Chapter twenty.

The Chameleon looked around for an escape route, but couldn't find one. As the three cats gained on him, the lizard decided to do something different; running at the youngest of the agents, he barreled into her and they went rolling. Holding her blaster to her neck, he began backing away.

"Katherine!" the two other agents cried.

"Yes, that's right." Chameleon chuckled darkly. "If you don't give me an escape route in three seconds, poor little Kat will have her head blown off."

The other two agents gasped and looked at each other. "Kitty, what do we do?" the white cat asked the other cat.

"I don't know Katrina." Kitty murmured. "If we let him go, the Chief won't be happy. If we don't, Katherine…"

Katrina growled. "Damn the Chief to hell!"

Chameleon, Kitty and Katherine all gasped as Katrina lowered her gun and stepped aside for the Chameleon to pass. He slowly walked forward with Katherine in his grasp and turned as he was walking away from the two older agents. "Now, I will let her go and turn into a motorcycle so I can leave. No tricks, Katswell."

He pushed Katherine toward her mother and transformed, taking off down the street. Katrina caught Katherine, but the nineteen-year-old pushed her away.

"How could you do that?" she demanded. "He got away!"

Katrina's eyes turned sad. "But that street leads to a cliff." She murmured. "The police station will be with him in a few minutes because he doesn't know it. Right now, the Chameleon's probably too busy laughing to notice the cliff. When he finally does, he will fall and turn into a bird or something and by then, the police will have other birds chasing him to catch him."

"How do you…?" They all turned at a scream and saw the Chameleon as a bird, trying to escape from some predatory birds chasing him. Kitty and Katherine turned to Katrina in shock.

"I'm a profiler." She shrugged. "So, who's up for sundaes?" she asked cheerfully. Kitty and Katherine looked at each other before laughing and raising their hands. As the trio headed back to Headquarters, Dudley rode up in the car and grinned.

"How's the arm, Dudley?" Katrina called.

"Eh, SnapTrap's said he's sorry, but I'll be fine until it heals. Where you girls headed?"

"Fluffy's Ice Cream Parlor." Kitty replied.

"Hop in, I'll take you." The girls grinned and hopped into the car. "So how'd it go with the Chameleon?" Dudley inquired.

"Katrina let him escape." Kitty replied.

"She what?" Dudley exclaimed. "Agent Kitten, that is unlike you."

Katrina hissed in exasperation. "He was captured!" she growled.

"Only after you told us what you'd figured out." Katherine pointed out. "What if you'd been wrong?"

Kitty and Dudley's eyes widened as they waited for Katrina's reaction. Katrina's face turned stony and she stared straight ahead for a moment. "Stop the car Dudley." She said dully.

"W-what?" Dudley asked, looking at her in the rearview mirror.

"Stop… the… car."

Dudley turned to look at her questioningly, but stopped the car. Katrina opened the door and stepped out of the spycar, striding away.

"Where are you going?" Kitty asked.

"Home." Katrina retorted. "Obviously my skills aren't wanted."

Kitty, Dudley and Katherine watched her go and Kitty turned to her daughter. "But I didn't mean-."

"We know, Kat." Kitty told her gently. "It's just that, your mother doesn't like being told she's wrong. Most of the time she's actually dead on, like she was this time. Other times she just misses one or two details. Your mother is rarely wrong. I think, as long as I've known her, Katrina's only been wrong about one thing."

"What was it?" Katherine asked curiously.

"Thinking I didn't love her and leaving TUFF because of it."

Katherine said nothing, thinking about how she may have wounded her mother. "You know what?" the nineteen-year-old cat said after a few more minutes. "Let's get the ice scream to go. I wanna go home."

Kitty nodded and shared an understanding look with Dudley. Heading home, Katherine slowly knocked on her parents' door. Receiving no answer, she slowly opened the door to find that it was unoccupied. Thinking of only one other place her mother could be, Katherine headed down to the basement. There was Katrina practicing her Jiu jitsu.

"Mom?" Katrina ignored her and continued fighting to the music as the robots came at her. "Are you still mad at me?" Katrina continued fighting, smashing and crashing robots left and right. "I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier and I wanted to know if you'd forgive me."

Katrina stopped for a moment as the robots paused and Katherine waited anxiously. Katrina did a backflip and landed facing her daughter with a blaster aimed at the orange-white cat's forehead. Katherine gasped in fear as Katrina shot, but was shocked to see the blast fly over her head and hit an oncoming drone that had been sneaking up on her. Katherine watched it explode and turned to her mother with wide eyes.

"Yes, I forgive you."

Katherine smiled at her mother and hugged her tight. "Thanks." She mumbled against her mother's chest. "And I really am sorry."

Katrina chuckled. "Don't let it happen again or I just might wait a second too long and let the drone get you." Katherine froze and looked at her mother, seeing the joke in her eyes.

"Not funny." She said seriously. Katrina shrugged and accompanied her daughter upstairs.

"You two make up?" Kitty asked.

"Of course." Katrina giggled, pecking her lips. "Just like I knew we would."

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