Rachel can't remember exactly how the fight started. Maybe she hit her head harder than she thought. It just all happened so fast.

They had gotten to the choir room that afternoon for Glee Club and Mr. Schuester had written on the board that he was going to be late but they should practice for Sectionals. So Rachel, being co-captain got everyone together and started working on the choreography for their final number in which she happened to share a duet with Puck.

Everything was going just fine until the second runthrough when Finn stopped the music halfway through and started yelling about how it was ridiculous that Puck was getting to sing with Rachel when it should be him. That prompted Rachel to start arguing back about how he was being a baby and he needed to accept that someone in the Glee Club is better than him.

Then Finn grabbed her and told her he couldn't stand seeing her dance with another guy when he still loved her, and everything went to hell.

"Hey!" Puck barked. "Get your hands off my girlfriend."

"Hey," Finn responded. "You don't get to control what she does."

"You're the one who keeps putting your hands all over me when I keep telling you to stop it!" Rachel told him.

"You don't mean that." Finn lowered his voice. "I know you love me too, he's just got you brainwashed. Him and Santana. You never used to hang out with trash like that until he got his claws in you."

"I know you didn't just call my girl trash." Sam growled.

"Baby, I got this." Santana assured him. "I know you didn't just call me trash, Finessa. Especially since your daddy is the one who decided he'd rather do drugs than spend time with his freakishly tall kid."

"And you're the nasty whore who's been with every guy and girl in Lima."

"Motherfucker." Sam muttered, lunging forward.

Puck threw his arm out to stop him. "If anyone's gonna punch this loser, it's gonna be me."

"You know, insulting my friends is really not going to earn you any points with me." Rachel told him. "Especially when you're still in my personal space when I told you to back off!"

"Guys, this is ridiculous." Blaine interjected. "We're less than a week from Sectionals. We shouldn't be fighting. And Finn, if Rachel's told you to back off you should respect that."

"Shut up!" All five of them yelled at him, sending him back to Kurt with his tail between his legs.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, Finn." Rachel said. "Stay. Away. From me."

"No." He shook his head. "Not until you're back with me where you belong."

"It's never going to happen." She replied at the same time Puck grabbed the back of Finn's shirt to spin him around and punch him.

Finn shoved Puck back into Sam and from then on, it was two against one. Finn's height did give him somewhat of an adavantage and he elbowed Sam in the ribs hard and shoved Puck against the wall, with his arm on his throat.

"No one fucks with my man!" Santana yelled, dropping to her knees to sink her teeth into Finn's calf.

"Ow!" He kicked his leg and knocked her back at least four feet.

Puck was turning red from the lack of oxygen so Rachel launched herself on Finn's back and wrapped her arms around his own neck, squeezing hard. He let go of Puck and tried shaking her off. She let go when she saw Puck was free and it wound up causing her to be flung off, landing on the floor.

"Did you really just hurt two girls?" Mike asked.

"I didn't mean to! Santana bit me and Rachel was choking me!"

By this time, Sam had recovered from having the wind knocked out of him and he tackled Finn to the ground. Puck knocked him out of the way then and began punching Finn repeatedly in the face.

"Don't ever." Punch. "Put your hands." Punch. "On Rachel again." Punch.

He stood up, satisfied with his work. Finn rolled over to his hands and knees, attempting to get up.

"This is for kicking my girlfriend, asshole." Sam said, kicking him hard in the stomach.

"What's going on here!" Mr. Schuester pushed through the wall of Glee Club members that were watching the scuffle. He looked around, trying to figure out who was in the fight, but he couldn't tell. Santana's hair was only half in her ponytail, Rachel's lip was busted, Sam had a gash over his eye and he was bent over trying to catch his breath, Puck had blood on his shirt and his nose was bleeding, and Finn was in the floor, bloody and panting.

"We're rehearsing for Sectionals." Brittany offered.

"Those four ganged up on poor Finn." Rory tattled.

"That's bullshit, potato boy." Santana spat. "Shut your fucking mouth or else I'm gonna have leprichan blood all over this room."

"Santana!" Mr. Schuester silenced her. "Practice is cancelled. Everyone go home. Except the five of you."

Everyone left the room, grumbling about how they didn't get to see what was going to happen.

"What the hell went on in here?" He said quietly when they were all alone. No one answered. "Nobody? Really?"

"Mr. Schue, you and I both know you're not going to go to Principal Figgins with this because then all of us would be suspended. You can't lose your lead female vocalist and four other members for Sectionals. So let us go home so we can cool off and clean up. You should probably take Finn to the nurse. Tell her he tripped down the stairs or something. It sounds stupid enough to be something he'd do."

Mr. Schuester was red faced. Rachel was right, of course, but it made him really angry. "Fine. All of you go home, calm down and the next practice we have, you had better act like one big happy family. Understand?"

The teens all nodded and left his office, except Finn.

"Well that was the most fun I've had in Glee club all year." Santana chuckled. "You okay, baby?"

"Yeah." Sam grumbled. "I just wanna get outta here. You guys alright?"

Rachel and Puck nodded and Sam and Santana left.

"Are you okay?" Puck asked Rachel. "I can't believe he threw you in the floor."

"That's not exactly what happened, but yes I'm fine." She assured him. "Don't worry about me. It's you I'm worried about. You're bleeding everywhere."

He rolled his eyes. "Baby, I'm in fight club. This is nothin'. Is your nose alright?"

She giggled. "Fine. I bit through my lip when I hit the floor. Were you proud of my choke hold?"

He smiled. "Very. Thanks for savin' me."

"Anytime. But we should probably get out of here before Mr. Schue and Finn come out. I don't wanna see him and Mr. Schue's eventually going to realize that just because he can't turn us in to Figgins doesn't mean he can't punish us."

"Take me to your house and nurse my wounds?" He asked.

"I thought you said they were no big deal?"

He smirked. "Suddenly I'm feeling dizzy. And I think I hear a ringing in my ears. I should probably spend the night. You're dads are out of town right?"

She laughed and looped her arm through his. "Come on, you big baby. I'll take care of you."