It's really been too long for the update...

Hope you haven't forgotten about the story...

More (hopefully) soon!

Enjoy ;)

Chapter 8

"What happened in there?" Albus asked.

Before Rose was able to answer his question, another flash of light appeared. Behind the black box, Professor Weasley appeared.

"Good morning class" the Professor started. "I can see a lot has happened over here."

Kaylen was standing on her feet again. "More than you know"

"I've seen it all happen so I'm able to grand the two of you some points. 10 points for being the first one to stand up go to you madame. This means 10 points to Slytherin. And for standing up for one another, I grand 5 points to you so to Gryffindor. "

Both Slytherin house as Gryffindor house where enjoying their points. "If all the points go this easy, we will definitely win the cup!" was spoken in the classroom.

"As you've all noticed, these two girls vanished as they touched the box," Professor Weasley continued. Everybody in class took their seats again.

"We were invisible?" Rose asked.

"For as far as I know you where, but back to the subject. This is an enchanted box. The person to touch it will be trapped in a invisible force field. The only way to get out of it is by using a certain spell. I will teach you this spell next week. You might have noticed me appearing out of nowhere, which was because I was behind one of those force fields too. The fun about this thing is you can make it look like you've disappeared when you actually are still there. It's also fun to use when you are in some area's you're not supposed to be in. Or of course to use spying on somebody! Whoops, I shouldn't have said that... Anyway let's go on."

The class continued as they where to test some of the things Professor Weasley came up with in his time as a salesman with his brother. The entire class was amazed by some of the things he had. He promised to teach them how everything was done, before the end of the school year.


"Dobby? How is that even possible? He was ... dead right?" Hermione was going nuts. She didn't have the faintest how this could happen. Neither had the rest.

"I have no idea how this happened." Harry replied.

"Relax Hermione, it'll be fine." Ron said to comfort Hermione.

"Relax! How dare you! We just got a letter from a deceased house elf and you tell me to relax!" Hermione was getting furious.

Harry walked to his desk. The letter was written with his own pen, and according to the little bit of ink on the table, it was written just a couple of minutes ago. "Check this out guys, it looks fresh to me!" Harry said.

"But how could it have happened?" Ron replied.

"He must have heard us on the stairs or so, I don't know how else" Harry replied.

"I don't mean that, I mean how can it be he came back after he was, you know, gone..."

All of them went completely silent... None of them really knew how this could have happened. And why did he show up after such a long time. The tree of them went downstairs to think it all over.


It was dinnertime. All of the classes took their seats in the Great Hall. "I was getting hungry" Rose said as they were seated. When all the students were in place, McGonagall started to speak.

"Good evening everybody. It's been 20 years to the day that our beloved headmaster Albus Dumbledore was killed in the highest tower of this very castle. Therefore we have a special meal today. Please enjoy this banquet for ... "

As McGonagall spoke an owl entered the building. The owl was completely white. He flew a couple of rounds across the Gryffindor table and then took a seat on Dumbledore's chair. This chair was now used by McGonagall as she was the new Headmistress. There was a little letter attached to its feet. McGonagall moved slowly to the owl. When she retrieved the letter from the owl, the owl flew off to James, and took a seat on his shoulder.

"Whaaaa, take it off me! Who's owl is this? Get it off of meee!" James couldn't handle it. The entire great hall went crazy when he rose from his bench and started to run like a fool to get the owl off his shoulder. Even some of the teachers were laughing.

"Mister Potter, if you'd please." McGonagall spoke through the Great Hall. As she said it, she stretched her arm sideways. The owl flew off James' shoulder and took a seat on her arm. James stopped running and took his seat again. He looked a little shocked for the owl moved to him instantly. "Please, enjoy your meal." She gave a flip with her wand, and all the tables were filled with food. None of the students had eye for the owl anymore.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Lovegood went out of the great hall with the owl on Luna's shoulder. None of the students seemed to notice.

"What does the letter say?" Professor Lovegood asked.

"I haven't looked yet." McGonagall responded. "But I'm really eager to know!"

McGonagall took the letter out of the envelope and handed the envelope to Luna.

"I've seen this owl before" Luna came to notice. "I think it belonged to Harry!"