Title: Miami

Summary: Eliot and Natalia in action.

Disclaimer: I don't own Leverage or any of the characters associated with the show. I only claim ownership to the character that I created. Also, no profits are being made off of this story. It's only for your entertainment.

Author's Note: Back again! Unfortunately I've been without my computer for a month or so and on top of it they had to erase all of my files. Including this story. =/ So, please, please do bear with me, as I'm in a bit of a rebuilding phase. Hope everything came together alright in this chapter!

Big thank you to new and old readers alike. There will be more coming soon if you guys are still with me!

Edit: Typos fixed. Big thanks to Carolyn for catching them!

Chapter 7

"What do you mean copper?" Tom loosened his bowtie and tossed it on the bed of Eliot and Natalia's room.

"The reports," Eliot was scowling into the screen of his laptop, searching the USB for the files he had seen. "There were maps of geological hotspots, projected yields, everything."

"Mining for copper with the right permits isn't illegal," Tom pinched the bridge of his nose as he paced. "We might be looking at an aborted mission." Half of a question lingered in his voice.

"Not necessarily," Natalia's voice crackled to life in their ear. Tom had barely finished frowning in confusion when the door handle turned and she walked in, taking care to shut it fully before continuing. "Did you manage to copy them?" She set the bottle of beer down on the nightstand and moved to peer over Eliot's shoulder. "Tom, can you get a hold of Davis for me?"

"Sure thing." He dialed and began punching a series of numbers into his phone, shaving off layers of security as he did. The sequence was almost mechanical by now, and his eyes moved instead to pass over the composed woman standing before him in some of the most precarious heels he'd ever seen as she calmly pored over the computer screen. "How are you not wasted right now?" He didn't bother with delicate phrasing. She didn't necessarily care for it.

"Old bartender's trick," she pointed a finger at the bottle on the nightstand without looking up. Tom idly peeled the napkin back from the bottle, revealing that it was half full with tequila. "Santiago had an early night."

Tom smirked as a voice came over the line. "Yeah, it's Tom I need Davis. It's important."

Eliot and Natalia could just make out the voice on the other end.

I'm sorry, he can't be reached right now.

"Cameron, this is about Miami. Audrey's here and we need to speak with him." He made sure to use the alias the Agency knew the assassin by.

He's asked that he not be contacted after 11pm, no matter the importance of the case.

Natalia calmly reached out a hand, into which Tom slipped the phone.

"Cameron, I'm not one of your fucking snotty-nosed recruits," her voice was as hard and level as ice. "We both know my security clearance is higher than you can count, so when I say I need to speak to Davis, I need to speak to him now. I don't care if he's asleep. I don't care if he's on the crapper. I don't care if it's 2 in the morning and he's shagging his wife. You put me through to him when I tell you to, understood?"

I'll transfer you.

"Damn right you will," she muttered as she put the phone on speaker and placed it on the desk.

"Well, you've successfully made Cameron afraid of you," Davis' amused voice rang out into the room.

"Should've been done a long time ago," she grinned. "Listen we've got news." She tapped Eliot on the shoulder and he continued.

"There's a different objective to this meeting than we thought. Santiago isn't negotiating a drug deal, he's selling copper futures. I found maps, geological surveys, and pages of projected yields in his hotel room. I managed to copy the files. Sending them now," Eliot pointed to the screen where a window had popped up. Natalia slipped in front of him and punched in Davis' email and the code that would encrypt the files.

"On their way." She stood back and ran a hand through her hair.

"Copper," they heard Davis murmur on the other end of the line as mouse clicks sounded away.

"That has to be why this is all taking place out in the open," Natalia leaned a shoulder against the wall and stared down at her shoes. "He wants to turn this into a legitimate business venture. Santiago already has the government permits to dig in Colombia. The highest bidder gets the rights. There will be shell companies to cover for it all, but that's the heart of it."

"The opportunity to become a partner," Davis mulled over the idea.

"How big is the potential payout on this?" Tom asked.

"The market for copper as a conductor's exploding. More of the world gets wired up every day. Cell phones, computers, tablets, all of it requires copper." Eliot crossed his arms over his chest. "According to these surveys, it's millions. Easily."

"Probably closer to billions," Natalia was bent over the computer now, "these are preliminary meetings. He's not going to give away all of his secrets. These surveys probably only consist of 30% of the entire deposit. There are full maps somewhere, but he's saving those until he has the contracts and the money. He's not stupid."

"She's right," this from Eliot.

"Can we get a man on the ground in Colombia to find those? As discreetly as possible, of course. I want them ready to be handed over to whoever the Agency deems to be the right people when we're done here."

"I'll have them on it in the morning."

"Does this mean we're off the case?" Tom chimed in.

"No." Eliot swiveled around in the chair to face him. "Where do you think all that money goes once they've sold the copper?"

"Right back into the drug market," Tom nodded as the plan crystallized before him.

"And don't think they're about to pay people decent wages to get all that copper out the ground either," Eliot continued as he stood. "I've seen it all before. Men being paid pennies to work themselves into a grave. Women, children even, forced to work at gunpoint. They'll barely see enough food and water to keep them alive. It might not be what we thought, but I guarantee you it's worse."

"He's right." Natalia took his place in the chair. "Davis? All we need is your official word."

There was a pause on the line, punctuated by keyboard clacking.

"Your original objective remains unchanged." His tone had turned sharply official. "Santiago is to be terminated in the manner previously agreed upon. These documents are being sent to the Agency as we speak, and I will have our people in Colombia on the full plans by morning."

"Understood." Natalia and Eliot confirmed in unison.

"Will you be requiring backup?"

"Too many cooks in the kitchen just invites trouble. We're fine here." She stood.

"Very well." Davis' tone softened, "it's good to see you two back together."

"Yeah well," she looked over at Eliot, "job's not over yet." He saw the slightest tinge of worry flit across her features before they evened out again.

"I'll bring her back safe Davis," blue eyes never left green. "Promise."

"You better. Anything else I can do on this end?"

"Get some sleep. That's an order." Natalia grinned.

"WILCO. Signing off."

A chorus of "goodnights" echoed around the room as Natalia hung up and handed the phone back to Tom.

"You get some sleep too," she gently ran a hand over his arm.

"You don't have to tell me twice. I'm off." Tom kissed her on the cheek and shook Eliot's hand.

"Text me to let me know you made it back." Natalia walked him to the door.

"Yes mom." With a laugh he was off.

She kicked off her shoes and turned on her heel to face Eliot.

"Well?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I need a shower," she disappeared into the bathroom.

Eliot took a moment to chew his bottom lip and then elected to follow right behind her.