SFLUpdate ;) but here's the new chapter and special thanks for Day-Z again. She made an awesome pizzap for me! :D *sexy dino hugs*

This chapter is based on my experience :( It's fun and tiring and... Oh well, enjoy, review if you likey. *_* it makes me write faster ;)

Chapter 3: Bad Idea

"...Watch it count down to the end of the day. The clock ticks life away..."

In The End - Linkin Park

"Oh sh-" Mason pursed his lips and bit back a curse when he glanced at the clock in the dashboard.

"Oh shit it is." Daniel finished, muttering under his breath with his hands covering his face. His voice croaked like a frog because he had been yelling along the way for God know how long about how slow Mason was driving. "We can't sleep in the dorm." He sighed.

They knew very well the dorm matron would skin them alive if they woke him up in the middle of night. Not to mention he got a pair of nice bulky arms that could squeeze the life out of you.

Sure they could always stay at his home. But Daniel hasn't successfully deleted his picture that Angel took from him. Vladimir made sure he kept hidden underneath the cover of any publisher about his geniuses or any odd power he has that he didn't know how he got it from the starts.

He stared at his reflection on the windshield, noticing his different facial structure. His cheekbones were higher, his jaw more sharp, he grew a few inch since yesterday. It feels like he couldn't stop growing and his bangs already covered his eyes even thought he cut it yesterday morning.

"Can't you do something with your angelic look? I swear the Godzilla would fall for you." Mason groaned and hit his head on the steering wheel when they arrived in front the dorm gate and saw it was closed.

"Or at least use that prestigious brain of yours."

"Not because I'm a smartass I can face Mr. Don." Daniel cringed and rested his head on the windshield. He hated it that people make use of him because he's a prodigy child. He does love to help people but not at the times when it comes to impossible task like this. Mason just too stupid, that he didn't notice how awfully scary the dorm matron is. And what is he suppose to do anyway? Talk some sense about how Aristoteles predicted that they would come late and so does Don should predicted it too.

"I know.." Mason mumbled and rested his head back against his seat.

Daniel narrowed his eyes at him. What's up with Mason and that stupid messed up brain of him? He rolled his eyes mentally.

"Why did you ask then?" he sighed, "Well, I don't have any other choice.."

He was about to pull out his phone and dial Alec's number when Mason snatched his phone, "Tomorrow is Saturday…"

Daniel waited, he thought Mason going to give him more detail but seems like he was waiting for Daniel to jump. With this kind of mood? Impossible. "Mmmn… Yeah? Today is Friday." He paused and looked at Mason who still got that cheerful look until it turned annoyed when he keeps looking confusingly at him,

"G-gotta get down on Fr-?"

"It's sad that you know the song." Mason scoffed as he cut him from singing the song.

"SO? Your point?"

"Aren't you the smartass in here? There's no school tomorrow!"

"Still, it won't make us get inside the dorm right now Mase."

Mason rolled his eyeballs and started on the car as he pulled away from sidewalk and headed down the road, "We don't need to stay in the dorm tonight, let's just chill out in McD until 5 AM."

Daniel eyes widened as he shook his head. This is a bad idea and he could hear the howling sound from somewhere far. He could see the big picture when Vladimir or Alec found out he's wandering around at night without their consent. Really. Bad. Idea.

Alec saw a car passed them from the dorm direction. The kid who drives the car was trying to look inside his car but the entire windows were tinted black. The kind of window who made you think you could do anything naughty inside and no one would know.

Aaliyah giggled from her passenger seat as she watched the car passed by then she glanced at Alec.

"What?" Alec raised an eyebrow at her before focusing back on the road and skidded stop in front the gate.

"Nothing, seems like I'm not the only one in rebellious stage." She smirked.

Alec glanced at her again with confused look after he sounded the horn and the speaker beside him beeped then he lowered the windshield, "It's me Alec." He said to the speaker and the gate opened for them.

"You mean the boys before?"

Aaliyah looked straight ahead and shrugged, suddenly more interested in the scenery around them. "It's been.. two months since I leave." She said.

Her eyes were glinted with sadness that makes Alec want to reach and held her closer to him. He want to take away her sadness but what he could only gave her right now it's just a simple rueful smile. He aware she hates it here. It gets you the feeling like in jail. Which he knew very well until Vladimir saved him from the bureau.

Alec stopped the car in front the dorm door, unlocking the car door for her.

"You need to rest, I'll pick you up tomorrow-" he glanced at the dashboard clock and it beeped exactly at 12 AM. "-… today, 8 AM sharp." He said the last part in a state without further argument.

Aaliyah just sighed and slipped out from the car, puffing her cheeks as she gracefully dragging her feet up the stairs while Alec make sure she got inside the dorm building safely before he drove outside into the night.

The road was slippery from the heavy rain and the fog started clouding his way as Alec narrowing his eyes when he drives, trying to look through the foggy glass. There's something on his way but Alec forgot to hit the break.


Alec cursed loudly, the car skidded to stop after he run into someone. He quickly got out the car, covering his head with his jacket from the rain. He went to check the girl that was lying on the road, squatted down beside her and notice how pale the girl was. But there was no blood, not even a sign she was breathing or alive when he checked the pulse on her wrist.

"Hey, hey wake-"

There was rustled sound beside him as Alec head snapped to look at the bushes, scanning the trees. It's really dark and the raining cloud was covering the moonlight. Alec couldn't see clearly what ahead of him but he was sure, he saw that yellow gleaming eyes.

"Ugh.." Daniel's head jerked up as he groaned when Mason shook him.

"Finally, so nice of you to join me." He heard Mason grumbled beside him in the driver seat.

Daniel rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his blurry sight after waking up, he got a terrible headache thanks for Mr. Driver. He looked around the place and saw the bright sign of McDonalds, the creepy clown statue was like usual, placed near the door with that annoying grimace on his face. Daniel forced himself to look away from it to see Mason. His eyes were slightly red and he looked really tired. He nearly felt guilty for him.

"What time is it?" he yawned, stretching his arms up.

"Still around 2 AM. I had enough driving around the town like an idiot."

"Uh, then why are we here?"

Daniel could almost see his vein twitched on his temple, and boy did he look pissed. "I'm sorry, brain lag okay?" he smiled sheepishly when Mason just got outside the car with him following soon and together they went through the rain to the restaurant door.

"2 hot chocolate and French fries." Mason said, standing in front the McCafé counter while he checked his wallet and pulled out couples of dollars to pay.

Daniel, with a big brother like Alec, couldn't help to scan the room first before he made sure it's okay or at least nothing odd around. He shouldn't be here at this time, but what the hell. They don't have any place to crash right now. At least they got nice comfy couch here and foods with heater to make you warm from the cruel cold night.

That make him remember about his dream.. Alec looking deadly pale in someone arms. The cold crimson eyes were staring back at him with despair and anger, baring their sharp canines. The same color soaked his shirt from the collar to his shoulder, chest, stomach, so much blood pooling under him. He looked down to his hands and saw the blood, was it Alec's? or his? … he shuddered.

"You okay?" Mason handed him his hot chocolate.

Mason, always the caring one despite he almost want to choke Daniel to death just a few minutes before.

"Yeah, it's just the cold."

"Hmm, take off your jacket, it soaked."

"What?" Daniel eyes widened as he looked down to check his jacket. He let out a shaky breath, there's no blood in it but it did soaked. He remembered they were running in the rain before. "Oh right."

Mason set his cup down the table in front of them, looking at him like he was trying to decide if he had adapt some kind of nerves sickness or sudden stupidity. Not his fault if his dream was terrifying.

"I'm fine okay. Just sleepy." Daniel mumbled as he rested his head on his hands

"Me too."

Mason sipped his hot chocolate. That delicious chocolate could make his stomach warm and Daniel didn't hesitate any longer to sip his drink too. It burned his tongue slightly but he sighed at the feeling. He was freezing right now and his hands started to rub on the small cup, trying to get the warmness into his cold palms. The smell was calming and familiar. He hoped he's in his comfy bed right now, with a nice pillow and under his blanket. His eyes started to drop, feeling like his soul leaving his body as he drifted off to sleep.


Daniel slapped his cheeks hard for keeping him to stay awake. How long did he fell asleep? He looked around and saw Mason was playing on one of the computers beside their table. It's one of the facilities you could get here. Good thing the place got something for him to do. He looked down to find out his chocolate started to get warm, nearly cold.

"What time is it now?" he yawned.

"2.22 AM." Was Mason only reply. His eyes were looking wearily at the screen.

"Why is it so damn long?" Daniel muttered under his breath. He pulled out his phone and earphones, plugging it into his ears.

Mason just shrugged then he suddenly tensed. His eyes scanned back as he read the little words again and again on the screen with the blurry picture on its side.

"What did you find? Some kind of new invention? Or did The Adventures of Tin Tin start another new episode?" he smirked, he kind of missed that cartoon.

Mason shook his head slowly, his eyes still glued to the screen like he couldn't believe what he just read. His phone started buzzing in his pocket, getting louder in every seconds like it was trying to pick out a fight with Daniel's headache.

"Mase, your phone-"

"Alicia... sis.. she's.. dead." He whispered, tears trailed down his green eyes.

[Uh-oh O_o I swear I never intend to kill Alicia but it just came out suddenly :P so why not? I'm a meany yeah? ;) ]