So remember the story I posted yesterday called "Let Go?" Well I've deleted that story and I'm going to work on this one instead. This story takes place in the senior year of high school, for the gang! Will Shinn follow his heart and be with Stella and sacrifice his friendship with Lunamaria to do so, or no? Will Kira continue following around his bitter girlfriend Flay, or will he go after his new crush Lacus? What about AC? Will they finally admit their love? SXSXL CXAXM FXKXL DXMXT YXS MXM and more!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed.

"Welcome back to school, seniors! I trust you all had a excellent summer?" Mr. Gilbert Durandul, principal of the Zaft High School asked his students. "This is your last year at Zaft, five years you've studied here, and in those five years you've changed from children to men and women. With that, I wish you the best this year, and I hope all your dreams come true." The principal left the room, followed by a roar of applause.

"Ooh! Finally, it's our last year! I can't wait to leave school, already!" Lunamaria Hawke, eighteen year old and a senior, said to her best friend Shinn Asuka. Shinn wasn't really paying attention, he was admiring a girl from afar, Stella Loussier. "Shinn?" Luna waved a hand in front of his face, snapping him back to reality.

"Oh.. yeah .. exciting.." Shinn mumbled, not really caring at all what Lunamaria had to say.

The pair exited the room and headed to their first class, the freshmen crowded the halls, pushing everyone all over the place.

"You know.. this year has a lot of interesting events happening , graduation , prom , ooh and all the dan- " But before Lunamaria could finish bombarding Shinn with random conversations, someone interrupted them.

"Shinn.. Luna, hey!" Came the voice of Cagalli Yula Athha, she was a transfer from Orb and lets just say Shinn and Cagalli.. didn't click.

"What do you want?" Shinn asked rather rudely, Cagalli who growled in response did not ignore this.

"Hmph! I just came to say hello! I mean all of us have this class together, and I just thought I'd come grab you guys to sit with us!" Cagalli pulled Luna's arm, dragging her to the back of the classroom, Shinn having no choice, followed her without another sound.

"Hey guys!" Kira Yamato's ecstatic voice greeted, he was also a transfer from Orb, Cagalli's twin brother in fact.

"Hey." Shinn muttered and took the seat beside him, pretty soon when everyone had finished greeting each other, the class calmed down and everyone got down to business. Well, no one did any work anyway they all just talked. Except for Athrun Zala of course.

"Did you guys here about the new girl?" Cagalli whispered and pointed to four seats forward, where a girl with long pink hair sat. "That's Lacus Clyne, the Lacus Clyne! You know the sin-"

"We know, who Lacus Clyne is!" Shinn shouted, a little too loud. Lacus turned around and gave him a sweet, knowing smile. Shinn blushed in response, Lunamaria and Cagalli began giggling.

"Her? What's so great about that.." Flay Allster, Kira Yamato's girlfriend muttered under her breath, "pink hair is so overrated anyways."

"Flay! My hairs pink too!" Luna gasped, rather offended.

"Your hairs a sexy pink , that one though.. It's just.. weird." Flay answered her friend, glaring at the back of the pinkette.

"Its not that bad, it gives a innocent vibe.." Kira added, Flay glared at him and he immediately changed the subject. "W-Well.. red's better obviously.. but anyways guys, are you planning on going to the Halloween party at Meer's?"

"Obviously, that's like a month away, why are you bringing that up?" Flay hissed at her boyfriend and turned her back on him, leaving him speechless.

"Sis!" Meyrin Hawke shouted through the crowded hallways, catching up to her older sister. "Your so lucky, sis! You're graduating this year, and I have to stay for another year after this one! Hmph!"

"Hi to you too Meyrin, say have you seen Shinn? He was right beside me two seconds ago and now he's gone.." Luna said her thoughts aloud.

"Yes a-actually he was just down that hallway, talking to that Stella girl..!"

"What? Stella?" Lunamaria gasped, "Why would he want to talk to her? Everyone knows what kind of girl she is!"

Before Meyrin could say another word, Luna had sped off and left her sister alone. She turned the hallway and the sight before her made her freeze in her tracks.


Shinn Asuka was wiping away the tears from Stella Loussiers innocent face, and was holding her hand as well. Lunamaria walked forward casually, and cleared her breath.

"Oh..! Shinn, there you are!" Luna said casually, but either Shinn hadn't heard or he was ignoring her.

"Its okay Stella, no ones going to hurt you." Shinn said to the blonde before him, she sniffed and nodded sadly.

"S-Shinn.. you promise .." Stella whispered, but loud enough for Lunamaria to hear.

"Yeah! Don't worry, Shani and Orga wont bother you anymore!" Shinn put both his hands on her shoulders, "I promise I will protect you."

"Ahem.. Shinn?" Luna cleared her throat again, this time Shinn acknowledged her presence.

"What is it, Luna?" He asked rather coldly, as if he didn't care.

"W-Well.. I was just heading off to next class and since we-"

"You go on without me, I'll be there." And Luna shrugged and left the pair alone.

It was home economics class and everyone said in tables, in fours. Lunamaria glanced from table to table, at the first table there was Orga Sabnek, the boy Shinn mentioned earlier. He hung out with druggies, but he was a nice guy overall, if you got on his good side, no one but Flay talked to him from their group. Beside him was Shani and Clotho his best friends, no one talked to them they we're druggies and very mysterious. No one dared take the last seat at their table, fearing for their life.

The next table was occupied by none other than Lacus Clyne and her cousin Meer Campbell, those two looked almost identical, but it was rumored they had a huge personality difference. Lacus was cheerful and kind, while Meer was bossy and mean. Across them sat Miriallia Haww and her boyfriend Tolle Koening, they were both really nice and the only reason they sat at that table was because no other table had room.

Flay, Kira, Athrun and Cagalli occupied the third table. Rumor was it that Athrun and Cagalli had feelings for each other, but Athruns serious nature and Cagallis stubbornness wouldn't let them admit their feelings to one another.

Finally, the table that Lunamaria sat at had only one seat occupied. It was by her other best friend Rey Za Burrel. Shinn completed the trio; they have all been friends since they were younger.

Shinn walked in five minutes later with Stella Loussier, Lunamaria couldn't help but feel something tighten in her chest, but she chose to ignore it.

"Today you will be baking cakes, try to make them unique and flawless. Time begins now." The foods instructor, Murrue Ramius ordered everyone.

Pretty soon everyone was cracking eggs, mixing bowls or most commonly, arguing.

"Kira, you idiot! Your suppose to add only a cup of chocolate chips, ugh!" Cagalli shouted at her brother, he covered his ears afraid of what she was capable of.

"Kira?" Lacus Clynes soft voice, was what made Kira uncover his ears. "Do you need some help? Our group was done so.." Before Kira could respond, Flay pushed past him.

"Why would we need help from you? We're perfectly capable ourselves!" Flay snarled at the other girl, who just stared in response. "Well? Scram!"

"Flay! That was so rude!" Kira grabbed a hold of his girlfriends arm, "she was only being ni-"

Flay freed her arm from his grasp and began shouting, "She's only being nice? One minute she'll be helping you out in class, the next minute you'll be having sex!"

"Well she does have a point, Kira." Cagalli started, Flay seemed to look pleased with herself. "But.. I can't see Lacus doing that, so chill out kay Flay?"


That was nothing compared to what was happening at Shinn's table.

"Luna! That was so insensitive, how could you just say that?" An angry Shinn shouted at his best friend, "apologize to her!"

"I should apologize to her? I only stated the truth, back me up here Rey!" Lunamaria turned to her other best friend, who sighed but spoke anyways.

"Lunamaria does have a point, Shinn.. she didn't say anything wrong.."

"What?" Shinn shouted once again, "look what she did!" Shinn pointed to Stella, who was sniffing quietly, while sitting in her seat.

"All I said was that she was applying the icing all wrong, and she should let someone who knows how to do it, do it!" Luna shouted at Shinn, "who gave you permission to bring her here anyways?"

"Shut up!" Shinn snarled, his ruby orbs showing fury. "She's my friend! So I gave her permission to sit with us! But I can see, we aren't welcome here anyways! Come on Stella, we're leaving." Shinn muttered and took Stella's hand, and left the classroom.

While all this commotion was happening, you would wonder where Murrue Ramius the teacher was right?

"Mu.. I really should get ba-"

"Shhhh! Fifteen more minutes…" Mu La Flaga mumbled, and pulled Murrue into a deep, passionate kiss.

So I dont think I did too bad right? Well anyways to clear some things up, Stella does have a problem, that explains why shes overemotional. And I don't hate Flay, no not at all. In fact she's my favorite character, I just need her to start off this way, so the story progresses. Also please review and tell me what you think. If you like it enough, I'll post more .. if not then this is a lost fic.. :) OH And add to alerts please ! :D

- Marron B :D