Here's my first chapter of my Kingdom Hearts, Birth by Sleep FanFiction.

This is my first attempt at any type of fanfiction, so I need lots of reviews to tell me how I did.

I hope you all like this!

Chapter One: The Spiky-Haired Kid

A lanky teenager leaned against the wall, closing his aqua green eyes, his vibrant blue hair rustling in the slight breeze. He was dressed in a short-sleeved, high-collared navy blue jacket over a black undershirt, white pants, and plain black shoes. A yellow crescent moon stood up on the right side of his jacket. A second later he heard a chiming of a bell, and an excited, spiky-styled, red-haired boy emerged from the doors beside him, wearing a sleeveless orange jacket, a white vest, baggy tan pants and very conspicuous red and white sneakers. He was also wearing a yellow scarf triangularly around his neck, and was carrying what looked two Frisbees.

"Check 'em out, Isa!" he held them up, one in each hand, as if they were spears and he was going to use them in battle. They were black, with pointed edges and demonic faces surrounded by fire. "Cool huh?"

Isa rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. Of course he picks up the first things he sees that have fire on them. "Frisbees, Lea? Seriously, what are you going to be using next? Candles?"

Lea chuckled. "Of course not. That would be weird."

Isa raised his eyebrows. His expression was clear: Frisbees are not weird?

Lea just laughed again and hooked the Frisbees onto the left side of his belt. That way he could pull them out in a second's notice. He looked up suddenly at Isa, and their eye met in a silent understanding. "Let's go."

They started to walk, casually turning the corner. Lea eyed the castle in excitement. Sure, he was scared–what if they got caught?—but the idea of what they would find was more appealing at the moment. As they crossed the inner square, something that looked like a life-sized wooden key tumbled in front of Lea. Curious, he bent down and grabbed hold of the opposite end, testing it. Well-balanced, it appeared to be a good weapon. He also noticed a word carved into the handle: Terra. Who's Terra? He mused, when he noticed the short boy sitting against the wall, looking at him through ocean blue eyes. He was dressed strangely. His jacket was black on one side and white on the other, with a red, pleated collar. Underneath, you could glimpse a grey shirt with angular patterns. His pants were similar to his shirt and jacket and looked very similar to Caprice pants save the white layering. There was also something crisscrossing over his chest, and what looked like a key emblem in the center. On top of that, there seemed to be a dull green and grey armor under his shirt and another piece of armor on his left shoulder. Trying not to double back at the boy's uncanny appearance, Lea, who had a knack of telling what a person was thinking, could tell something was troubling this kid. And that's all he needed to know.

"This yours?" he asked. The boy gave a hesitant nod. So is this guy 'Terra'?

Isa turned to look at him. "Lea," he said gravely, "we don't have time for this." He had been Lea's friend for years, and for all he knew this could take hours. They couldn't afford delays.

"Lighten up Isa, it'll only take a sec," Lea answered childishly, gesturing absent-mindedly with the wooden key. He walked over to the boy with the spiky, orange-gold hair. "You still play with toy swords?" he mocked, flipping it around in his hand and then offering the boy the handle, "that's cute." He registered the boy's grimace with a confident grin and tossed the key onto the ground. "Now this right here…" he pulled out the Frisbees he'd bought just a few minutes ago. "Tada!" He grinned broadly. Stare in awe, he thought giddily. "Whaddaya think?"

"Not a whole lot," the boy answered, avoiding his gaze.

Lea bent over hurriedly in an attempt to woo him. "You're just jealous! I'm Lea." He tapped his temple with his index finger. "Got it memorized?"

A few feet away, Isa rolled his eyes again. He never seems to get bored of that catch-phrase, does he? He crossed his arms and eyed Lea impatiently. Lea, of course, didn't notice.

"What's your name?" Lea asked. It sounded more like a jeering command than a question. The boy seemed to falter for another second. Then, in a voice that sounded well aware of the fact that Lea wouldn't leave him without knowing his name, replied in surrender, "Ventus."

Hmm. So he's not Terra. Lea grinned. Whatever, this was going to be fun! "Okay, Ventus, Let's fight!"

Ventus looked at him in apparent surprise. "Fight?" he repeated incredulously. "Why would I wanna do that?"

"You scared of losin'?" he teased. "C'mon!" he took a backwards leap, his fingers twirling the Frisbees from the edges. "Hope you're ready!" he grinned again.

He seemed to be considering before he looked up, his expression suddenly burning, "Heh!"

All right! Lea could feel the excitement building up inside him. "Yeah! Now we're talkin'!"

Ventus got up, grabbing the wooden key as he did with his right hand. "You're gonna be sorry." As he did, he swung his sword, which was facing backwards.

So he holds it backhandedly? Isa wondered. Interesting technique. He let out a small laugh. He was going to have back away a bit or one of Lea's Frisbees would find its way to his face.

Isa drew back to watch, throwing occasional glances at the castle. A few feet in front of him, Isa and Ventus launched themselves at each other. Isa watched Ventus with some interest. He had already seen Lea battle a million times, himself being the usual opponent. Lea's style was fiery: he liked to launch himself at the enemy and throw in all his power, relying on surprise and combo attacks. But he was no chance again Ventus, who liked using his speed as an advantage and evaded most of Lea's attacks. Before long, Lea had fallen on his butt – with a clear laugh echoed by Isa – with Ventus standing over him in a guarded battle stance.

Lea tried to gather his remaining dignity. "You…had enough? 'Cause I'm willing to… call it a draw if you are." he panted pathetically. Isa admitted to himself that he would probably have laughed at Lea's face. Ventus just straightened. "Huh?" he broke into a smile and said good-naturedly after a small laugh, "Right."

"From where I stood," Isa commented as he walked towards them, "the only thing you drew was a big L on your forehead for loser…" he counted words off in his head as he stopped beside the fallen Lea, "lame… laughable."

"Wha—?" Lea managed to protest as he faced Isa. "Isn't this the part where ya… cheer me up or something?" he complained. He crossed his arms and in a meek imitation of Isa's serious face, went on, "'You're just… havin' a bad day' or, 'that's what you get for pulling your punches!'" he sighed and looked away. "Some friend."

Isa's comeback was natural. "Oh, you mean I was supposed to lie." He hid a small smile as he looked down at his putting friend. Lea could be so childish sometimes… but that was what kept Isa going. A little adventure in life was why Lea was there.

Lea looked up at his face in mock disbelief, and then looked down as if he was telling Ventus a sad life story. "You see what I gotta put up with?" he said, exasperated, crossing his arms behind his head and laying down on the pavement. He gave Ventus a look. "Sure hope you don't have friends like him." He commented, and then cracked one of his grins. His face said: well now you do have a friend like him. Ventus looked at him for a second, and then, having read his expression, started to laugh. Lea and Isa joined in pleasantly, and for a few seconds they seemed to emanate a very friendly aura. Isa glanced at Ventus, looking marginally cheerful than before, and then at Lea, sprawled on the ground very casually. "Lea, we have to go." This time there was a smile in his voice.

"Kay," Lea answered, having seen what he wanted to see on Ventus' face.

Ventus looked crestfallen. After what had happened with Aqua and Terra, he didn't want them to leave. "Already?" he asked, unable to keep the disappointment from his voice as Isa started to walk away and Lea got up to follow.

Lea smiled to himself as he looked back at Ventus. "I'll see ya when I see ya" he answered coolly, "After all, we're friends now, right?" his grin was open and welcoming. Ventus returned the smile full-heartedly.

"Get it memorized," Lea couldn't resist to add, his emerald green eyes sparkling.

Ventus nodded, beaming. His eyes were alight. "Okay, Lea." He spoke his name with a kind of challenge, and Lea liked that. A lot.

As Ventus turned to go, Isa addressed Lea with a question that was burning on his tongue. "What is it with you and picking up stray puppies?" Just a few days ago he'd befriended a kid playing a guitar —which he stubbornly called a 'Sitar' – outside Scrooge's ice-cream shop. And before that he'd gone all out with a little boy wearing a lab coat. The boy had hardly spoken a word, but Lea's constant chatter seemed to have cleared the little kid's mind.

"I want everyone I meet to remember me," Lea explained, as if it was the plainest notion in the world. Isa had to admit, it wasn't a bad thought. Make a difference huh…

"Inside people's memories, I can live forever," Lea added dramatically.

Ventus listened with a small smile from a distance away. Lea was very likeable, even though Ventus had just met him. He wondered if they would ever meet again.

"I know I won't forget you," Isa responded with an I-wish-I-could look. "Believe me, I try all the time."

Lea regarded himself as though he were a king, his hands in his pockets and his voice smug. "See, I'm immortal." He grinned haughtily at Isa.

"You're obnoxious." Isa stated bluntly, but he was smiling. He looked back up at the towering mansion.

"You ready?" Lea questioned, his excitement barely containable, as he turned to look as well.

Isa gave Lea sideways glance. He had that look. The one that Lea got in anticipation of an adventure.

"Well, I can tell you are," Isa said. I think I am too.

"Yeah," Lea answered, his gaze still glued to the tower. Isa turned to walk, knowing the Lea would follow. Behind them, in the center of town, Ventus started to walk in a different direction, his thoughts whirring. He stopped with a saddened look. He suddenly felt alone. "Must be nice…" he murmured to himself. He looked up at the clear, now light purple sky. An image of Terra an Aqua flashed through his mind. "…knowin' who your friends are."

At the same moment, somewhere at the opposite end of Radiant Garden, Lea and Isa were crouching at the foot of the long staircase that led to the castle entrance. Lea shot Isa an excited grin. "Let's do this!"

Oh, also, this Chapter was a bit overly descriptive. I lessen it along the way, just so everyone knows XD