I don't own the song in this story :P Enjoy!

The Reed

Chapter 1: Secrets

"I'm sick of all the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away"

Secrets - One Republic

Rain started pouring down from the rooftop, making droplets of water dripped down to the ground. It's always cloudy in here or raining. It gets kind of boring when all you can do is waiting for the class to end. But not for the teacher, like Mr. Alec here.

"One of the secrets to identify the person you talking are lying to you is by his/her eyes."

Mr. Alec patted Mason head that was currently sleeping in the class and the class fell into giggling when Mason jerked his head up, "No I didn't do it!"

"What you didn't do Mason?" Alec crossed his arms in front his chest, raising an eyebrow at the poor boy.

Mason averted his gaze from Mr. Alec eyes, "I-… didn't sleep at your class." The class erupted into laugh again when Mason blushed.

Alec patted his head, mouthing 'Detention' to Mason and turned to walk back to the front of the class, shaking his head, "Lesson number two, stuttering. Number three the person can't stay still while talking with you…-" Alec glanced at a girl with long curly black hair in the back of the class, who's currently giggling at him and he smiled softly.

"Please Danny? Just this one time?" the girl with hazel eyes and brown hair tilted her head, wrapping her arms around the little boy neck.

"B-ut…-" Daniel got a weird feeling in his stomach when she leaning closer to him and he tried hard not to let her see what she want from him as his big blue eyes stared at her eyes before he looked down.

"-…fine." Daniel let her kiss his cheek, making him blush and she took his picture with her handphone camera.

"Aw! I love you my little cute boy." The girl giggled and ruffled his brown hair before she blow him a kiss and walked out the school.

The little boy knew he'll get punish if either Alec or his dad knew he gave his picture to someone. He need to stay away from home tonight and find a way to delete that picture, or he can do it now.

Daniel decided to follow her outside.

"Gerard, how much you got?" the guys were surrounding a tall dark brown hair guy with a wicked smirk on his face that was leaning against his shiny black Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Convertible. A long of shitty name. But it was worth it as he noticed they were staring at him in jealousy.

"A Benjamin?" Jason guessed but Gerard scoffed.

"Nope 1000. This time I got Jackpot guys." Gerard bragged. He like this kind of attention and saw the guys gaped at him, amazed.

He knew they won't doubt him because he invited them to the horserace and they see it with their own eyes and even betting for the horses. They just not as lucky as he is, or should he say they don't have that kind of ability.

"Man, this means party tonight!" Aaron beamed and high-fived Gerard.

"8 PM Devil Tavern Club." He nodded, he can't help it. If the guys want party, there will be a hell of party. He doesn't want to disappoint them and he needs this kind of distraction after a long time sulking in his room. And thinking about sulking he saw the red hair with amazing emerald eyes at the class today.

"Invite the entire classmate okay?" Gerard told the guys.

"Everyone? Including the nerds?" Zach laughed at him, "or the bitches." Jason added with a playful smirk and they laughed.

"Yeah, everyone, bring as many people you can get."

The guys stared at him in disbelief, "Okay G, just make sure you really come this time." Jason patted his shoulder and he grinned at him. Of course he won't miss this.

A soft moan escaped her mouth and Chris slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She tangled her fingers around his hair, pressing herself closer to him while she caressed the piercing on his tongue with her.

Chris moaned back and let her play with his piercing until she pulled back and fiddled with his jeans belt.

"You got the condom?" she asked him breathlessly.

Chris glanced at the nightstand, making sure she noticed it before he looked back at her again. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stared at her green eyes, getting lost into it.


Chris blinked, he didn't realize she already naked on top of him. He reached for the pack then he rested one arm behind his head and tossed the pack up before catching it back again with his other hand.

"H-how much?" the girl asked again, her face blushing.

"You know how much my price." Chris raised an eyebrow and smirked.

He set his price high not because his reputation as a sexy beast that made the girls after him like mad hunter. No. Hopefully his devil would obey him this time because he doesn't want another dead girl in his hand. He wouldn't do this again if he she didn't plead with her beautiful eyes. Is a curse for him, those green eyes always melted the devil inside him. He looked up at the damned eyes, it isn't too late to back off.

"Yeah, sure." She picked up her jeans and put a bundle of money on the nightstand.

The rain stopped when the night came and Chris put back on his shirt, leaving the girl sleep at the bed as he put the money on his jeans pocket.

His black hair still tousled having that irritatingly sexy, just-fucked look as he walked inside the Devil Tavern Club.

"Remind me why the hell am I doing in here?" Mason groaned seeing Jason and his buddies at middle of the dance floor. The place packed with dancing teenager bodies, the bass thumping loudly with techno sound and the crimson lights shines from the ceiling.

"Because I ask you to come." Daniel stated and crossed his arms in front his chest. He was lucky his height is above the usual 12 years old kid. Just with a little trick and Mason help, he could easily pass the bouncer.

"And you are invited anyway, so why not?" he grinned when Mason just pursed his lips and glared at the view in front of him. Now he just need to find Angela and delete his picture. This is where the hard part begin.

"Help me find Angela." Daniel looked at Mason who was scowling beside him.

"How can I help you if I don't know who she is?" Mason glanced around the room, looking restless and his cheek flushed.

"You okay?" He asked him worriedly. He thought it's not that hot in here but Mason face was red like a tomato.

Mason flinched and jerked his head to look at him, "Yeah." He gulped hard and nodded, "I just need.. time out."

Daniel notice a tall guy was looking at them from across the room like they are his prey for tonight. "Creep.. don't worry, we'll get out from here before he could do anything to us."

"You're leaving soon?"

Daniel nearly jumped when the guy already in front of them and Mason immediately paled.

"Mason right? I'm Gerard, one of your classmate." He offered his hand for him but Mason ignored him. For a second Daniel thought his eyes turned red but he highly doubt it. Maybe it was because the red light that shines above them.

"And who is your little friend here?"

"I'm his cousin." Daniel grimaced when he called him that.

"I don't remember inviting a preschooler." Gerard looked at him amused. So he was the one who made this ridiculous party that scream lots of money.

"We just want to see someone then we will go." Mason put a hand on his shoulder knowing he would bit Gerard's head off if he didn't stop him.

"No, take your time. I don't mind." Gerard waved him off and smiled at Mason.

Just when Mason was about to pull him away from there, he heard the uproar and saw Alec walked inside the club.

That's all for the 1st Chapter guys. :) I hope you like it. Don't forget to Review, it'll warms my heart! :D