Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

"Why? Bakura thought. "Why the heck did I actually volunteer to watch this horrible documentary? Have I gone mad?" He reached for his drink, hoping that it would calm his nerves.

"Bakura, what is childbirth? Mariku asked with child-like wonder. Bakura nearly did a spit take at the spiky-haired teen's question, but the liquid went down the wrong pipe.

"You can't be serious!" he coughed.

"I'm dead serious, now spill it."

"Quick!" Bakura thought. "Think of the most realistic story you can think of." He smirked. "So you really wanna know?" Mariku nodded. "Well you know the poor sap that rides around the neighborhood in his colorful van? The one that gives frozen treats to children?

"The Ice Cream Man?" Mariku answered.

"Yes. Ice Cream Man, Frozen Dessert Fairy, or whatever the heck you prefer to call him. Anyway, you know how there's a freezer in the back of the van? Ice cream isn't the only thing in that van, cryogenically frozen infants are back there too. Waiting for the day when a couple will pick them up and raise them as their own.

"If that's the case, then how come you always see the mother in a hospital bed afterwards?"

"Infants are always dangerous creatures after being thawed out. An attack from one can land you in the hospital if you're not careful."

"But they're always in hospitals!"

"No one's really careful these days as you can see. Does that answer your question?"

"Uh-huh, this documentary thing is going to be awesome!"

"Yeah…sure." He sighed. He looked over to the hikari's. It seems that they were doing pretty well, but then again, it hasn't gotten to the actual birth yet. Just the stages prior. "Now's my chance." Since Mariku had his eyes glued to the screen waiting to see an Ice Cream Man, and the hikari's were too busy trying to learn, Bakura decided to do what any sensible person would do. Get the heck out of there. He slowly scooted away from Mariku and crawled behind the couch. From the couch, he decided that he would stay on all fours until he got to the door. That way, no one would be able to spot him as easily. As he got to the door, Bakura could have sworn that he heard angels singing in the background. "Finally!" he thought as he managed to get a grip on the doorknob. "Sweet, sweet escape is mine!"


"…or not."

"Where are you going?" Ryou asked.

"Anywhere but here. I am not going to watch this disgusting excuse of a program."

"But this disgusting excuse of a program is apart of life! You're going to have to come face to face with it at some point of life whether you like it or not."

"I seriously doubt it hikari." Bakura said as he twisted to doorknob.

"I take it that the great thief king is afraid of a common medical procedure, am I right?" Bakura stopped in his tracks,

"What? Don't be absurd, I just want to spare myself of the appalling details!"

"I think you're just scared." Ryou chuckled; he wasn't used to seeing his yami so flustered like this.

"I'm not!"

"Then prove me wrong and watch the documentary, I think it's going to end in awhile anyway."

"…fine." He groaned.

"Good!" Ryou smiled. "It always works!"

Bakura sulked back to his spot and sighed, "Why does that always work?" he thought. Oh well, at least the stupid thing was almost over. "Is it me, or was this show a bit too short? Maybe it was one of those fifteen minute segments or something." His thoughts were cut short when he heard the woman onscreen screaming.

"Hey! There is no way that there's an ice cream truck here!" Mariku yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Marik asked.

"Bakura said that babies came from ice cream trucks!" Marik glared at Bakura then looked at his yami.

"Well he lied. If you really want to know, turn around." Mariku did as he told…and quickly wished he hadn't.


"Yeah." Marik sighed.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Mariku said as he dashed towards the restroom.

"This is disgusting!" Bakura commented. Ryou winced as the lady let out another scream.

"Is it almost over?" he asked.

"I don't know." Marik replied. "Don't these things last for hours?" The trio groaned.

"WHY WON'T IT END?" Mariku yelled from the bathroom.

-1 Hour Later-

"Alright." The doctor on the screen said. "We just need one more good one then you're done."

"FOR THE LOVE OF RA AND ALL THAT'S HOLY, PUSH WOMAN!" Bakura practically screamed at the television set.

"Are you okay?" Marik asked.

"Marik, I've been watching this 'miracle' for an hour now! No. No I am not okay!" They heard one last scream and then crying.

"It's finally over!" All of them sighed happily.

"Wait!" the woman said. "Why am I still in pain?" They stared at the T.V. Hoping that what they thought was happening wasn't about to turn into a reality.

"Twins!" The doctor exclaimed. Everyone (including the woman onscreen) screamed in horror.

-Few Hours Later.-

"Well that was our program for today; we'll see you next-" Ryou immediately turned off T.V. All three of them sat in silence. Marik finally broke the silence by saying.

"I think the teacher assigned this to us just to torture us."

"Agreed." Ryou added. "Did we ever check on Mariku?" Marik ran into the bathroom and Ryou and Bakura followed. They found Mariku in a corner sobbing in fetal position."

"Are you still alive?" Bakura asked, poking him with a hairbrush.

"There was no Ice Cream Man in there." He sobbed.

"Come on." Marik said as he loaded his yami onto his back. "I have to go schedule the next group therapy meeting."

"Can we do it on a Thursday?" questioned Ryou.

"Sure." And with that said, the yami and hikari were out of the building.



"Sign this." He said as he handed Ryou the paper.

"What is this for?"

"It states that I, Bakura, will never have to watch anything educational with you, Ryou, ever again. Even if it's for your school work."

"Fine, sure." Ryou sighed. After he finished signing, Bakura put on a hat and opened the apartment door. "Where are you going?"

"To go sue a certain channel for emotional distress."

[A/N: Sorry if for the grammer errors if they're in there -_- I'm still fairly new to this.]