10 o' clock rolled around and the offices of Pearson Hardman stood silent as the last of the associates left for the night. Two bodies remained however, slouched over stacks of files and paperwork. After a loud sigh of relief the younger man leaned back in his chair, tossing a file across the desk.

"Loophole found!" Mike exclaimed, leaning his head back and closing his strained eyes. Harvey looked up incredulously, picking up the file and opening it up.

Harvey gave a small sigh of relief as well. "Well we can go home now." He said, organizing the scattered papers all over his desk.

Mike followed suit. "Surprised you stayed at all to look through all these files."

"Yes, well when a very important client springs up a case on you with only the rest of the work day to prepare… Well, I wasn't about to trust you to do this on your own. "

"Gee, thanks. Well with the amount of work you usually put on me this is no more than usual. I could've handled it on my own. But I'd never thought you'd ever stay this late with me. Now you know how I feel just about every night. "Mike smirked a little.

"Oh, quit your crying. I've been in your place before. I've done all the work you've had to do. So cry me a river."

"Yeah, but the pile of work you put on me is ridi—"Mike began to argue before Harvey cut him off.

"Please, kid. You think working for Jessica was a piece of cake? Besides, it's not all flowers and daisies now."

"Ha, you pawn off most of your work for me while you shoot the shit with the clients over fancy dinners and drinks."

Harvey chuckled a bit despite himself. "Shoot the shit?" He laughed a little more while Mike frowned at him. "Kid, you have no idea what it takes to woo a client. I make it look easy well, cause, it's easy for me, but they would devour you. Trust me."

"I think I could do your job. And I would do it with their emotions in mind. Make them feel better ya'know." Mike grinned.

"I'd want to be there when you do that." Harvey said causing Mike to hide a small smile embarrassed pride. "Just to see you fall flat on your face." He finished, completely wiping off any semblance of happiness from Mikes face.

"You know just once I'd like to switch places with you just to show you I could do it. Too bad I'm a lowly associate." Mike collected the files in his hands.

"Glad you know your place." Harvey replied rolling down his sleeves and grabbing his jacket. Mike kept silent, turning around swiftly and stalking off.

Who was he kidding? Mike thought to himself. Harvey was very capable without him. Harvey was the best before he ever came along. As Mike's thoughts kept running, he kept reassessing his self worth under Harvey. His last words as he left had stung him a little more than it should have. Even though he was the one who said it Harvey had agreed a little too easily.

Finally arriving at his apartment, he fell onto his bed, exhausted more than usual. He shouldn't have laid down before changing out of his clothes, but the lack of sleep from the day before had caught up to him and he couldn't find the strength to even open his eyes, let alone lift himself off his bed to change. Within what felt like seconds, he was out.

What felt like minutes later, there was a muffled banging sound disturbing Mike's peaceful sleep. It paused but continued again more urgently.

"Shaddup!" He yelled growing irritated. Odd. His voice sounded deeper. Great. All he needed was to get sick on top of his ever increasing work load.

"Mike! Open the door!" He heard a familiar voice as the banging continued. Who the hell could that be?

"I'm going!" He yelled. His eyes shot open as he heard Harvey's voice. He looked around in shock to see he was in what he could only assume was Harvey's place by the décor. What the hell was he doing at Harvey's? He thought in horror. His mind ran wild for a possible explanation as to how he wound up here. He sprang up from the bed to answer the door.

His eyes widened as he opened the door to reveal himself standing on the other side.