Notes: I have been updating a lot the past couple of days. It's been fun. Well this chapter was bound to come up. Song to listen to when reading this chapter: Homesick by MercyMe which I know wasn't out at that time…but it seemed appropriate.

Charlotte Oliver held her son Corey's hand as she exited the car. Her husband exited the car and hurried up behind them with an umbrella. Charlotte looked up to the sky for a moment thinking the weather was appropriate.

They walked slowly to the church. Their slow progress was due to the large amount of people standing outside of the church. They all parted to allow the Olivers into the church. They walked to the front where Stephanie and Josh Rush were waiting.

"I'm so sorry," Stephanie said giving her sister-in-law a hug.

"Thanks," Charlotte said not even trying to fight back the tears.

Stephanie let go so that her husband could come closer.

"I'm so sorry Charlotte," Josh said giving her a hug. "Tommy was a good kid. Stephanie and I both really loved him."

Charlotte just sobbed. She let go and turned around and saw David Trueheart standing there with his grandfather.

"I am so sorry for your loss," Sam Trueheart said. "David and I only knew him for a short time but he meant a lot to both of us."

"Thank you for coming," Ryan said. "Please sit here in the front." He said.

Charlotte mentally scanned the pews in the front row. She, Ryan, Corey, Stephanie, Josh, Sam, David, her parents, Ryan's parents and Jason. She supposed they could all fit on both sides of the front row. She wondered if Leslie and her parents would make it. She knew that her other brother, John and his wife Christa were out of the country right now but Leslie said that her parents would try to make it to the funeral. She knew it was silly to be thinking of that right now but it kept her mind occupied.

She sat down in the pew and Corey crawled into her lap. Soon the church filled with people. She kept looking back looking for Jason but he never showed.

The funeral passed by for her in a blur.

The Rangers sat with their families in the first couple of rows. Kimberly looked back a few times and was shocked by the amount of people in the church. There were people standing in the back. She racked her brain trying to remember if there were this many people at the other funeral. That seemed like a weird thing to think about right then but this whole situation was weird.

A few rows behind the Rangers, Tommy's friends from Napa sat with their parents. They almost felt out of place there. Other the Rangers and Charlotte, Ryan, and Corey Oliver, they didn't really know anyone there but they couldn't miss it. Even though Tommy had only lived in Napa for less then a year, he had touched all of their lives.

Several people slipped into the church unnoticed about half way through the funeral. No one seemed to notice them as they stood in the very back. They felt even more out of place then the teens from Napa as no one here knew who they were. They were from the Council who had overseen Tommy's care.

Easen watched the funeral not quite understanding what was happening but he understood enough to understand that they were honoring the death of the young man that seemed very important to people that were not from Earth. He turned the object in his pocket over a couple of times. He had to wait until the right time to hand it to the Olivers. He had to hope it would bring them some comfort. He didn't know if that could be possible.

Many different people got up and spoke during the funeral. Kimberly was asked to sing a song and this time she chose the song Homesick by MercyMe. She had a very hard time making it through the song. Trini went up to her after the song was over and helped her back to her seat.

Elizabeth Scott got up from her seat and made her way to the pulpit. "I feel strange being the one to talk on Jason's behalf," she started, "but he could not be here today." She had no idea where her son was but she couldn't say that not at this time. "Tommy meant a lot to my husband and I. He was like a second son to us. He and Jason were as close as brothers. I remember Jason referring to Tommy as his brother several times. I just want to say to the Oliver's I know you are in a lot of pain right now but if there is anything my husband or I can do for you let us know. We loved Tommy," she looked around at the people gathered and said, "it seems a lot of people did." She went back to her seat.

The next person to get up was Ryan. "I have been asked to speak for my family today. I want to thank all of you for being here today. Charlotte and I had forgotten Tommy had so many friends in Angel Grove. We had left Angel Grove hoping to give Tommy a new start. As some of you know he had gone through a lot this year. We just never realized how much Angel Grove meant to him until he kept asking Charlotte and I if he could come back to Angel Grove so he could finish high school here. Charlotte and I both regret our decision in light of what happened but we had always wanted Tommy to be happy. He was a wonderful child growing up. We loved him so much." Ryan wasn't someone who cried often but he dissolved into tears and had a hard time going back to his seat.

The funeral continued with others speaking and then the funeral was over and they went to cemetery to burry Tommy.

As the Olivers walked out of the church, Easen came up to them. "You don't know me," he said, "but I wanted you to have this." He said and pulled something out of his pocket he handed it to Charlotte.

Charlotte looked down at it and looked back up to the man in confusion. It was Tommy's arrowhead. David had given it to him when he had visited Tommy for the first time in Napa. She didn't understand. Tommy had been wearing it at the hospital…

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Someone who took care of your son," he said and then he and his group left.

"Wait!" She still had a question that no one could answer but they were gone before she could ask.

She had a question only they could answer. It was something that no one but the Olivers knew about. Now she would never know.

Notes: Yeah I'm not stating what that is yet. It's one of the secrets that will be delved into in Missing Red. Well that and Jason's whereabouts…