A/N: Ok! I'm in the mood of writing today, and I became more psyched because of the vast number of reviews and favorites. (YEAH! That was already 'vast' for me okay? XD). Anyway, here is Mio's part. Enjoy this bonus part of the fic!

Disclaimer: I don't own K-on! How many times had I said it?

As everyone got onto their positions, Ritsu tapped her drumsticks together as everyone waited for the correct timing to start the song. There, they were now playing the intro of their crowd pleaser, which was Fuwa Fuwa Time. Everyone smiled to themselves as they can feel the normal feeling of being together as one. Everything went well until...

"HIC!" Another roar of hiccups echoed all throughout of the room as the music halted to a stop.


"Hic!" It was Mio's turn to experience hiccups.


Bonus Chapter


Everyone stopped playing their instruments with different timings, which resulted into the huge rummage of their instruments that can hurt anyone's ear. Everyone stared at Mio with shocked look on their faces. This was a huge occurence. Hiccups wasn't meant to be contagious right? Mio looked back at them with a nervous smile on her face. She was also blushing because of the thought that she had to kiss someone passionately too for her to get rid of her hiccups. Utter silence had covered the whole music room as they stared onto each other.

"Hic!" Mio's hiccups had broken down the tense atmosphere that they had made as everyone snapped out of their trance, or Mio's trance maybe. Yui began to talk shortly afterwards.

"Mio-chan had caught the hiccups too? I never knew that this can be passed on others!" Yui exclaimed as she started to panic on herself which made everyone to laugh slightly, except for Mio and Azusa. Mio was still awaiting for the next roar of her hiccup while Azusa was still caught up from the kiss she and Yui had shared just a while ago. Even though Yui wasn't paying attention to the kiss she and Azusa had shared, It was still a huge bother for Azusa, she was thinking of skipping club activities tomorrow just because of the situation she and Yui had been caught in.

"Maybe, may..hic! be it could be contagious." Mio stated, her awaited next roar of hiccups was present in her statement. Ritsu grinned as she had another great idea for her to tease her beloved Mio-chan.

"Maybe... just maybe... MIO-CHAN HAD SNUCK SOME CAKE AWAY FROM YUI AND ATE THEM ALL AT ONCE!" Ritsu screamed, making everyone look confused onto her because of her idea as always. This had caused some 'angry' animation bubbles to appear above Mio's head, and everyone was prepared to see another lump above Ritsu's head.

"EHH! Mio-chan give me back my cake!" Yui screamed, wanting to eat more cake even though she had eaten a whole cake a while ago. This had made Azusa snap out of her thoughts, she didn't want her senpai to eat more cake. She doesn't want to kiss her for the second time around. Just thinking about the situation makes her wanting to go home right away. She exclaimed,

"No way Yui-senpai! No more cake for you today!" She lectured her senpai in a high tone, which made Yui stop talking and quickly tear up afterwards. Azusa never knew that Yui would be this emotional just because of cake. The angry Mio calmed down for a bit and roared a hiccup, which was ignored by everyone because their attention was focused on the near to cry Yui.

"Why Azu-nyan? Don't you want to kiss me again?" Yui exclaimed retrieving her snot that came out of her nose. This had made everyone sweat drop. Azusa thought that there was a more important matter than this. Even though this was also important as itself.

"No, that's not the point..." Azusa muttered softly, having doubts about her senpai. This had made another chance for Ritsu to make another teasing spree. She held that signature grin on her face as she started to talk.

"So Azusa liked her kiss with her senpai eh?" Ritsu exclaimed, making Azusa blush furiously and making Yui do the same also. Azusa quickly shook her head in a fast manner as she started to make up some silly excuses.

"No, I don't like our kiss." She said bluntly, making Yui to tear up once more, Azusa was completely stuck in the middle, her mind started to spin as Yui talked once more.

"You didn't like o-our k-kiss Azu-n-nyan?" Yui said, sobbing softly, Azusa's mind stopped spinning as the words came out from her mouth on its own.

"Ok ok ok Yui-senpai, let us just say that I liked your kiss... a little." Azusa's little statement had made everyone's eyes lit up, except for Mio who quickly hiccuped at the moment she heard the statement of Azusa's. Because of utter happiness, Yui spoke up once more.

"Really Azu-nyan!" Yui said as her eyes started to brighten up once more. This had made Azusa a little scared as she started to move some steps backwards. Yui started to move towards her as she continued to move backwards, until she was prevented by their table. Azusa heard the words that she didn't want to hear.

"Let's do it again!" Yui exclaimed as she appeared right in front of Azusa, and enveloped her in a hug, which made her blush intensify to its limits. Just before Yui's face come closer onto her, she had given her a well deserved slap on the face which echoed all throughout the room. Everyone watched the commotion with sweat drops on their temples. Oh, and for Mugi, she watched with a blushing face.

"She really love me, doesn't she?" Yui said as she faced the other way around, looking onto Mio while holding the red palm print on her face, waiting for a response. The response she get was only Mio's hiccup which was rather strange. To break to strange atmosphere that was being built up, Ritsu was planning to continue her teaasing spree as she turned the topic of discussion upside down.

"Anyway, I'm really sure that Mio snuck some cake out of Yui..." Ritsu said, intentionally making Mio mad, the angry bubble was back on her head as she tried to restrain herself from breaking down. But, as Ritsu continued to blabber some more, she already had her hand up, ready to assault Ritsu's head.

Ritsu's world slowed down as she watched Mio's fist fly through the air, on the first time that she saw the direction where Mio's fist was going to, she was very sure that the fist would hit her directly, hard. But, as Mio's fist almost enclosed the gap between itself and Ritsu's face, the unexpected happen.

Mio let out a hiccup that had made her fist to turn some degrees off target. This had made Ritsu evade the killing blow which made Mio completely shocked. They stayed in the same position while the others watch with awe. It was so rare that Ritsu would evade her punch. Ritsu broke the silence once again.

"Huh, looks like you had missed me Mio-chan!" That statement of hers wasn't meant to have a double meanings but it was Mio who misunderstood the whole situation as her fist turned back towards Ritsu's direction. Before Ritsu can react, Mio's fist was already connected with the top of Ritsu's head. After some seconds, Ritsu fell down on the ground, with another lump on her head. Mio huffed in victory as she started to walk towards the opposite direction.

Everyone was taking care of their own businesses. Yui was still holding her red printed cheek, Azusa was still facing the other direction...away from her Yui-senpai, Ritsu was still lying on the ground, face first, Mugi was still stunned because of the huge amount of yuri she was experiencing. Mio was the only one who wants to get rid of her hiccups by now. but it seems that there wasn't any ideas that were coming in. Ritsu had recovered from the jab she received and quickly suggested something.

"Just like Yui had done, kiss someone passionately!" Ritsu exclaimed, as she scouted for someone who would want to do it for Mio. Her head began to move from left to right, then right to left. There, she had concluded that there wasn't anyone that would be suitable for her no other than...

herself of course!

So, Ritsu had declined the idea before anything nasty comes up.

"Ah, maybe some other idea might w-work!" Ritsu stuttered, as she started to brainstorm for more ideas on how to get rid of hiccups. Everyone around her was confused on a high level as they began to wonder why did Ritsu cancelled the idea. Everyone snapped out of their specific obsessions on the time being as they joined in the commotion. But, Mio was the one who got an idea why, and this time, she was the one whose going to tease Ritsu.

'Time or revenge.' Mio thought happily as she started to talk.

"Maybe, just maybe. Ritsu hic! doesn't want to see me kissing people hic!" Mio finished her sentence, this had made the two of them blush lightly as Mio tried to keep her cool. That wasn't the thing that she wanted to deliver, but somehow, those words had got through her mouth. Ritsu protested about her hypothesis, she doesn't want to be defeated easily.

"No! That's not it!" Ritsu exclaimed once more as she lifted off another jug of water with a glass on her left hand. She pushed the jug in front of Mio and poured water onto it.

"I had another idea, they said that if you drink a glass of water while stopping your breath cures hiccups!" Ritsu said, trying to convince everyone for Mio to try it out. Mio held a confused look because she hadn't expected for Ritsu to deliver such an idea. Everyone except Ritsu thought that it was just a hybrid of the two earlier ideas. Ritsu wasn't sure to herself that her idea will work but its work the try. All that she needed to do is convince everyone.

"What do ya say?" Ritsu asked as she looked around, just to see the different expressions that were tinted on everyone's faces. Ritsu gave them a confused look as she let Mio have the glass full of water. "Go on M-Mio. Try it!" Ritsu said as she let go of the glass which was enclosed in Mio's hand.

"A-Alright.."Mio was convinced by Ritsu, and this had made Ritsu smile a bit. She had escaped from that plan hole. All that she needs to do is get out of everything. And for the better, make this theory effective.

"Here we go..." Mio said as she placed a hand on her nose, and placed the glass on top of her lips. Everyone watched in an observable manner as Mio started to gulp the water. Seconds passed and Mio was halfway to finish the cup, everyone had closed the gap between them and the place where Mio was standing. They began to cheer when there wasn't any signs of Mio's hiccups as she finished the 3/4 part of the cup of water. Until...

Mio's hiccups roared around the room, not only that, but the water that was once inside her mouth was now released from her mouth. Unluckily, it hit directly on the face of Ritsu's. Everyone watched in awe as every single second played in their minds like minutes. As the scenario finishes, Ritsu and Mio stared at each other, after some seconds of utter silence. They both laughed in front of each other. Laughing about the horrible and funny situation they had been through just now.

"hahahahichaha!" They laughed themselves out as Ritsu wiped the water out of her face with the water. Mio had also helped to clean her face up. This had made every member of the band to laugh at the same scene. Mio and RItsu was quite happy because they had never laughed like this onto each other for a long time now. But, the problem was still there, Mio's hiccups was still there.

"Ano... Mio-chan's hiccups was still there right?" Yui asked, talking just right after a long time of being silent. Everyone looked at her direction and nodded slowly at the realization. They were so caught up in the happy moment that they had forgotten about the main conflict of this story.

And so, everyone had sat down in their respective seats and started to brainstorm for such ideas to cure hiccups. Even though Yui's was cured by a kiss with Azusa, Mio wouldn't want to kiss anyone just because she wanted to cure her hiccups. So, she would suggest another idea, until she was prevented by Yui to do so as she got there first.

"I think the only way for Mio-chan's hiccups to be cured is a kiss just like what I had!" Yui said, even though it was crystal clear to anyone else, but it seems that everyone except her was playing dumb because they had always ignored that idea.

"But! HIC!" Mio protested, but she was cut again by Azusa, the thought running on her mind was if Mio kissed someone, she wouldn't be that embarrassed to come to school because she had someone who experienced the same. That's the twisted thoughts of Nakano Azusa here.

"Yui-senpai's right, if hers was cured by a kiss, then yours might be cured by a kiss too!" Azusa exclaimed, defending Yui unknowingly. Yui's eyes flashed brightly at Azusa's statement and thanked her properly, with a little twist on it.

"Wow, thanks Azu-nyan! I really love you!" She exclaimed, making Azusa blush furiously as she sat down on her chair. muttering something like 'why are you saying something like that... and in public too...'. Everyone except Azusa concluded that Yui's statement was some kind of joke so they had continued to talk about Mio's cure, or Mio's kiss perhaps.

"But we wouldn't have hic! time if we deal with my hiccups, let us just go home shall we?" Mio proposed, but was completely blocked by Mugi.

"We have lots of time Mio-chan..." Mugi said, making her sat back down on her seat. She was completely defeated, she can't come up with any other ideas so she had just sat there, with a plain look on her face. But another idea came in her as she stood back up and headed for the door, seriously, why doesn't she noticed it in the first place. That she can escape with the use of the door.

But, just right before she could escape, Yui had her hands grasped on Mio's own as she pulled Mio back.

"Where are you going Mio-chan?" Yui asked as she continued to pull. She was enabled to call for back up as Azusa grasped Yui's waist, while Mugi grasped Azusa's as they pull them in. They never knew that Mio didn't put any effort on that push-and-pull battle as Mio was pulled back inside the room, the three people who had pulled Mio back were piled up on a side of the room. While Mio crashed unexpectedly on Ritsu, who was sitting on the sofa. They fell on the floor with Mio on top. They was stuck like that for some seconds until Mio's hiccups broke the tense atmosphere.


The people who were on the side of the room completely recovered as they moved towards the location of Ritsu and Mio. They had acknowledged an unexpected idea.

"Hey Ricchan! Go and kiss Mio-chan, so she can be freed from the curse!" Yui exclaimed as she raised her hands up and down, cheering for the two to continue. Both of them tried to calm down as Mio rested on top of Ritsu. Ritsu can feel Mio's body that was being pressed onto hers, and their faces being so close, that didn't help either. Everyone started to cheer for the two but in their world, there wasn't anyone talking. They were just staring onto each other's eyes, no one was still moving until Ritsu leaded the way. She wasn't sure what was she doing but her body won't stop now, so as Mio's as they started to close the gap between their faces. Mio was planning to pull away but she hiccuped immediately and closed the gap between their lips. There, they had made it as their lips began to play with each other. Both of them thought that time stood still as they continued their kiss. But this time, they're aiming for a more passionate one.

The people around them continued to cheer as they continued the kiss, as they began to involve their tongues onto the game. After some time that seems like an eternity for them, they had broken up their kiss and looked at two different directions. The cheering squad smiled brightly as they cheered the both of them up from their seats, which was the floor.

"Hey! Mio-chan's hiccups was gone!" Mugi exclaimed, Mio nodded and started to thank someone.

"It's because stupid Ritsu is here to help... haha!" She laughed lightly as she hit the head of Ritsu's softly as everyone was convinced by her to laugh.

There wasn't enough for them to practice, even though the things that they had done wasn't related to music in any way, it was still a treasure that they would always remember. Everyone continued to smile onto each other. All that they can do is to thank those hiccups that it had passed through them, even if it was just once.

They continued to laugh... Until...

"HIC!" Mugi's hiccup roared through the room. This had made everyone to fall anime style, face first on the ground. Mugi cleared the problem soon afterwards.

"Just kidding!" Mugi said in a cheerful way as they continued to laugh themselves out, the people who had fell kept their positions and rolled over the floor, still laughing non-stop.

They're happy, always be... always had been.


A/N: There you have it, thank you for the support for this fic, expect some more coming from me. Maybe another story? Haha. Anyway, just like what I'm saying on the previous chapter, Comments, criticisms, flames, praises, and suggestions are welcome! There ya go!

I never knew that I'm going to continue this. But this was surely the last chapter... ^-^

Oh yeah, by the way, feel free to read some of my other stories.

Other stories...

I will update To A New Path(Angel Beats) shortly after this, so yeah, for those people who are reading the story, expect it minutes from now.

Thank you and God Bless, enjoy the rest of you day!