Luigi sat in a lounge chair, watching his older brother trying to fix his tie. Luigi wore a typical black tux jacket, pants and dress shoes,
white dress shirt, but it was accented by a green vest and bow tie, his brother accented with a red one. It was Mario's wedding day with the beloved Princess Peach Toadstool. After countless years of shy flirtation and heroic rescues, Mario finally bucked up the courage to ask Peach on a date, and things only got better from there

"Mama Mia Mario. Here, let me do it! You never knew how to work a tie!" Luigi said as he stood up from his chair and walked over to Mario.

"I'm sorry Luigi, I'm just a little nervous, I know Peach is just gonna take my breath away. Just thinking about it makes my knees weak. I can't faint in front of hundreds of people." Mario replied, pulling on the collar of his dress shirt.

"Nonsense Mario! You and Peach are the most popular and well-respected couple throughout not only this kingdom but the other kingdoms as well. You never crack under pressure, despite the countless times you've been in a situation you didn't want to be in. Now here you are marrying the love of your life, there's nothing better than that. NO reason to fear anything, my dear brother." He gave his brother a kind pat on the back.

Mario smiled. "You're right little brother. Thank you. You blow my mind with your words of encouragement sometimes. It shocks me you get so nervous just talking in front of people."

Luigi shrugged. "You're my big brother, I can say practically anything to you." They both chuckled

Meanwhile, In a room just down the hall, Princess Peach was standing with her back to the mirror, her best friend Daisy working at the corset on her back.
Peaches dress was a gorgeous silk and lace ball gown. It was off the shoulder with a sweetheart neckline. She wore white silk gloves that stopped at the elbow. Her veil was a sheer fabric with a beautiful floral lace pattern around the trim. Her hair was in an up do, all curled. Just a couple strands of hair framed her face. Her veil sat tucked on top of the collection of hair on the back of her head as it cascaded down along the edge of her arms, just barely touching the floor. She wore pink opened toed heels and a pink hair pin in the shape of a heart with diamonds on the sides. Her crown sat neatly a top her head as it always did. With one more tug and a tie of her corset strings, Daisy took a step back and beamed. Peach turned towards her floor length mirror and gasped.

"Oh, Daisy. . . I'm speechless." she managed to choke out."Your mother has done an impeccable job with everything. It's perfect. It's just how I imagined. Now that I stand here with everything on and everything in place. I couldn't be happier.

"You're radiant, Peachy. You know she was more than happy to do it. She loves you like her own daughter, I'm sure she will be pleased when she see's you walking down the aisle. It's been years since she has seen you. Well, it's been awhile since I've seen you myself. That's gonna have to change. I can't go another nine years after this wedding without seeing my friend."

Daisy wiped a tear from her eye, careful not to smear any makeup. The two friends pulled each other into a tight hug.

"I love you. I'm so happy for you, pretty lady."

"I love you too, Daisy. I'm so happy you were able to make it to the kingdom to be my maid of honor. I couldn't have asked anybody else."

"I'm more than honored to stand beside my best friend in the biggest moment of her life! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Both were fighting back tears when a polite knock on the door pulled them away from their hug.

"Yes, come in." Peachs soft voice spoke.

In walked Toadsworth. With his trusty cane at his side, he walked in. Stopping in his tracks when he laid eyes on the princess he had cared for since she was an infant.

"My dear Princess. You look exceptional. How honored am I to marry you and Mario this beautiful afternoon."

Peach blushed.

"Are you two ladies ready? It's just about time, and Mario and Luigi have made their way to the gardens."

Peach nodded. "Yes Toadsworth, we will meet you downstairs in just a minute. Thank you."

He bowed and exited.

"Luigi is Mario's little brother, correct? The one you were showing me photos of when you came to visit Sarasaland?" Daisy was curious. She had met Luigi a very very long time ago. They were all very young. She was positive he wouldn't remember her.

"It seems to me you're quite curious about him, Daisy." Peach chuckled.

Daisy blushed. "Oh just nevermind! Let's go get you married!"

They made their way downstairs towards the garden of the castle grounds. Standing with Toadsworth was Rosalina hand in hand with her daughter Annabelle and son Adrian, the twins. The ring bearer and flower girl. Rosalina gave Peach and Daisy a quick hug before she took her seat. With a hand gesture from Toadsworth, the string quartet began to play. Peach looked at her best friend and smiled. They both took a deep breath and stepped to the side for as the big oak and glass doors swung open. As the music began Mario and Luigi made their way to the front to the altar from behind the Rose bushes and the guests all turned. Annabelle happily pranced down the aisle with her basket of flowers, trying her best to scatter them evenly as the audience laughed quietly at how cute she was. She was then followed by Adrian, who proudly carried the rings and slowly made his way up the aisle, being ever so careful not to drop them. He took his place next to Luigi, a little scared with everyone looking at him. Luigi looked down and smiled at his, giving him a small pat on the shoulder. As he looked up, that's when she came around the corner.

Luigi froze, his eyes widened.

"M-mama mia. . ." Luigi whispered to himself. "That's not- that's not Daisy, is it?"

Mario glanced over. "Luigi? Luigi, what is wrong with you?" Mario whispered. Luigi snapped out of his trance.

"Nothing. nothing at all. I was just . . . caught off guard a little. . . " When Mario followed where Luigi's eyes were glued, he knew.

He smirked, but Mario managed to hold his tongue to refrain from embarrassing his little brother. He knew Luigi was going to have that reaction when he saw Daisy, and he knew in due time they would be able to get reacquainted after such a long time.

The music then changed as everyone stood and Peach came around the corner and stood in the archway with a bright smile on her face. Mario's eyes widened. His knees shook a little, his mouth hung open slightly and he had sweat forming on his forehead. He covered his mouth, trying to stifle the sob that escaped his mouth. Luigi slipped him a small handkerchief. He tried so hard, but he couldn't hold back the tears. He couldn't believe his eyes, there Peach stood before him, his bride to be.

Before he even knew it she was right in front of him, smiling even bigger. "Oh Mario, you handsome man. Don't you look dashing?" She giggled.

"Mama mia princess, I am awestruck. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on." He wiped another tear from his eye. "Let's get married shall we?"


They turned towards Toadsworth, taking each other's hands.

"Do you Mario Mario, take Princess Peach Toadstool to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do"

"Do you Princess Peach, take Mario Mario to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Tears formed in the princess's eyes. "...I..I do"

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your beautiful bride!"

Both of them were smiling ear to ear as they leaned in to kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other. How magical that kiss felt, it felt like they were being lifted off the ground, pulled away and linked arms, walking down the aisle as people cheered and clapped. Annabelle and Adrian then quickly and took hands, thinking people didn't notice, and walked out behind them, leaving Luigi and Daisy the last two up at the altar to exit. Daisy then approached Luigi and he quickly felt his knees weaken.

"Hiya mister," Daisy said she said as she linked arms with him, causing him to turn beet red. "Long time no see."

"Y-yes indeed. It's been a long time. . .D-D. . ."



"Daisy, my name is Daisy. . ." she said with a smile and a laugh.

"Yes. Daisy. You're right." He was beet red.

Despite his awkwardness, she found herself getting lost in those big blue eyes.

A clear of the throat made them both turn around.

"Are you gonna escort Princess Daisy down the aisle or not?" Toadsworth said.

"Don't you think I should at least take her out for a drink before walking anyone down an aisle?" Luigi replied jokingly, shocking himself and a few nearby that knew Luigi's shyness. It slipped out before he could even think. Daisy giggled and Toad and Yoshi standing nearby burst into laughter.

Luigi, trying to ignore what he said and his friends laughing, started to walk with Daisy back into the castle. As they entered, they unhooked arms. Luigi immediately drifted off to have a moment to himself, that is before Mario showed up.

"Excuse me, princess." He slipped away and out of sight before she could even respond.

Why? WHY would I say something like that? She probably thinks I'm a fool. . .

While Luigi collected his thoughts, Peach approached Daisy, a mischievous smirk on her delicate face.

"So I heard Luigi made a decent second impression" Peach laughed. "I'm shocked he even said anything."

Daisy laughed. "Well, maybe it's just a trait he got from his brother as well. I can certainly tell they have similar traits, humor being one. The poor thing looked so embarrassed when he walked away though!" Daisy sighed.

"Nah, don't worry about that, Mario will assure everything is fine and soon he will be back to normal. Well, embarrassed and shy are kind of a normal for him, but he is getting better."

Daisy nodded in agreement.

Let's hope I can win him over today. . .