DRUG DAYS: Unwanted Calls

[A/N: S'up people~ I'm creating a fanfic about "Los Cartels" and I want to put everyone I have RP with in the story. I roleplay Nadiezda's OC Mexico/ Eduardo Rodriguez Díaz for Hetalia RP (find me at FB) . This is written in Eduardo's POV but will later write it differently due to the situations he's under. I DO NOT OWN EDUARDO...THAT SEXY MEXICAN BELONGS TO NADIEZ nor Hetalia. Desfruten~ ]

July 26, 2011; 7:00pm EN EL DISTRITO FREDERAL

It was getting late and I was nowhere near done with the paperwork my boss had left me that day. My boss had left me charge of Los Cartels issues, apparently it was too much for him too handle alone. ''200 muertos hallados en las fosas clandestinas.'' 200 found dead in mass graves, I read to myself today's newspaper headlines. Los Cartels strike again, second time this month. Humans are slowly loosing their humanity, aren't they aware of that? I moved on to the files with 'affairs' printed bold on top. "Arizona can now built border fence." was a written contract inside. Ha! Don't make me laugh...let's see how long this fence can keep Los Cartels away. Why do they keep attacking their own people? Their own flesh and blood...some of the things I might never understand humans for. If my boss signed that contract, what difference will it make? Ring Ring...the phone interrupted my thoughts.

I answered with my best cheerful voice, "Hola, Mexico speaking. En que pue-"

"Hey dude! Look, I just received 50 pounds of marijuana on my front porch...MY FRONT PORCH. So can you like next time, put it you-know-where?"

"Gringo, I have no idea what you're talking about." I didn't need to look at the receiver to check who it was with that annoying voice on the other line. "You have the wrong number," I tried to explain calmly.

"This isn't Guzman? Well I received this number by him...you two know each other well don'tcha? Can you please pass him the message, por favor? Come on, let this one slide, ok?" He said with a smirk.

"I-I don't know the chigadera! Well I do but I have nothing to do with him!" That just reminded me to call Señor Chapo about "Los Zetas." I haven't heard of them personally these pass weeks. It has been awfully quiet...too quiet. I'm afraid they might be planning to attack la gente again because of the debt. Malditos pendejos...

"You still there?" He interrupted my thoughts.

"Ugh? Um, si. But Alfred, how can you still afford this when you're in debt?"

"...I have my savings.'' He sounded so assured.

"But Señor Chapo doesn't like to wait for his money, idiota" I mumbled.

"Just tell him I'll pay later and to leave the narcotic with the rest of the stash next time. Need to go, later!"

"He's not my friend! Gringo, that doesn't solve- " he hung up on me...well I DID try to warn him. I need to call the bastard tonight. I hunged up the phone but missed, que demonios? I threw the phone in the air but regretted soon after I heard a whimpering sound coming from below.

"Señor Eduardo! What was that for? I already told you I wasn't the one who ate all the churros!" Paco barked with a small bump forming on his head.

"P-Paco? Perdon! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there...I didn't hear you walk in. You usually bark while running inside mi officina."

"E-es que...because I heard you talking with Alfred. Que demonios querria? What the hell did he want now?" He asked with puzzled look.

"No tiene nada que ver con has nothing to do with you, so just be un buen perro and stay out of this."

"B-but I can help you!" He pleaded.

"Como? How? You're just a chihuahua who likes to mess with the neighbor's cat, fetching churros and- "

"IDIOTA! What about the times I retrieved that 69 pounds of crack with more then 13 mil in cash? Or the time I saved you from the brawl with- "

"OKAY si, you have a point." Dios mio, he had a point. I had to admit he has saved my ass from time to time. He may be small but is useful sometimes.

"You owe me Señor~" he said cheeky as waging his tail, jumping on my desk.

"Fine. Que quierres? What do you what this time?"


" ...there's some in the- "

"There's is none Señor Eduardo," he looked seriously worried.

"I haven't even told you where- wait you mean there's no more? Even in the-"


"Impossible...I made some this morning."


"You...little piece of-"

"ACK! AM SORRY AM SORRY!" He ran off under the chairs in front of the desk before I could grab him.

"You ate your reword so now we're even," I picked up all the scatted papers thrown by Paco. I don't have time for this. "Paco, could you pass me the address book, por favor?" He gave me a strange look before nodding, retrieving a thick brown book.

"Señor, why do you need El libro de contactos when you have everyone's phone-number in your cellphone? Unless you're contacting THEM." Paco gasped.

"Si amigo...I need to talk to THEM, I can't have them calling me directly. That would make-"

"You look wrong? *sigh* I understand. It's hard to deal with THEM because you always risk of blackmailing you. Am I right?"

This dog knows me all too well..."hehe...si chiko." I nodded, half smiling.

"Señor, if you need anything. You know what to do."


"Whistle," he nodded in confirmation.

And with that, he walked- most likely- towards the kitchen. I retreated by to my desk, laying out the papers that were on the floor. Opened the brown torn address book, looking under the C section. Finally found the name I was looking for...now to dial with the dealer phone.

"Hola?" A voice boomed with some loud narco corrido songs in the background.

"Señor Chapo Guzmán?"

[A/N: I first posted this FanFic on my 'notes' of my RP page on FaceBook. If you want to see more chapters it's more likely to have the newest chatper on my RP Eduardo page first. Kay, I know Al's part is a bit off but I'm working on it. I'm going to tag more people later on, I didn't get everyone. Tell me what you think, this is my first fanfic I have ever posted in public. I know I'm still lacking in my writing. I'm also going to be changing POVs later on. Gracias~ ]