A/N: Hi, there :) Here's chapter 10…the final chapter in this story. I can't tell you how amazing you all have been with the reviews and alerts. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've had writing it. I plan on writing some little one shots and such in the future…so it's not goodbye to Olivia and Calvin quite yet! Everything goes to its rightful owners.

"So," Calvin started with a mouthful of pancakes, "What time do we have to be in court?"

"Swallow before you talk, please," Olivia reminded him. She, Elliot, and Calvin were sitting at a table in a diner across the street from the court house. "We should probably get there around nine forty-five, but it doesn't start until ten."

Calvin glanced at a clock on the wall. "But it's only eight- thirty. Why are we here so early?"

Elliot wiped his face with a napkin before answering, "One, we have nothing better to do. Two-"

"Because I need to talk to you before we are in there," A familiar voice cut in.

Calvin turned in his chair to discover the voice belonged to ADA Casey Novak.

"What for?" He asked her once she sat at the table.

"To tell you what to expect."

"What do I need to expect?"

Novak looked at him with an amused expression, "Do you always ask this many questions?"

"This is light, believe me," Olivia told the ADA.

Novak turned to Calvin, "Your uncle's lawyer is going to try his hardest to make what happened look like a mistake. When he and I are asking you questions, I need you to stick as close to what you told Olivia as you can remember, okay?"

Calvin nodded, "Okay. You want me to tell the truth? No matter what?"

"Nothing but the truth," Novak assured.

"That's easy enough," Calvin told her, going back to finishing his pancakes.

"It's very easy," Olivia agreed.

"I really shouldn't have any trouble winning this one," Novak told the detectives.

"That's always a good thing to hear," Elliot told her.

She flashed him a small smile. "This is almost nothing compared to some of the cases I've done."

"No kidding," Olivia agreed.

"Kind of nice for a change."

"While the quiet is nice," Elliot told them leaning back in his chair, "I rather miss the hectic."

"Well," Casey said standing up, "I need to gather a few things from my office before we win this. So if you will excuse me, I will see all of you in a little while."

They all said bye as the ADA walked out of the diner.

"That was good," Calvin commented, rubbing his stomach, after finishing his food.

"How many did you end up eating?" Elliot asked him.

"Five, I think."


"Just don't throw up in court," Olivia told him.

Elliot and Calvin looked at each other and snickered.

Olivia glanced between the two, "What?"

"It takes a lot more than five pancakes to make you throw up, Olivia." Calvin said with a slight roll of his eyes.

Olivia raised her brow at him.

"Sorry," He mumbled.

"You two ready to head across the street?" Elliot asked throwing a twenty onto the table. "It's nine-thirty."

Olivia stood up, stretching slightly. Calvin drained the last of his milk before pushing out his chair and following Olivia and Elliot out the door.


It was five till ten. Everyone was in their places. Olivia was quietly talking to Calvin and Casey was looking over her notes one last time.

"Are you ready?" Olivia asked Calvin.

"I think so."

"You'll do fine."

"I'm not worried," He assured her.

She smiled at him. "Guess I'm worried for you then."

"That's a mom thing to do." Calvin looked across the room trying to hide his nervousness. His eyes locked on his uncle.

The judge walked in the room. Calvin quickly made his way to stand next to Casey as everyone else stood until the judge was seated.

"I would like to call Steve Arliss to the stand," Casey said standing.

Nodding, he walked over to the stand and sat.

"Mr. Arliss," Casey questioned, "How often, do you say, would you watch Calvin, all by yourself?"

The man shrugged, "Maybe twice a month."

"Would you ever drink before being left alone with him?"

Steve Arliss shifted, "Maybe one or two."

"No further questions, your honor."

"The defendants call Calvin Arliss to the stand," Steve Arliss' lawyer said, standing up.

"Mr. Arliss-"

"Benson." Calvin corrected.

"Excuse me?" The lawyer asked.

"My last name is now Benson," He explained.

"Very well. Mr. Benson, there was a fire that you were involved in a week ago, correct?"


The lawyer turned to the crowd. "So how do we know the bruises on Mr. Benson's torso aren't related to that event?"

The judge interjected, looking at Calvin's medical records. "This says here the fire wouldn't have caused those, do you have anything else to argue against or are you just going to keep wasting my time?"

The lawyer stood speechless.

"I've heard enough. I find the defendant guilty. Case dismissed."

Calvin turned to Casey grinning, "We won!"

"I told you we would." She told him smiling.

Calvin turned around to look for Olivia, but he couldn't see her anywhere.

Elliot walked over to Calvin and Casey. "Elliot," Calvin asked. "Where's Olivia?"

Elliot looked around and caught a glimpse of her leaving the court room, following Steve Arliss out of the room.


Olivia followed Steve Arliss out of the court room. She had a question to ask him. "Jones!" She called to the officer escorting him away.

He stopped and turned. "Benson, what can I do for you?"

"Let me ask him something."

He looked at her wearily, "Well…alright."

Olivia took a step closer to the man, "Why'd you do it?"

He grinned at her, his eyes showing nothing but hate. "So he wouldn't turn out like his mother: idiotic and drug addicted."

Olivia kneed the man in the crotch, and while he was kneeled over in pain, she whispered in his ear, "He's nothing like his mother." She backed off and looked at Officer Jones who was looking at the man in pity, "Thank you, Jones."

"Olivia!" Elliot came rushing around the corner. He had expected to find her holding Arliss in a choke hold…or something towards that extent. "Calvin's looking for you."

She nodded, feeling much better. She walked back into the court room.

"Where'd you go?" Calvin asked her.

"To take care of some business."

"Elliot said we're going to lunch with his family," He told her excitedly.

Olivia looked over to Elliot.

"If you wanted to," He added smiling.

"Sure. That'd be nice. Then Calvin and I need to go shopping."

"Shopping?" Calvin said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Trust me, I feel the same way," Olivia said with a laugh. "But don't you want clothes to wear? And we need to get food for the apartment."

Calvin blinked. "Oh right… I live with you now, huh?"

A huge smile spread across Olivia's face, "You do."

"Lunch, shopping, home," Calvin repeated their afternoon list of things to do, walking out of the court room with Olivia and Elliot.

"Lunch, shopping, home," Olivia agreed.