So I kind of completely changed what I said about the last chapter. But yeah hope its still good and theres no big secret btw

Clare patiently waited on the couch for Eli. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a short sleeve blue v neck with bracelets covering her secrets. He said he had a car and would be picking her up in a bit. She heard the bell rang and got up to get.



She nodded and followed him to his car.

"Uhm you drive a hearse?"

"Yeah, is that fine?" He asked.

"Uhm yeah, its cool I guess." She hopped in the passenger seat as he drove off.

"Where are we going exactly?"


"I haven't been there since I was like two."

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked.

"No its good, I'm excited. I haven't been there in so long." Eli smirked and drove off.


They had spent the whole day in Wonderland. They both liked roller coasters so that was a plus but Clare wasn't very fond of upside down rides. After Eli constantly did some begging and pleading, she went on and surprisingly enjoyed it. They scoffed down about four cotton candies and were on their way back.

"I had a really good time today, thank you."

"No problem, so did I. I haven't had this much in a very, very long time."

"Me either."

Eli finally arrived outside of her house and walked her to the door.

"Thanks again for today."

He nodded and smiled taking her in a hug.

"I'll see you later."

She nodded and walked inside her house, up to her room.


Clare was meeting Eli at the neighborhood park again just for the sake of not having something else to do. She saw him sitting on the bench and made her over to him, "Hi Eli."

"Hey, I have a surprise for you."

"Uh, what is it."

He walked over to her side and sat down. He pulled something out of his leather jacket and it was a box. Clare looked at him weirdly questioning it.

He opened it and showed her, "Do you like it?"

It was a guitar pic necklace similar to the one he had. She smiled and took it out of the box. She looked at the engraving.

Clare and Eli

Best Friends

She looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you."

He pulled his necklace out of his shirt revealing his matching necklace, "I got mines engraved too."

She smiled and gave it to him, "Can you put it on for me?"

"Yeah, sure." He moved her hair and clasped it on her neck and gave her the now empty box.

"We're cool." Eli smirked.

"I must say we are pretty dashing." She joked.

"I want you to know how much it means to me that you're being so nice and I just I appreciate it so much."

He smirked at her, "And thank you for being my friend. You know since we've been hanging out, I've stopped. Ya know…cutting."


"Yeah. I know that if I actually do cut too deep and die that someone will actually care and I don't want to hurt you."

She smiled up at him with big blue eyes, "You care about me a lot, thank you. And I would be devastated if I did lose you."

"Well that's not happening." She smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "You're amazing."

"So are you." He smiled at her and moved into her, kissing the corner of her mouth.

She looked up to him and blushed, "Lets go best friend, we have some cutting utensils to throw out."

Eli laughed as they made their way back to her house.

This was really bad. But I really don't want to continue this so I'm ending it here. I just started Count Your Blessings and I like that so I'm gonna try to focus on that, I apologize if you was looking forward to it, but I don't have an interest in writing it anymore. Thanks for reading anyway