoroughly and was about to give up when she leaned her arm on the column next to her. The column shifted and some stones in the ceiling were knocked loose. They fell heavily to the floor and smashed in the ground a few feet in front of her. There was a minor cave in caused by the falling stones and Vala stepped up to the hole created and peered down into it. She saw something shining brightly and knew she found what she was looking for.

It took her but twenty minutes to get something rigged up so she could go down safely. When she hit the ground she looked around the room she was now in. There was a single solitary shaft of light coming from outside and it lay squarely on a object on the stone table. Had the light not been shining on it, she doubted she would have found it. It was a silver looking tablet and drawing from her vast experiences she knew what it was, and she knew she needed some help to get the treasure that this would surely bring her.

Vala Mal Doran came through the stargate with a squad of guns pointing at her. Behind her came Sg-12 through the gate keeping her in between them and the guards at the end of the gate platform.

"Well. Don't you all have me surrounded." she said

General Landry looked at her and said, "Welcome to the SGC. I'm General Landry."

Vala looks comfortable despite being somewhat of a prisoner and she says, "Vala. Vala Mal Doran." She walked down the ramp and continued speaking, "Thank you so much for the lovely greeting party. We all had a wonderful time searching each other, didn't we boys." She said looking back towards Sg-12. She stopped talking for a moment when her eyes come to Col. Mitchell. "I know we haven't met. That I'm sure I would remember."

Cameron cocked his head and said, "Nice outfit." She was wearing a form fitting black leather outfit and carrying a leather jacket over her shoulder.

She looked happy and said, "Thanks! While I would normally be thrilled to have so much testosterone at my disposal...Where's my Daniel?"

Later that day, Vala and Daniel are in his office in the SGC. Daniel is looking over the tablet when Vala asked, "The question is, what's it worth?"

Daniel tiredly looked over it, he still couldn't believe this was happening. He was supposed to be packing so he could go to Atlantis finally aboard the Daedalus. He replied, "Well the ancients aren't exactly known for secret stashes of gold." He looked over into another case she brought and said, "Like these, for example."

He continues, "Wait a minute, these markings are Goa'uld. The treasure's supposed to be Ancient. What do they have to do with these?" he asked motioning to the bracelets.

After some small talk about a goa'uld by the name of Nut, she grabs one of the bracelets and smacks it onto his wrist, then the other on her own wrist.

"Ow. What are you doing?" he asked. He attempted to take the bracelet off to no avail.

"Okay, that was fun. Now take it off." Daniel says pointedly to Vala.

She just smiles and said, "Not until we find the treasure."

Later in the famous mound known as Glastonbury Tor

Mitchell just beat the holographic knight though not without much pain. After he returned the gold coin that Vala stole out of one of the trials and nothing happened he started to look around the main chamber.

All that and nothing good? Thought Mitchell.

Then he got a random thought in his head. He picked up the holographic yet solid sword and returned it into the stone. Then the whole room erupted in a bright flash of light. He looked around at the now full chamber and noticed gold urns, vases, statues, goblets, coins, jewels and other numerous treasure and said, "Worth it."

A few minutes later and everyone is now back in the chamber. Mitchell is watching Vala pick up multiple golden necklaces and rings and put everything on, meanwhile stuffing gold coins everywhere she can think of on her person. He asked, "We are not going to let her keep that, are we?" to everyone in the room.

Daniel glanced at Vala and with a resolute voice said, "No."

Mitchell smiles, "Good."

Daniel finds a single book in the treasure and goes to open it. Then something catches his eye. He bends down and picks up an innocuous looking rune.

Hmmm, this looks interesting. He thought. He put the rune in his pocket for later study.

Mitchell looked back over at Daniel and said, "Well that figures. Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. So what's it about?"

"Actually It's a story written like fiction."

Mitchell smiles and jokingly says, "Once upon a time..."

Daniel continues the joking mood, paraphrasing the book, "Once upon a time, there was a race of people that went on a great journey through space, across the universe. They were called the Altera..."

Present day

Daniel Jackson was getting ready for his time on leave. He had a lot planned for this break from work. First and foremost was his family reunion, from his mom's side. He was completely ready and about to leave. Then he had a strange thought enter his mind. He walked back into his office at the SGC, and opened a drawer. After searching through that drawer for a few moments he found what he was looking for. He picked up the rune that he found a few years ago at Glastonbury Tor.

This will make for a cool present to my nerd cousin. He thought. He put the rune in his pocket and went on his way to leave the SGC.

It was finally time for the annual family reunion, the Fredrick's family reunion. Most everyone was here, including some people who hadn't been at the reunion in a long time. Most notably was my semi well known cousin, Daniel Jackson. He had a ….. storied reputation. Some of the family thought he was crazy, others just thought he was passionate.

I walked over to him and said hello.

"Hey Daniel, it's been a long time man! Where have you been?" I asked in a sincere tone.

We shook hands and he replied, "Oh hey Tim. How are you? I've been really busy with...writing and uh... you know, archaeology."

I replied, "Oh just same old same old. Been working and just helping grandma around her house."

"Ah, that reminds me! I've got something for you." Daniel said as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small almost circular stone with something carved on top of it.

"This is from a dig in Glastonbury Tor of all places! That's in England by the way." Daniel said as he handed it over.

I took it and looked at it for a few seconds wondering why he was giving this to me and asked, "Oh cool, wow, yea... what is it?"

"Oh it's just a ceremonial rune created by...a really old culture." He said matter-of-factly with a smile on his face.

As I held it, I looked down at it and it reminded me of something, though I couldn't quite place it. I looked hard at it trying to remember where it was that I had seen this before. I saw all the different grains of sand and stuff in the rock, then I noticed the very fine nature of the rune itself and I wondered how it was carved so perfectly. That's when it started to do something.

It started to glow, and there was a bright light coming directly out of it right where the rune was...

"Well that shouldn't be happening..." Exclaimed Daniel.

My eyes were transfixed on the rune and the light pouring out of it. I felt as if the rune was confirming who I was. I don't mean my identity, I mean who I really was down to the morals I held as a sentient being.

Daniel grabbed my arm strongly and dragged me to his vehicle.

"Get in." he said sternly.

"Where are we going?" I asked perplexed and quite taken back.

Daniel replied, "That's...classified."