So I made a video a few days ago, and I felt like writing a fic based on it. If you'd like to watch the video, the url is: /watch?v=tBRzKp8GiBA. I hope you guys enjoy the fic! :D

Couples you can most likely expect to see: Maria/Cody/Layla, Michelle/Dolph, Eve/Alex, Miz/Maryse.
+ possibly more. :)

"From now on, I'll be known as," The second generation star paused for a moment before he plastered a huge grin on his face. "– Dashing Cody Rhodes." Cody Rhodes told the crowd in know-it-all tone. He gave a final cocky laugh before his theme music played.

While Cody Rhodes was in the ring, telling the hundreds in attendance his new alias, Maria, Michelle, Eve and Layla were seated in the divas locker room watching the segment.

"Ten bucks says this gimmick goes to his head." Maria spoke up after pealing her eyes from the screen. The other divas laughed with the red-head.

"I'll bet 50 bucks." Michelle replied as she fixed her boots. "Easy."

"Hey guys, come on. He's not that bad." Layla said sheepishly as she looked back up at the television screen.

Michelle and Maria exchanged a similar, knowing glance before Maria snickered. "I'd take your comment into consideration if you weren't totally crushing on him, Lay." Maria commented with a laugh earning a light chuckle from Michelle and a Layool designed shirt to the face from Layla.

"I'm not crushing on him!" Layla protested.

"Sure you're not, you just a strange infatuation with him." Michelle retorted. Layla shook her head and Maria tried not to laugh. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Michelle quickly added.

"Mhmm. Whatever guys. " Layla folded her arms over her chest and pouted slightly.

Maria glanced over at Eve who was seated next to her and had been surprisingly quiet. The Denver native was staring intensely at her phone.

"Eve, what's with the look?" Maria asked as the other two diva glanced at Eve also. Eve didn't say anything. "Eve?" Maria spoke again. The brunette didn't say anything. "Eve!" Maria almost shouted, finally catching the attention of the Smackdown diva.

Eve jumped slightly and looked up at the divas, her eyes glancing between the three girls. "Huh, what?"

"I said, what's with the look?" Maria repeated.

"What look?" Eve asked, dumbfounded.

"The intense look you were giving your phone." Michelle replied as she motioned the device in the Latina's hand.

Eve looked down at her cell. "Oh. I'm waiting for a call." Eve said nonchalantly.

"Who from, the president?" Maria snorted. Come to think of it, Maria had noticed Eve acting strangely lately. Although Maria didn't get to see Eve that often she was on RAW and Maria was on Smackdown, but Maria did often see Eve a couple of times a week since they were such good friends.

"What, no?" Eve gave Maria a look, obviously not getting that Maria was joking. Maria exchanged a glance with Layla and Michelle before she returned her attention back to Eve.

"It was a –" Maria paused before shaking her head. "Never mind. Who are you waiting for to call you?"

Eve blushed, which didn't go unnoticed from the three Smackdown divas. "Nobody."

"Oh as if Eve, spill it." Layla spoke.

"Yeah, tell us who the lucky guy is." Maria grinned.

"Mike." Eve said shyly, like she was a little girl again.

The three divas, who were grinning at Eve, quickly removed the grins from their lips. "Mike Mizanin?" The girls said all at once. Eve nodded.

Michelle was shell-shocked the say the least. "Isn't uh, Mike, with Maryse? Like for the past 3 years?" Eve nodded innocently again. Michelle's eyes widened. "Oh my god Eve, you're the other woman!" Michelle exclaimed.

Eve frowned. "Wait, what –" Eve couldn't even finish her sentence before Maria piped-up.

"How long has this been going on? Why didn't you tell us? I thought you and Maryse were friends? Oh god, I never thought YOU'D be the other woman." Maria rambled, asking too many questions at once.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Guys! Calm down!" Eve raised her voice. The three divas stopped and stared at Eve. "You guys don't think..." Eve trailed off into a silence and studied the girls' expressions. "Oh my god, you do! Mike and I aren't, like that. Ew!" Eve explained before quickly speaking up again. "Not that Mike's ew or anything, I just don't think of him that way." She added cautiously.

"So you and Mike aren't... doing the dirty?" Layla asked hesitantly.

Eve vigorously shook her head. "God no! He's like my brother! I'm waiting for a call from him about Alex."

"Alex, as in Alex Riley?" Michelle asked the Brunette, who gave her a short nod before she bowed her head down once she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Wow. You go as red as tomato at the mention of his name," Michelle noted out loud as she studied the diva before she turned to Maria and Layla. "She must have it bad." She told them.

"Oh shut up." The Denver native jokingly told the blonde diva.

"See ya, Ria." Michelle said as she carried her bag with her to the door. Maria momentarily looked up at the blonde and smiled.

"See you. I'll come by your hotel room tomorrow and we'll head off to the next city?" Maria questioned Michelle, who nodded and gave her a smile.

"Who are you catching a ride with?" Michelle questioned Maria before she took off. Michelle was going to find Layla and head back to the hotel room and she remembered Maria mentioning she was catching a ride with someone, but forgot who.

"Nick." Maria told Michelle as she zipped up her bag. "I have to go find him in a sec. That should be fun." The red-head rolled her eyes sarcastically. Michelle laughed at the divas remark.

"Alright, hope he doesn't give you too much trouble." Michelle replied jokingly, knowing of Nicks, who was known as Dolph Ziggler to the world, ways all too well.

"It's Nick, Chelle, so of course he will." Maria chuckled and the two divas waved goodbye and Michelle went off to find Layla, who was most likely flirting with Cody.

Maria was the last diva left and the locker room and she didn't like it. She always found it creepy, but for some reason, she was usually the final diva to be there; probably because she waits until the last minute to grab her stuff.

Maria sighed and grabbed her zebra-printed duffel and headed for the door, beginning her journey to find Nick. He was always hard to find, which was a downfall because Maria always rode with him. If Maria had to be perfectly honest, Nick was probably her closest friend on the road, aside from Michelle.

Maria wasted no time in getting out of the divas locker room. Maria looked around and decided to head for catering in search of Nick. If her memory served her correctly, Nick was usually flirting with divas or random 'hot' chicks as Nick would call them.

Maria walked down the hall and turned a couple of times, before she eventually made it to catering, and in luck, there was Nick hitting on some random blonde. Maria moved closer to him, but nick was leaning against a wall with his back to her. Maria overheard what Nick was saying.

"So, maybe next week, you and me can grab a bite to eat or something?" Nick suggested in a flirtacious tone.

The blonde smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Okay great. I look forward to it, babe." Nick responded and surely gave her a wink. As Nick said his goodbyes to the girl, Maria stood behind him with her hand on her hip.

She cleared her throat, which caught the attention of Nick and he turned his body around to face her. "You're such a horny prick, Nick." Maria joked as she gave him a shake of her head.

Nick laughed. "Well, maybe if a certain red-headed diva didn't take so long, I wouldn't have had to flirt."

"So, because I was supposedly 'late' you had to flirt with that girl?" Maria asked him using air quotes around late, considering they both decided to meet in 10 more minutes.

"Precisely. I'm assuming you're not going to make the same mistake next week?"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Maria snorted. "Alright, I'm tired, sore and I want to go to my hotel room. Let's hit the road." Maria ordered Nick.

"Typical woman. Bossing us innocent males around." Nick joked as he grabbed his bag from the ground. "But we need to make a quick detour before we can head off."

"If by detour, you mean that chicks pants, then I'm out. I'd rather walk."

"Oh har, har. I get that detour next week." Nick told her with a wink.

Maria laughed and shook her head. "You really are a horny prick, Nicholas Theodore Nemeth." Nick just shrugged, as far as he was concerned, it was a compliment. "So what is this detour anyway." Maria finally asked as Nick flung his arm over her shoulder and the two began walking straight ahead.

"We're taking someone else with us, too." Nick simply told her. Maria just nodded, she didn't care who it was, as long as she could get the hell out of there. "So you riding with me tomorrow?" Nick asked.

"Nope, you're going to have to do it without me." Maria told him. Nick pouted and Maria giggled. "I'm riding with Michelle, Layla and Rosa."

"Oh come on. Those three can ride with themselves. You and I haven't rode together for ages." Nick protested.

"We're riding together tonight." Maria retorted with a smile.

"That doesn't count. We can have a road trip like we use to." Nick said with a nudge as he shot her a huge grin. Maria rolled her eyes.

"Fine, only cause I love ya' Nicky." Maria returned the grin, knowing how much it irked Nick to be referred to as 'Nicky.'

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part." Nick said as he and Maria came to a stop. "Here we are." He said to Maria as they stood in front of the door.

Maria exchanged glances between Nick and the door. "Nick, it's a door." Maria said bluntly as she gave Nick a confused look.

Nick's face dropped. "I realize that, Ria."

Suddenly the door opened and Maria met with the face of Cody Rhodes. "Maria, this is our detour." Nick said as he motioned Cody with the hand that wasn't draped over her arm.

Next chapter: Maria has an interesting car trip with Nick and Cody.