I just realized I never properly announced this on here, so I figured I should do that now; this story will no longer be continued in this form. I decided some time ago to continue it, but I couldn't do so with the story the way it was, so I chose to rewrite it. As I explain in the A/N of the rewrite, I feel I've grown a lot as a writer, and that my writing is a lot better than it used to be. I want this story to be the best that I can make it, and I don't think that's possible with the original the way it is.

The new one is already up-has been for QUITE a while, as a matter of fact. There are currently four chapters, and I have the fifth about halfway done and am hoping to post it within the week.

It can be found HERE, or, if the Link doesn't work, it can be found on my page under the name 'Sangue e Lussuria'.Therefore, this will be the last update that this particular version receives.

I'm terribly sorry for not announcing this sooner to let you all know.

I'd like to take this opportunity though, to thank each and every one of you who has followed, Favorited, and reviewed this story over the last few years-even when it seemed as though it had been dropped. I can't even begin to tell you all how much all of the support means to me.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

I hope to see and hear from you again on the rewrite, and that, if you choose to read, you enjoy it at least as much as you enjoyed this one.

Bye-bye for now.
S2 ~S2~
Starisia ~S2~S2