Freddy and Jason had been driving for over an hour, and went through the entire mixed tape. They listened to a few more hits from Slayer, Lamb of God, Dio, Megadeth, Danzig, and Nightwish. By the time they got to This is the End by Society 1 Freddy's neck was sore from headbanging. To his luck, it was the last track.

Jason's ears rang and the quiet drone of the truck's engine was a welcomed relief after the tape stopped.

"Man, that was great. Have any more mixed tapes, Voorhees?" Freddy beamed.

'Nah, sorry Krueger. I have one more tape but I left it back at the cabin.'

"Damn!" Freddy grumbled. He drummed his fingers on the glovebox for a while in boredom. "Well, now what? We've been driving for who knows how long, and we're still in the middle of nowhere!"

'Calm down, I'm working on it. There's got to be civilization somewhere out here...'

Fred sighed and absentmindedly opened the glovebox. He rummaged through it and found a coffee stained map. "Just like his ugly teeth," Fred mumbled.

After that there were used toothpicks, cigar stubs, an empty snuff can, an old car magazine, and in the very back..Freddy saw a wallet.

He snatched it out and tore through the pockets. There were scratched out lottery tickets and countless receipts, but no credit card.

"Does this man keep anything in his car besides junk?"

Then he opened up the lips of the wallet and saw green. Glorious green.

Fred's face lit up like a child's face on Christmas morning. "Hey Hockey Puck, care to meet George Washington? How about president Lincoln?" He took out the money and flipped through every bill. He saw 20's, 50's, even 100's. "How about Grant? Jackson? Benjamin fuckin Franklin?" He howled with laughter and slapped Jason on the shoulder.

'Freddy, what the hell is up with y-' Jason stopped mid-thought when he saw the wad of cash in Fred's hand. He smirked behind his mask. Jason wasn't exactly greedy, but didn't mind having a grand or two saved up for emergencies. This was perfectly convenient. He took one hand off the wheel and held it out for a low-five. Fred smacked Jason's hand and grinned.

'How much?'

Freddy did a quick calcuation of everything. It was a whopping sum of...


Jason nodded, satisfied with how much money that old hillbilly left in his truck. Just for them, he thought. Dumbasses who didn't trust banks were a Godsend.

"Say hello to a year's supply of pornos, Jason. You a classic playboy fan or more of an S&M junkie?"

'First of all, you're disgusting. Second, we're not blowing our money on porn. We're stocking up on baby food, formula, and diapers before anything. Then maybe some decent clothes for the both of us. This isn't doing it, Fred. We need to blend in. Are you retarded? When you find five thousand dollars in someone's truck you don't blow it on crumby pornography!'

"Hockey Puck, I'm going to remind you one more time. You really need to learn how to take a joke. Of course I'm not blowing the money of porn! I've got plenty of bitches to satisfy my needs."

Jason shook his head in disgust. 'Rapist.'

"Unwilling makes it all the more fun, MAMA'S BOY!"

Just as Jason was about to knock Freddy senseless, he saw lights. There were buildings; open businesses. Wendy's, Abbey Carpet, and even an outlet mall. He could make out an exit that was coming up to their right.

'As much as I'd love to fight, it looks like we're making our first stop, Krueger.'

Freddy noted the exit sign and clapped his hands together. "Now we're talkin'. Bout fuckin' time."

Jason noticed the needle on the dashboard was nearly pointing to E. He'd be out of gas soon.

'Just in time.' he thought happily. Everything was going smooth.

When they got into town, they passed by a small fountain in front of an office building. They were driving down a main road with multiple restaurants and stores. Finally, Jason found a Shell sign and pulled into the gas station, making sure the side of the truck with the gas tank was facing pump #4.

He got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side, flipping open the small door that went to the gas tank. He unscrewed the cap and stuck the nozzle of the gas pump into the truck, setting the machine to 20 gallons. Jason looked at Fred through the empty space where the window was shattered. 'I'm going into the store to buy some jerky. You want anything?'

"I haven't seen my friend Jack Daniels in a while. Care to bring him over?"

Jason gave him a blank look. 'Huh?'

"Just get me some booze, Hockey Puck. I'm dyin' here!"

The masked murderer rolled his eyes and snatched the wad of cash that was still in Freddy's hand. Jason disappeared into the store and Freddy looked down at the baby who stirred around and slowly opened his twinkling eyes.

"Hey sleeping beauty. You've been out for 2 hours. Have a nice nap?" Freddy mumbled as if the baby could understand. "You could sleep through the war in Iraq, couldn't you?"

Then the infant picked at the straw on the basket and started fussing. "What's wrong? Need a diaper change?" Freddy chuckled. Then the baby scrunched up his tiny face and wailed to the top of his lungs, screaming and raving Freddy's ears out.

Freddy slid his fedora over his eyes nervously and tapped his knee in frustration. "Come on kid, not now..." The baby sobbed louder and tears streamed down his face in torrents. Fred shuffled around with more nervousness and looked through the space the shattered window left. A plump woman pumping gas into a Toyota minivan gave him a dirty look. The baby was making an awful racket.

Freddy clawed out his razored hand and tried shushing the distressed child. He waved his silver claws wildly, looking like a maniac. "Shhh! Jason Junior, pipe down! It's gonna be okay!I'll give you a cookie if you shut up," he growled through grit teeth.

The heavy set lady seemed to get angrier and frightened, striding over to the truck with a scowl.

"Great," Fred murmured.

She stopped at the shattered window hole and put her hips on her hips, already out of breath from walking no more than ten feet. "Just what in the hell do you thi..."

She saw Freddy's silver blades and deformed complexion and stopped in her tracks. Her jaw gaped open.

"Now hold on lady, it's not what you think..." Fred started.

"SOMEONE HELP! THIS MAN IS TRYING TO MURDER A BABY! HELP!" the woman shrieked to the top of her lungs.

"Crap." Freddy scowled and tapped his foot in anxiety, waiting for Jason to hurry the hell up.

Jason came just in time, flinging open the glass doors to the convenient store with a plastic bag in his hand.

Freddy hollered out the window to his masked partner in crime, "Hockey Puck! Get in the truck! Step on it!"

Jason scratched his head in confusion and stood there like a dunce.

"NOW!" Freddy screamed.

Jason strode over to the truck as fast as he could and got in the driver's seat, slamming the door. 'Dude, what the fuck?'

The obese drama queen kept making a scene, and more people started crowding around the truck.

"GET HIM!" she wailed, the fat on her arm jiggling like pudding as she jerked it towards Freddy.

"Floor it!" Fred yelled.

Jason started the Chevy with a rusty "VROOM" and stomped the gas pedal, running over people in his way. The bodies crunched under the wheels, and the ride was bumpy until he got over the mass of dying bodies and sped out of the lot. His stocky arms shook with adrenaline and his masked eyes were wide open in shellshock. In seconds he was zipping down the highway. He wondered what trouble Freddy would get them into next.