It's a Friday; Friday the 13th to be exact. The chilling waters of Crystal Lake lay calm and still under a full moon. They weren't so calm until dusk, when the sun was setting just under the brim of the horizon. The last shred of orange light dipped into the edge of the lake, turning the clouds the color of rose petals and the sky an ominous deep violet in contrast. Just as the slowly calming fiery sphere sank below the water, so did they. Every last sinning invader, all of them in skimpy bikinis and swimming trunks. They were now corpses sunken at the bottom of the endlessly stretching body of water, once known as a refuge belonging to Camp Crystal Lake, now known as Camp Blood.

The horror was written on each of their faces, reflecting their gory deaths. Cold, still, and unmoving flesh and bones just waiting to decompose with the rest. (Who knew how many "the rest" were made up of?) The blood was always drained of them and floated to the top in crimson clouds. The odors of its substance formed into a coppery, aquatic stench. No one was there to take in its presence, except for him…