So hello my dear friends. I realize I haven't updated in a long time, but high school is very busy. I hope you all will forgive me and not hate my guts. Here is the latest chapter. Drum roll please… THE BIG QUIGLET WEDDUNG! Haha, enjoy!

Chapter 14

Violet stood in the back of the church. She glanced around at the friends who were there to support her. Today was the day she had dreamed about as a little girl. The day she dreamed about since she met Quigley. They were about to get married. Violet's mind was filled with thoughts of what their new life would be like. She pictured herself with Quigley at all times, being the mother to their children, and having a happy life. Moira cheerfully played the first note on the organ, Violet secretly admired her top hat. It had a very classy touch. She took her first step down the aisle. She didn't even feel herself in the moment. She felt as if it was too good to be true, that she was watching through someone else's eyes.

The organ stopped. Violet had reached Quigley. He reached his hand out to her. All he wanted to do was to kiss, right then and there. She looked so beautiful. As Violet handed her bouquet of flowers to Isadora, he caught a glimpse of the scars on her wrists. He made a vow to himself right then and there to make sure she never had a reason to cut herself again. They grasped each other's hands. They looked deeply into each other's eyes. It was Quigley's turn to do his vows. They agreed to do the traditional ones, but to also write their own.

"When I first saw you, I knew you were the one. We must have been fated to be together. Although we faced many hardships in life, we have been able to pull through them. I promise that I will always be faithful to you. There is not a thing in the world that could make me not love you. I will help you through everything and support you. I can't wait to embark on this new adventure, with you as my wife. I love you, Violet." Quigley said. He finished with his traditional vows. It was then Violet's turn.

"We found each other at the lowest points in our lives. Two souls, never met but destined to fall in love. We were able to climb a mountain together, both literally and metaphorically. You brought me out of despair and into hope. I promise to always be here for you. If you need anything, you can ask me. I will remain faithful to you. I will no longer cut myself, drink, or any reckless and harmful behaviors. I can't wait to be with you, my partner on this road of life, my husband. I love you, Quigley." Violet finished, with tears in her eyes. She said her traditional vows. And then, the most glorious words ever spoken…

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

They leaned forward and shared their best kiss ever. Neither of them could have been happier. Things were finally going right for the Baudelaires and Quagmires.

"It's official, you've got me forever!" Violet whispered to Quigley with a smile.

"And you have me." Quigley said to Violet, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Their friends and family cheered as the ecstatic couple walked out the church together. Even Augustino the imaginary lobster was happy.

So what do you think? I know it was very fluffy and sappy, but it's a wedding! I hope this met all your expectations. How could this pairing not be loved? Please review, I like reviews. Reviews are like donuts, the more you get, the happier you feel.

Review Replies to all my little darlings!

Tabithatibi- Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Courier 999- I'm glad you like my use of Moira! Thank you for allowing me to use her in my story. It was incredibly sweet of you.

PrettyBandgirl XD- Thank you! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Duncan's imaginary lobster friend Augustino made a brief appearance at the end. I would feel awful if I left him out!

Volleyballgirl122- I'm glad you enjoyed my story so far! Thanks for the support and I hope you liked this chapter!

Dude with the Tattoo- Thank you very much! Hope you liked this chapter!

Pottergirl1- Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I hope this one lived up to the earlier chapters! I guess Augustino is a favorite!