A/N: Oh. My. God. It's been a year. A YEAR! And two days. I am so sorry. But, uh... today is the four year anniversary of the day HTTYD came out in theaters! Wow, time really flies.

Okay, so just a recap. The volcano on the dragon's island was in danger of erupting because a Fire Diamond formed in it. Hiccup, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and Toothless went on a quest to get the Fire Diamond, they got trapped in the volcano and had to fight six-legged dragons called Fyremytes and a giant blind dragon called a Guarder Dragon. Hiccup had to pull the Fire Diamond out of a pool of magma, and his arm got so badly burnt that it destroyed all the nerves in his arm and he's probably gonna end up losing it. They were about to get out when Hiccup heard voices coming from a dark tunnel, and he went down it and was followed by Toothless, Snotlout, and Fishlegs. That was where we left off, please don't be mad at me for taking so long, and here we go.

Volcano Quest

The air in the tunnel was so dark that even Toothless' glowing eyes couldn't see through.

He stumbled along the tunnel, trying to follow the sound of Hiccup's uneven creaky footsteps. It was difficult though, because Snotlout and Fishlegs were loudly stumbling along behind him.

"Hiccup?" whispered Toothless, too afraid to speak too loudly.

There was no response.

Suddenly, the tunnel turned to the right, and they emerged in a small cavern lit by an eerie blue glow which came from what seemed to be a small pool of liquid in the floor.

Hiccup was kneeling in front of the pool, looking down into it.

"C-can you hear them now...?" he asked quietly, not looking over his shoulder at Toothless.

Toothless came and stood next to him. After listening for a moment, he did hear something. At first he thought it was wind echoing through the caverns, but then he realized that Hiccup was were voices – whispers – and they seemed to be coming from the pool. Toothless leaned closer to it, and he saw something in the center of the pool. It looked like a large dark stone that was glowing slightly purple.

"How did you hear that...?" asked Toothless quietly.

Hiccup shrugged. He looked ghastly in the low blue light, like he was about to drop dead. The wound on his arm had bled through his bandages now, and the Fire Diamond was glowing brighter in his hand.

"What is this?" came a voice from the entrance to the cavern. Toothless looked over his shoulder and saw Snotlout and Fishlegs. They came closer and gathered around the pool.

"Whoa... why is it glowing...?" asked Fishlegs. "Actually... what is it?"

Toothless only shook his head.

That was when Snotlout noticed Hiccup had closed his eyes. He reached out and caught him before he toppled over.

"Hiccup!" he exclaimed, laying him down so he didn't hit his head. He noticed that the hand still clutching the Fire Diamond had several wisps of smoke rising from it.

Without thinking about it, he ripped the Fire Diamond from Hiccup's hand, burning his hand in the process. The Fire Diamond rolled across the floor and settled against the wall, glowing bright orange.

As soon as the Fire Diamond wasn't in his hand anymore, Hiccup gasped and snapped his eyes open, sitting up.

"W-what did you just do?" he asked, his eyes wide.

Snotlout wordlessly pointed to the Fire Diamond.

When Hiccup turned to look at it, however, he put his hand down and accidentally put it in the glowing blue liquid. It suddenly turned purple.

They all gasped and jumped away from it. It stayed purple for a moment before returning to blue.

After a moment, curiosity got the better of Hiccup. He carefully took the glove off of his right hand and reached for the liquid.

"Hiccup, don't!" exclaimed Toothless.

Hiccup ignored him and cautiously dipped his hand into the liquid.

For a split second, nothing happened, but then streaks of blue suddenly ran up his arm, spreading a cooling sensation all along his wounded arm. A second later, it stopped. Sitting back, he pulled the bandages off of his arm.

All of the burns had been fully healed, and he could easily move his arm again.

Nobody knew what to say for a minute. Finally, Hiccup spoke up.

"Well... that's useful..." he said.

Slowly, Snotlout moved forward and dipped his burnt hand into it. It healed almost instantly.

Then Fishlegs came forward. Instead of dipping his hands in, he reached into his basket and pulled out a small flask. He dipped it in and took a sample of the liquid.

"Hold on, can I see that?" asked Hiccup. Fishlegs nodded and handed him the flask. Standing up, Hiccup went over to the Fire Diamond and dripped a bit of the liquid on it. It sizzled for a second, and then it stopped glowing and changed to the color of an emerald. He cautiously picked it up and found it to be completely cool.

"Hiccup, I think we should leave," said Toothless, looking around nervously. Now that Hiccup had brought his attention to the voices, he couldn't get them out of his head, and now he was starting to realize what they were saying...

"Right, we'll leave in just a minute," he said, walking back over to the pool. "I just... I just want to see what this is..."

Kneeling down in front of the pool again, he reached into the liquid and grabbed the purple stone, pulling it out.

As soon as it was out of the water, the whispering stopped.

"Does anybody have any idea what this is?" asked Hiccup. The stone was the size of a small canon ball, and it was obsidian black with smaller purple crystals embedded in it. It was as cold as ice.

"Never seen anything like that before," said Fishlegs.

Hiccup shook his head and put the stone in his bag, along with the Fire Diamond.

"Okay guys," said Hiccup, standing up. "Let's get the hell out of here."

Then they left.

A/N: Sorry that was short. There's only one more chapter of this though, and that next chapter is when you finally find out who got kidnapped! Well... I'll try my best to finish it soon. See ya then!