Disclaimer: Of course I do not own Marvel or X-Men, you silly tosser! ^^

I realize how the timeline for X-Men worked out, but I wanted to switch it up a bit to see what it would be like if Azazel had actually stayed with one of the women he impregnated. Thus, the following story was born.

The following story picks up a few years after the events of X-Men: First Class.


Darkness, then pain.

Raven awoke and sat straight up as her child moved inside her. It's rough kicks caused the young woman much pain, but also happiness. She knew it would be strong when it came into the world.

She looked to Azazel, who was still slept. He had been out hunting (as well as stealing, Raven recalled) the night before, making sure they'd have plenty for when the child arrived. It wasn't exactly safe for mutants to walk around in broad daylight, after all. The child gave another kick as Raven touched her belly softly.

"My little one..." she smiled softly, stroking where the child had kicked, "Please... Be safe... Be strong..."

If there was one thing that Raven wished for the most, it was that her child be born human. She didn't know what she would do if it were born a mutant like it's mother and father. It was hard enough for the two of them to live as "non-humans"; Raven couldn't bear the thought of their child suffering the same fate. As if sensing it's mother's growing uncertainty, the child pressed against Raven's hand as it rested on her belly. She smiled.

"I love you too, my darling..."

She laid down and stroked her belly softly. I can't wait to meet you, sweet baby... Raven's thoughts centered entirely around her child until she drifted back into sleep. Azazel, who had been feigning sleep and listening to Raven, smiled softly.


Yes, I do realize this chapter is quite short; expect them all to be relatively small, thanks. ^^

I certainly hope this is alright ^^'

Do review if you wish! C: