Disclaimer: Me: Hermione, do I own Harry Potter or am I affiliated with J.K. Rowling in any way?
Hermione: Sod off, Sofia.
Me: I'll take that as a no...
AN: I'm always going to be saying who's point of view I'm writing in and if you see that line-thing, it just means that some time passed in between but it is still the same person's P.O.V that I last said. Enjoy!
Second Year
Harry's P.O.V
I first noticed it in our second year at Hogwarts. It all started when the Weasleys, the Grangers and I were at Flourish and Blotts and suddenly, Malfoy confronted me about liking all this publicity. I was honestly getting frustrated with Malfoy for saying this. I did not choose this. I would rather not have anyone know me and have my parents alive instead being famous and alone. I mean, who likes to be reminded of the day there parents died? Then, Lucius Malfoy stepped in and started talking to me; saying my scar was a legend and so was Voldemort.
I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Hermione walking towards where Draco. I didn't understand why she would choose that particular spot since there was so much room in the bookstore.
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione said, interrupting Harry's thoughts.
"And you must be Miss Granger," Lucius said, looking over to Draco asking if he was right. Draco gave a slight nod; never taking his eyes off of Hermione. I found that quite odd, and I noticed a look in the younger Malfoy's eyes that suggested he was worried.
"Yes, Draco has told me all about you..." Lucius paused, "And your parents. Muggles, aren't they?" As soon as those words were said, Hermione made an attempt not to show that she was hurt. As I was about to walk toward her and comfort her, Malfoy's father started talking again. I looked over to where Malfoy was standing, he looked regretful and that's when I started investigating on what was really happening between my best friend and my sworn enemy.
Draco's P.O.V
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Granger retorted. She was actually half-right. Of course, I tried out and was one of the best, but what really got me a spot on the Quidditch team was a promise that my father would buy the whole team Nimbus 2001s.
I had to think of a comeback, quick before everyone started pointing fingers at me. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." Many gasps were heard from the Gryffindors. I immediately regretted saying this as soon as the words came out of my mouth. She looked like she was about to cry. I didn't even know what I was thinking.
During summer, when I had told my father about Granger being smarter than me, I had meant it in a nice, informative way. But, my father, being the cruel man he is, told me that a Mudblood shouldn't get higher grades than me and told me to work harder. I was raised thinking that all Mudbloods were unworthy of magic. But, that all changed when I met Granger. She was different from everyone. When she looked at you, it seemed as if she can see right through you. She was also smart. That particular thing surprised me. I was taught that Mudbloods were filth and had no purpose in life. But she wasn't like that. That was when I swore not to believe everything my father said and to treat everyone equally. But here I was, still calling her that horrid name. I guess the reason for that is because my father was still my role model. He was rich and successful. And I wanted to be just like him.
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Weasel said, snapping me out of my reverie. I was waiting for the spell to hit me but it never did. The spell rebounded, due to Weasel's broken wand. All the Slytherins started laughing at the pathetic Wizard while the Gryffindor team and Granger ran over to the boy who had fallen.
I watched as Granger made sure he was okay. She looked like she really cared for him. And at that moment, I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that could only be recognized as jealousy...
Hermione's P.O.V
We were at Hagrid's hut, waiting for Ron to stop throwing up slugs. I was worried about Ron, but I couldn't stop thinking about Malfoy calling me a... Mudblood. When he said the word, I had tried to keep a straight face, trying to mask my sadness. But honestly, I was on the verge of tears.
"Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?" Hagrid asked, handing a bucket to Ron.
"Malfoy. He called Hermione a..." Harry stopped. He looked over to me. "Well, I-I don't know exactly what it means."
I stood up, letting a single tear fall down my cheek. I was so angry at Malfoy and the mention of his name –surname, to be exact –made me want to hex him. But I was feeling more hurt than angry that Malfoy would actually say that. I knew that he was a bully, but I hadn't known he was so... cruel.
Remembering that Harry, Ron and Hagrid were still in the room, I decided to explain to Hagrid what had happened. "He called me a Mudblood." I said, hesitantly.
"He did not." Hagrid gasped.
"What's a Mudblood?" asked Harry, still confused to what this foul word meant.
"It means 'dirty blood.'" I could feel all the tears I had tried so hard to keep inside, escape. I honestly did not know why I was so hurt by this. I've heard many people call me that name before but it was just different when Malfoy had said it. "Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."
By then, my whole face was covered with tears. I was sure I looked like a mess and that my eyes were probably red and swollen. I heard Hagrid talking to Harry about the Malfoys and how they thought they were better than everyone by being pure-bloods. I decided not to take part in the conversation anymore, knowing it would only cause more tears.
Vomit. "It's disgusting." I felt bad for Ron. He was most likely feeling worse than me. I was touched that he had tried to defend me.
"...Come here." Hagrid gestured to me to approach him. "Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute." I was glad to have such great friends around me.
Harry's P.O.V
I still thought about why Malfoy looked worried for Hermione... Like he actually cared about her. Also, why Hermione had cried so much when Malfoy had called her a Mudblood. I knew it was a foul word, but I've hear many other Slytherins call her that and in all those times they had called her that, it hadn't affected her as much.
"Not to mention, they're dead scared that Harry will petrify them if they fly anywhere near him." Fred stated. Everyone still thought that I was the cause of the petrified people. They thought that I was the heir of Slytherin. I almost believed that when Hermione and Ron said that Salazar Slytherin was a parselmouth as well but something just told me that I wasn't.
"Well, that too." Replied the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Captain, Oliver Wood. As we were about to step foot into the Quidditch pitch, Professor McGonagall stepped in front of us.
"This match has been cancelled." She informed us. We all began to talk amongst ourselves, confused as to why they would cancel the game.
"We can't cancel Quidditch," said Oliver but it came out as more of a question then a statement.
"Silence, Wood. You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower. Now." As I was about to leave with the rest of the team, Professor McGonagall stopped me. "Potter, you and I will find Mr. Weasley. There's something the both of you have to see."
We found Ron and McGonagall led us to the Hospital Wing.
"I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock." When we walked in, Ron and I found a petrified Hermione on one of the hospital beds. I was suddenly overcome with sadness. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was no way Hermione could have been petrified! We need her. Ron and I couldn't possibly stop this monster by ourselves.
"Hermione!" Ron half-whispered. Neither of us could believe our eyes.
"She was found near the library along with this." McGonagall showed us a small mirror. "Does it mean anything to either of you?"
We shook our heads, "No." I still couldn't believe that Hermione was petrified. She was Hermione for crying out loud!
That night, Ron and I put on my dad's invisibility cloak and stayed with the petrified Hermione at the Hospital Wing. It surprised me that the invisibility cloak was still big enough to fit me and Ron. When we got there, Ron immediately fell asleep. I on the other hand, was unable to. I kept on thinking about how we would figure out who opened the Chamber of Secrets and how Ron and I could stop them without Hermione's help.
As I was sitting against the wall, with Ron already asleep and lightly snoring, I heard the door to the Hospital Wing open. I thought at first that it was one of the Professors but as I turned my head, it was none other than Malfoy! I had to admit I was surprised and almost let out a gasp. 'What could Malfoy be possibly doing here? It doesn't seem like he's got any injuries.' I thought to myself. As Malfoy quietly walked, he was making his way over to Hermione! In his hand, he had a bouquet of roses that were different shades of red. 'Those are Hermione's favourite flowers... How could Malfoy possibly know that?'
I watched as Malfoy conjured a vase out of thin air.
"Aguamenti." Malfoy recited the spell and the vase filled up with water. He placed the roses carefully and quietly in the vase. Malfoy just stood there, staring a Hermione. At first, I thought he was going to hex her but he surprised me when he instead sat on the edge of the bed, and held onto Hermione's hand. My eyes went wide with shock as Malfoy was doing this. I felt like my eyes were betraying me. I looked over to Ron, to see what he had to say about this but saw that he was still sound asleep.
When Malfoy approached where Hermione was, his eyes widened. It seemed as if he was actually sad? "I'm... sorry that I called you a Mudblood, Granger. I didn't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just trying to live up to my reputation. It's pretty idiotic, I know. I hope you'll forgive me. I actually miss hearing you call me a git and hearing you throw insults at me. It's not the same in class without you having your hand up every five seconds and being unable to stop yourself from talking." Malfoy chuckled at that. "Even Snape seems to be distraught without having you to tease about being an insufferable know-it-all... Don't worry, I'll help you get back to your original self. I won't let you stay like this forever. Even if it means helping Potter and Weasel."
After his "confession", Malfoy looked around the room to check to see that nobody heard him. 'I see after all of that, he still cares about his reputation.' I was absolutely speechless though. I couldn't believe that Malfoy actually cared about someone other than himself! And most of all, I couldn't believe that certain someone was Hermione Granger! My best friend and the girl he called a 'filthy little Mudblood' not too long ago!
I was debating weather or not to take of the invisibility cloak and ask Malfoy why he cared about what happened to Hermione. But I decided not to do so because I might end up unconscious if I messed with Malfoy at the moment.
Nothing much happened in the next few minutes Malfoy was there. And before I knew it, Malfoy got up off the bed and was ready to go. He looked once more at the petrified girl and kissed her cheek! I couldn't hold in my gasp any longer. I couldn't believe this! Malfoy... fancied Hermione? Since when? Malfoy turned around to where he thought he heard the gasp come from. I immediately stopped breathing, not wanting to be found.
Finally, Malfoy walked out of the Hospital Wing looking back at Hermione for the last time, worriedly. 'This was some night...' I thought. I did a lot of thinking before finally going to sleep. I made my decision not to mention this to anyone, not even Ron or Hermione and thought that instead, I would try to investigate more about Malfoy's feeling towards Hermione and try to find out if she fancied him as well. I also came to the conclusion that I would not ask Malfoy about this until I knew if Hermione liked him as well.
It was the last feast until summer vacation and I was sitting here with Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville. We were all laughing and having a good time. Not worrying about anything.
"Harry! It's Hermione!" Neville exclaimed. I looked towards the entrance to the Great Hall and sure enough, Hermione was standing there. She ran over to us and Ron and I stood up.
"Hermione, we've missed you so much." I told her while giving her a hug. While she and Ron awkwardly shook hands, I glanced toward the Slytherin table. Malfoy was looking at Hermione with a smile on his face. I was surprised. I had never seen Malfoy smile before. Ever. In my life. It seemed as though he wanted to get up and give her a hug.
"W-W-Welcome back, Hermione." Ron stuttered.
"It's good to be back," Hermione said with a smile on her face. We all continued to talk and eat throughout the night, having a good time. What I did notice though, is that Malfoy never seemed to take his eyes off of Hermione and what was even more surprising was that I would find Hermione sneaking glances towards him.
AN: I hope you guys liked it! These are kind of like flashbacks in a way. I'm working my way up to their seventh year, but I'm going to be writing about the years in between so that it doesn't seem like they both just started randomly liking each other. I'm gonna try to post at least twice a week but I might be busy on some days. Anyways, pleasepleasepleaseplease review, put it in your favourites/alerts. Please and thank you for reading!