A very fluffy PT SanUso short story.

"Arrgh! We're totally lost!" Usopp cried, as he and Sanji were indeed quite lost after being separated from the rest of the crew.

It had started out as a normal day: Luffy trying to explore every inch of the island they had landed on and disturbing the residents of the town they visited to stock up on supplies. Everything was moderately fine until Luffy accidentally rolled one of the strange, sphere-shaped buildings in the town right into a Marine base. The ensuing chase had the Strawhats scrambling for the port, splitting up into groups and taking alternative routes as they did so in order to throw off the group of Marines chasing after them.

"Excuse me," he called, walking over to the group of heavily made-up girls standing near the fountain.

"You say something, nosey?" One of them asked with a sly grin. Resisting the urge to back away, Usopp put on a fake smile and continued. "Do you ladies know where the port it?"

"No," the same girl said as she moved closer, her troupe following suit. "But we can help you look for it if you're lost, sweetie."

Before he could retort, someone grabbed his hand from behind and began pulling him away.

"Woah!" he said, almost tripping trying to turn around. "Uh, Sanji?" Usopp asked, noticing that it was Sanji who was dragging him away. "Sanji?" Sanji seemed unable to hear him as they rushed along at top speed, getting further and further away from the square.

"OI, SANJI!" Usopp finally yelled. Sanji slowed down as they neared a cluster of buildings near the opening of an alleyway. "Sorry," he muttered, letting go of his hand. "We-we can find the Sunny by ourselves." Usopp stared at him, Sanji's back still turned towards him. "Uh, let's go this way." Sanji said, pointing past the alley to a stone archway.

As they neared the archway, they could see the port behind it, and the Sunny a little ways off.