A/N: Hello there looks like Chapter VII has arrived, hands and feet outside of the vehicle at all times! And you know sometimes I feel like the writers of CM toss us little subtext bones to keep us writers and such happy lol...Episode One has come and gone, and I've seen it a few times now...and I think that...SUBTEXT IS BACK? As always R&R please...

This is Our Tragic Vignette My Love

"And I've been waiting right here, for things to get better" Weak- Melanie C

Emily had been acting weird over the last few weeks, strange phone calls to the house at all times of the night, had left the profiler riddled with exhaustion.

And every time JJ would enquire Emily would tell her that it was fine. JJ would believe her and let it go, if Emily wanted to tell her she would, and JJ had to respect Emily's reluctance to talk.

Had she known, oh God had she known she would have tried to prevent all of this from ever happening...

She had stood nearby when Garcia had left her that voice mail,

"You stay alive"

Stay alive for me Emily just stay alive, we're coming, I'm coming...

JJ said this to herself over and over and then it had all happened so fast, Derek was calling from an ambulance,

Emily was in and out...she wasn't going to make it.

JJ sat alone in the inner family lounge outside of the operating theatre, she paced some, cried some, but most of all she prayed...

And it seemed as though her prayers had been answered, the surgeons had stabilized her, but she wasn't going to wake up in Boston.

No JJ and Hotch had decide to move her to Bethesda, JJ had gone with her, and was there when she woke up.

JJ wanted to laugh at the clichéd way her fiancés eyes fluttered open, able to breathe on her own now; the respirator had been removed, and Emily seemed to be recovering.

JJ leaped forward placing a hand to Emily's cheek,

"Hi, hey, don't try to speak"

JJ pressed soft lips against her forehead, and brushed her bangs off her forehead, Emily's eyes fluttered closed, and JJ closed her eyes against the tears that fell.

Two months later JJ was handing Emily the pieces to her new life.

A life without her.

The instructions were explicit absolutely under no circumstances no contact, with anyone.

JJ returned home from Paris and buried herself into her job.

Four months later she received a vague but urgent message from Rossi, the two met for lunch.

Rossi levelled her with a concerned look JJ had the decency to look away,

"I assume you've heard about what's been happening? With the team?"

JJ nodded taking a tentative sip from her water,

"I've put in a recommendation that you be reinstated, we need you JJ, and it's what Emily would have wanted"

JJ focused on the man in front of her, Emily's 'death' had hit him hard, and she knew he was helping Morgan track down Doyle.

JJ had been back less than a year when everything came to a head.

Morgan had found Doyle through Declan; the boy had been kidnapped by his own mother, for nothing but greed and vengeance.

Vengeance had always seemed like the ultimate empty pleasure.

"It's Time" if it was possible Hotch sounded more grave than usual,

"Why? It looks like Morgan can break him without her"

Emily would be reintroduced to the team...

And it was like they had never been apart, they team worked together in tandem as they always had and brought Declan home.

After the trial and the team had been reinstated, Emily had disappeared.


The team assumed that the couple wanted their time alone,


JJ hadn't seen Emily since they had won the trial.

That had been a week ago yesterday.

And now?

Now she lay on her right side, her head propped up on her hand her eyes trailing over Emily's lithe frame covered in nothing but their shared bed sheet.

Was this really what it came down to? Was their family back together?

Soft hands trailed along a hip that seemed too defined.

Was this reality or just a dream, had she really come home tonight to find the door ajar?

Had she really pulled her service weapon and swept her own home?

Only to find the love of her life clad in a black long sleeve v-neck and black cargo pants sitting at the end of their bed, fingers steepled in anticipation for the blonde agent's return.

Breathing a sigh of relief at the sight, JJ knew she would come home.

Her combat boots had left muddy footprints on the hardwood from the rain outside,

JJ hated it when Emily wore her shoes in the house.

She rushed to Emily and threw herself down at her knees drawing the brunettes hands into her own and up to her lips, eyes glistening with tears JJ looked up at her very breath,

Emily was home...

Emily pulled JJ up to her so she could place reverent kisses along her jaw line, down the right side of her neck and across her collar bone up the left side of her neck to her ear,

"I'm home"

The words were whispered against the shell of JJ's ear sending a shiver through her body to some place that she didn't think existed anymore.

JJ stood to her full height between the profiler's knees; Emily could do nothing but look up into the eyes of the woman that had saved her life, literally.

Her hands took purchase on JJ's hips griping tightly almost painfully, JJ didn't mind she was terrified that if Emily let go, she would just disappear again.

JJ stared deeply into Emily's eyes as she slowly lifted her fingers to the buttons on her black French cut oxford, she got half way down, when Emily un-tucked it from her pants and brushed her hands aside and undid the rest of the buttons.

The garment hung open between them; Emily still perched at the edge of the bed, JJ still standing there before her, chest heaving now with shallow breaths.

Their eyes stayed, staring as if trying to find the answer to how they had gotten to this place as if the answer was hidden within indigo and auburn,

JJ raked her fingers through Emily's soft locks as the profiler leaned forward placing a gentle kiss to the exposed flesh of JJ's stomach.

Emily pulled back and slowly lifted shaking hands to the belt buckle of JJ's pants. She paused for a second and looked up into her eyes, asking without words if this was okay.

Their entire relationship could be summed up in charged expressive looks, they could read each other without words, and that was more intimate than anything else they had ever done,

Even this.

Emily proceeded with her task, unbuckling the blonde's belt and freeing the button she stopped, and looked up at JJ one more time,


JJ whispered, as she finished what the lost woman had set out to do.

JJ stood now, before Emily in nothing but her bra panties and black dress shirt, having stepped out of her pants.

She heard Emily gasp at the sight before her,




That's what Emily saw when she stood from her place on the bed, and took JJ in her arms, crushing their lips together, the kiss was slow at first, as they almost always begin that way.

But weeks of not knowing, of wondering if their last night together all those months ago was their last had turned their gentle reunion of lips into something frenzied.

It was full of a need that had been ignored for far too long an almost palpable ache had settled around them; they had been apart for far too long.

JJ pulled Emily's top up and off the brunette, breaking their kiss to pepper small kisses and licks across Emily's chest and collar bone,

Her lips hovered over the ugly scar from the brand that Doyle had given her; she traced lightly with gentle fingers and placed a soft kiss there...

Emily was home...


A/N: Whew, damn they taught JJ good lol she must have been paying attention in physical profiling 101...Well here you go, I know it's really late but I have been so busy with school and work, and I struggled really badly with this chapter...I want to thank you all for your alerts and comments. As this was my first story I really appreciate all the support, and I may write another story in the future.

Thank you, Biggs.