Chapter 8: Midnight Blues

Our fellow Digidestined had been walking though the forests of this Digital land all day, heading towards the ancient temple on the island, but it was getting late, and according to Gabumon, they were nowhere near close. The light was also fading, and the night was getting closer with every step they made. But they were still in the middle of the forest, and couldn't just camp on the floor. They still had very little idea about what lived here and they needed a decent place to sleep for once.

"We have been walking for hours, can't we stop now!" Lisa moaned as she had been all day.

"We had a break 15 minutes ago, if we stop every 15 minutes we won't get there for the next 15 years!" Daniel said sarcastically trying to lighten Lisa's mood; but it was meet with a deafening silence.

They continued to walk until they came to something so amazing, so outstanding, something so …strange!

"Is that what I think it is?" Henry asked Hiroaki

"That depends?" He questioned back.

"On what?"

"On whether we are having the same hallucination." He said rubbing his eyes. Maybe the tiredness, or the lack of food, or both had finally gotten the better of them, because what they saw in front of them was a mansion. It was grand, huge. The front was covered in wooden windows and the in middle at the bottom was a grand, sophisticated door.

"Should we go in?" You could hear the caution in Hiroaki's voice. There were apparently no humans in this world, yet there was a very human like house. It screamed trap!

"Should we go in! Well no. let's sit out here, freeze our butts off, and die from frost bite. Or if you prefer I could arrange to have us eaten by evil Digimon possessed with black gears!" Henry stated, his voice getting louder and louder with every word. He was mad at Hiroaki. His caution was starting to get on his nervous; he didn't see why he just couldn't take a chance. There was no one here, so why did he still have to stick to the rules?

"Fine I get your point." Hiroaki angrily replied. But he still wasn't sure it was a good idea.

The door crept open.

Five human and Digimon shadows entered the great entrance hall. It looked like a hotel, yet with no reception and to Lisa's disappointment no room service.

Okay, by now any Digimon fans would be thinking that this is the mansion that the later Digidestined found which turned out to be imaginary, but this was everything but fake. It was the haven in the middle of nowhere; it was the perfect night's sleep that they needed. Or so they thought…

Once inside they explored their new surroundings. The ground floor had two bathrooms, a washroom which could only be described as an inside tranquil parricide and a overly large dining room with a grand dining table.

"Okay, now we are defiantly hallucinating!" Hiroaki said to himself, but it was far from the truth. Before them was food that you would have to see to believe. There was all types of meat, three types of potatoes and an assortment of other vegetables. Although any food in this world was good food, there was something more amazing at the other end of the table; desert! Chocolate that looked richer than it was possible, all sorts of ice cream you could think of, and sweats that looked probably as good as they would taste. Hiroaki stood in shock, but while he did, Daniel and Nancy went and fetched the 'happy couple' as they had been nicknamed for the feast.

As they took their seats, Hiroaki still stood shocked. He was unsure about this food. The meat for one thing might not be cooked, the vegetables could be rotten inside and the milk in some of the deserts could have gone bad if was left out too long. He wanted to warn the others, but after Henry's temper outside, he didn't want to cause a scene.

"Hey Hiroaki, if you're not going to have any, can I have you're share" Nancy said with a cheeky smile on her face. He snapped out of his daze.

"Huh? I am going to have something, it's just…" His sentence trailed off into his thoughts until Henry brought him back again.

"What? You're not going to tell me you're not going to eat it. Why do you have to be so cause all the time, can't you just except that things happen and that we should take advantage of that. There are no rules in this world. Eat!"

Hiroaki was staring to get angry with Henry's attitude. Someone had to have some form of responsibility around here, there had to be some kind of law or rules, otherwise everything would just fall apart, wouldn't it?

But before Hiroaki could replied, something caught his attention out the corner of his eye, it was a note. He walked over and picked it up.

"What you got there?" Lisa queered with a mouth full of spaghetti which had been also founded among that many dishes served.

"It's a note. 'Dear Digidestined thought you could do with some refreshments and a good night's sleep along with a few other home comforts to make you feel welcome. Enjoy the food, Genni'" Hiroaki finished by putting the card back on the table.

"See, it's from Genni, there's nothing to worry about. Now eat!"Henry said, but this time is a slightly more friendly voice with a bit of a smile.

So Henry sat down and feasted on what was to offer, yet not eating as much as everyone else, for reasons unknown to everyone but himself, he had lost his appetite.

After a meal which would rivalled that of royalty, the group went for a bath. The day had been long and hot and the heat had made all of them smell like rotting fruit. There was a wall dividing two side of the huge bath. On one side at Henry, Lisa, Elecmon and Goblimon and on the other was Daniel and Candlemon, they had been 'banished' to this side because of Candlemon's wax, but it wasn't doing anything to the water. The 'happy couple' sat talking to each other. Daniel could over hearing them almost arguing over who loves whom the most. He wanted to through something at them, but the rocks on the walls wouldn't break away.

Outside Lisa was removing the last of her clothing and wrapping a towel around here before leaving the room. Stepping outside the door which made no sound when opened, she moved quietly to the bathroom down stairs. On the way she stopped, seeing one the doors open to the other room. Inside stood Hiroaki with a dark blue towel wrapped round his lower half staring out over the rooms balcony.

She crept inside and walked up behind him. Her heart started to race for no reason, she felt a strange feeling inside of her she had never felt before. The two had never been alone together, so this was a different experience. That and she was very aware, and very cautious of the fact that they were both, positively, completely necked under their towels.

She tapped him on the shoulder, he turned startled.

"Ah! Oh, hey." He said his voice growing quieter.

"What you doing in here?" Nancy asked. Hiroaki looked back our over the view of the room. You could see across the tops of the forest trees and the sun set behind them, giving this place an even more magical glow.

"Just thinking…Why aren't you with the others?" He asked trying to change the topic of the conversation.

"I was trying to convince Falcomon to join us in the bath. He keeps saying she doesn't want his feathers to get wet, but I recon she's just shy." Nancy said with a smile. "So what are you thinking about."

The conversation became quiet again as the pair stared out over the view, Hiroaki began to speak, but the words just wouldn't come out.

"I…I was thinking about…" He stopped, not knowing how to finish the sentence, waiting for the words to come to him.

"I was thinking about the past." He said at last.

"Why? What about?" Nancy asked looking at Hiroaki, he didn't look at her.

"About why…why I am so cautious about everything. I know I shouldn't be but I just can't help it, I…" He words stopped flowing, there just didn't seem to be any left.

"What happened?" Nancy asked again.

"When I was little, I used to like playing with matches, you know, burning them, putting them out. I liked the smell, the shape of the smoke after." My mother found out and told me not to play with them, but I just want to see them burn, the fire was so peaceful. One night, in my room, I was playing with them when…" His voice stopped as tears came to his eyes. He fought them to tell the story. "…It destroyed a lot of the house, it almost killed my family, and it burnt me badly." He said wiping his eyes. He showed Nancy the burn on his stomach which he had being hiding with the towel. "From that day I swore I would be careful about everything, that I wouldn't put anyone else in danger because of silly or irresponsible actions. I…" Tears flooded his eyes again, this time he couldn't hold back.

Nancy put her hand on his shoulder and came closer to him, trying to comfort him.

"It's okay; it's all in the past now." She said in her most gentle voice. He looked back at her, and their eyes meet. Her voice was so comforting; her touch was warm and healing. She looked like an angel, sent to save him from his past; from himself.

He felt a rush of overwhelming emotion, of safety, of warmth, of…

They drew closer to each other, but they were not the only presence in the room.

"Hey, there you two are!" A failure voice yelled with joy. The two quickly pulled away from each other before those standing before them had a chance to notice anything.

Standing in the door way was Gabumon and Falcomon, who was holding a picture frame.

"Oh. Hi, yeah sorry we were just talking…What you got there?" Nancy asked trying to not to draw attention to the question of what they were talking about.

"We were going through one of the room which was filled with old junk when we came across this, take a look." Gabumon said as Falcomon handed them the painting it a brown wooden frame.

"An angel?" Nancy questioned. What was so great about this?

"Ah yes that what I thought at first," Falcomon said before taking the frame from Nancy and removing its picture. "Until my amazing eye sight spotted this!" He said in a gloating voice. He handed back the artwork, with the back first. There was something written on there.

"There's writing?" Hiroaki said in surprise, of all the things he thought would be special about the painting; this was not on his list because, well, it just didn't seem that amazing.

"When the battle of both world's rages and the shadows of darkness cloud the light, the magicians apprentice will make the ultimate sacrifice, and a warrior shall be born." Hiroaki said in his most dramatic voice.

"It's a prophecy." Nancy stated. "But who's?" The four of them scratched their heads the conversation went quiet.

Nancy's eyes opened as she sat up in bed. She moved quietly so not to wake the others sleeping. After eating and bathing, they had talked for a while about many things, including the prophecy. They decided that they would talk to Genni about it, if they could ever find him.

Nancy scanned the room. She had been faking sleep for the past hour and now the moon light had flooded in through the window. Its cast large shadows over the pristine floor. Nancy looked over to the others. Daniel and Candlemon where back to back fighting over the quilt in their sleep, Henry was hugging Lisa, she had been cold before she fell asleep and Goblimon and Elecmon had taken the spare bed. She looked over to Hiroaki's bed, only to see some creased sheets and pillows. She has not heard him leave, but he could be deceptive. She crept out to the room, stubbing her toe on Daniel's bed post as she moved past.

"Huh? Nancy?" He whispered with his eyes half open.

"Shhh! Go back to sleep, I'm going to the bathroom." She said, and with that Daniel returned to sleep.

She was more careful as she left and walked down the hall. She wasn't going to the bathroom. She was going to find Hiroaki; she had to talk to him about earlier. That moment had been the best of her life, and she still wasn't sure why, she had to find him. She came across an open door. Inside the moon lit room which was filled with boxes, paintings and other useless junk, at Hiroaki. His figure was just sitting in the middle of the room on a box.

"Room for one more?" Nancy asked as she stepped in.

"Sure, pull up a box." They both shared a smile and a little laugh.

"Look, about earlier…" Hiroaki started.

"I know… I feel the same way." Nancy said staring deep into his eyes.

"Few! I'm glad because that was silly you know, it was just a thing that happened in the moment,. I wouldn't want our friendship to be awkward." Hiroaki said with a smile and a slight laugh. But this time it wasn't returned.

Nancy said nothing, just nodding, returning the smile, but inside, she felt hurt. It was as if someone had taken away her heart, crushed it, and given it back. She almost felt betrayed. She had wanted that moment ever since she had landed in this digital nightmare. He was the first person she saw. He was supportive, caring, comforting, friendly... To her; he was perfect.

The room left silent once again, and Nancy began to look around at the mess she was sitting in. Something shiny caught her eye in the bright white moon light, she reached for it.

"What you got there?" Hiroaki whispered looking over her shoulder.

"Just something I found on the floor, they look like goggles." Nancy answered, trying to deter her mind from the thoughts she couldn't bear thinking about. She handed them over to him.

"There rather dusty." He said holding them up to his eyes and looking through them at Nancy. Through the thickness of the grey dust, he couldn't see the tear form in her, and trickle like a rain drop down her pale skin. She wiped it away before he removed the goggles from his eyes and proceeded to dust them with an old cloth he had found.

"I…I'm going to go and get some sleep, see you in the morning." Nancy said, trying not to stutter and break down into tears.

Henry looked up "Okay, night." He had one killer smile, and although it normally made her happy, this time it hurt, like a dagger through the heart, like a dagger through her love. She left the room and walked back to the room. But when she got there, she stopped, she couldn't go back in. Tears stared to build back up in her eyes, and her heart began to pound against her chest. He lip began to quiver and the first tears were let loss of her eyes, she ran on tip toes away from the room and down the hall, down the stairs and out the front door. She sat on the door step, crying, hurting.

Hiroaki had finished dusting goggles by now and was about to try them out, but he heard a noise, it was hard to tell what but he heard it. He crept through the hall, being extra quiet as he passed the room; Nancy had only just gone back to sleep, or so he thought. He went to the end room, carefully went in, and looked out the window which faced out the front of the building.

In the distance approached a powerful glow, like an angry mob in a cartoon descending on their home. But this was no mob, these were Digimon. Hiroaki went back into the bedroom and woke Gabumon, and returned to show him the moving mob.

"What are they?" Hiroaki whispered in a hysterical voice.

"There Meramon, a dangerous fiery Digimon who can burn anything just with their touch. Their fire palm attack is terribly deadly and will burn you like overcooked chips. Mmmm, chips!"Gabumon's mind wander slightly. But it that second, Hiroaki's heart stopped.

Fire Digimon.

The fear inside of him grew. He put his hand on his stomach and felt the mark from his past experience. He flashed back to the time, to the pain, to the helplessness. He knew he had to warn the others, to get them to safety, but his legs wouldn't move, he could only watch, stare, fear.

He looked down in anger at himself, and instead found himself staring down out the window at Nancy. She was sitting on the front step, her head in her hand, she didn't even notice them coming.

He had to warn her. He didn't know why, but he cared for her more than anyone knew and she couldn't suffer the same fate he had.

"Gabumon, warn the others, there's something I have to do!" He commanded, a tone not spoken before by Hiroaki. Gabumon left the room.

Hiroaki lifted the goggles and look at them for a moment. He had to be strong, he had to be brave; he had to save Nancy. Pulling the goggles over his head, he ran out of the room and down to the door.

The front door swung open.

Nancy looked up from the floor to see a figure behind her, one she knew, but didn't want to see. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes before talking to him.

"Hiroaki! What's wrong?" She said in a croaky voice which gave the impression she had been crying for hours.

"We're in trouble, look!" He yelled pointing the figures walking towards them. Nancy stood to look, and then stopped still. Approaching was five Meramon, each as fiery as the next.

"Hiroaki…" She said, but couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"Fire palm!" They all screamed, launching hot balls of fire from their hands straight for the pair.

They stood, frozen.

This was it.

'So many things I've never done.' Nancy's mind said to its self. 'I guess things where never meant to be…I just wish I had the chance, just one chance to say "I love you"….'

'This is how it was going to end.' Hiroaki thought. 'Maybe it was always meant to be this way, maybe this is karma's way of teaching me a lesson' His heart sunk 'She'll never know….'