
"Bored, bored, bored, bored..."

That awful silence in my cell had finally driven me to the point of talking to myself. In the dark and quiet dead air, I repeated the same word over and over. Hey, a guy has to keep himself entertained somehow.

"Bored Bored BORED boredboredbored... I am SO bored... boring."

Heh, maybe I was just going insane.

I longed for some company. Being alone in this containment chamber was one of the worst things I've ever experienced, emotionally, that is. There was absolutely nothing to do except review all my past mistakes leading up to this moment, and to talk to myself.

"Boooored, bored, bored, bored bored bored."

It was a little pathetic, actually.


The word just popped into my head, causing me to cease my endless rambling. Gosh, did I miss that tough, beautiful goth girl... I loved everything about her. The way her dark hair seemed to shine, her amethyst eyes that took my breath away each time she looked in my direction, and how she always seemed to have a plan to pull me out of any situation. If I had ever needed her before, it was nothing compared to how I felt now.

Just then, a bright light suddenly flashed in my eyes, effectively blinding me and causing me to hiss with alarm. I closed my eyes and winced, not used to this much light after being in the dark for so long. After I had given my extra-sensitive dragon-eyes time to adjust to the change of lighting, I tentatively and cautiously opened them. Squinting, I was able to detect the source of the light.

A digital, holographic image had appeared on the circular metallic siding of the structure, like a giant screen that was been projected onto the walls. Grinning down at me, his lips pulled up in a triumphant smirk, was the Guy in White that had threatened me earlier...

Operative R? What the heck does he want now?

I growled and backed up a few paces, my green claws making a screeching noise from dragging across the metal floor.

Operative R's twisted grin grew even larger.

"Hello Danny! I'm sorry to intrude like this, but I thought you'd like to meet someone!" lilted Operative R in a sickeningly cheery voice. "Then again, I have a feeling you may already know her..."

On the screen, I watched in horror as Operative R lifted up a familiar struggling form. My core was seized by a cold panic. It was her.

Oh no, oh God please no...

Forcing myself to swallow my panic, I managed to calm down slightly.

I distinctly remember telling that kid to stay put... I grumbled in my mind.

Goodness, even when being held captive by a federal ghost-hunting organization, that little hatchling just couldn't seem to stay away...

It was Lily, no doubt. It wasn't hard to recognize her. But how in the world had she found me here? I watched in disgust as Operative R held her securely by grasping the back of the infant dragon's neck. Squirming frantically and yelping in protest, Lily was to busy to notice me at first, but after a moment she finally saw me.

Lily and I locked eyes... She squeaked in an almost excited way.

"What are the chances of capturing two ghost dragons in such a short period of time?" said the Operative mockingly. "Very suspicious... isn't it? It couldn't just be a coincidence."


"You know her, don't you?" It wasn't really a question, but I kept silent. "After a scan, we detected traces of your ecto-signature all over this little specimen... But do you know what I think? I think you don't just know this little specter, but I have feeling that you care for her too..."

Wow, this guy was smart, or at least very, very, good at guessing things. I held my breath, glancing at Lily and worrying for her safety.

"I'm right, aren't I?"

I avoided the Operative's eyes, but he must have taken my silence to be a "yes".

"Well, now you have two reasons to cooperate!" laughed Operative R brightly. "If you withhold the information I desire, not ONLY can you expect some... unpleasant procedures, but you can expect never to see this little one ever again."

"Y-You, You..." I swallowed, anger making me struggle to form words. "If so much as lay a single filthy finger on that child-!"

The projected image dissipated with another flash that was dimmer than the first one, leaving me feeling even worse than before.

I could NOT let ANYTHING happen Lily. If she got hurt... it would be my fault. But how in the world was I supposed to help her?

I looked up at the barely visible ceiling above me, as if expecting it to hold all the answers. When I had first woken up in this place, I had noticed some light emanating from the top of the large circular cell-like structure that I was imprisoned in. That light was still there... and I had a feeling that it was sunlight. An exit was literally right above me, so close yet so far... Even though I had an escape route in mind now, escaping still seemed like an impossible task... There was no time to think to think of a plan, I needed to act now. There was only one thing left to do if I wanted to rescue Lily, and it was a desperate and fool-hardy move. Plus, I was betting that it was going to fail and cause me an awful lot of pain.

I sighed and hunched my shoulders, closing my glowing eyes.

You're insane, I told myself. This is probably going to hurt... a lot.

I winced and straightened my neck, forcing a determined look to appear on my draconic face. Crouching and tensing my powerful muscles, I prepared to leap...

Here goes everything...

I flung myself as far as I could to the wall.

The chains around my two back paws resisted my sudden movement, pulling against my ankles and digging into my scales and skin painfully. Pain seared through my back legs as I grasped the rounded metal wall with my sharp acid-coloured claws.

"OOOUCHHH!" I yelped, nearly letting go of the walls that encompassed me.

IDIOT! I immediately scolded myself.

I gripped the wall and pulled myself a little higher, blinking rapidly with pain. I began to alternate lifting my left and right paws to slowly but surely climb up the containment unit. This caused the cuffs to scrape against my ankles, drawing a bit of ectoplasm. The ghost-proof cuffs chained around my back legs now had swift-moving streams of ectoplasm flowing down them in rivulets. The shiny metallic floor was slowly becoming stained with my blood. I ignored this, however. A few little cuts wouldn't hinder me, I had had much worse in the past, and right now I had more important things to worry about...

Such as busting myself and Lily out of here.

I pressed forward, straining against the chain and biting down and clamping my jaw shut to keep from screaming. I heard the links of the chain creaking from the force I was exerting, but it still wasn't enough. In a last, desperate move, I twisted my long flexible neck almost completely around so that my head was facing in a backwards direction. Heat builded in my throat before I let loose a thin, precise and concentrated steam of fire directed at the chains. I made sure to aim the green-coloured fire away from the cuffs around my ankles, to avoid burning myself. It didn't take long for the links of the chains to soften as a result of the unbearable heat of my fire, gradually but surely becoming a cherry red colour. Now that the metal had been weakened by the heat, I jerked my legs forward with one final heave. The links of the chain separated, and the severing of their connection caused molten metal to rain down onto the floor below. The cuffs and half of the chains were still locked around each of my back paws, but they were no longer attached to the ground to restrain me. I was free!

Just then, the hidden "door-way" opened again, and a torrent of GiW agents flooded into the room. It was about time! I couldn't help but wonder what had taken them so long to get here. Then I realized, they hadn't intervened before now because they had thought that my little crazy escape attempt had been in vain. They hadn't actually expected me to break free of the chain.

The white-suited agents below me began to fire their ecto-weapons at me as I continued to climb up the metal walls of the tall cell. A few of their blasts managed to hit me, but they hardly did anything to hinder me at this point. It didn't take me long to climb high enough so that I was out of range of the agent's weapons.

The light that I had glimpsed earlier was steadily becoming brighter by the second, and the domed ceiling of my cell was finally coming into view. I could now see the highest point of the tall tube-like cell much clearer now, and was able to pick out the details that I had previously been unable to identify from the ground of the chamber. The source of the sunlight was a large, completely round and thick window that took up most of the roof of the cell. Light filtered through the thick, distorted glass. Just below the circular pane of glass were iron bars, crisscrossing against each other and preventing escape by simply smashing through the thick glass. I would have to get through those bars first if I wanted to "check-out" of this place... But before I attempted to break those bars, I needed to find Lily.

Turning my head away from the enticing sunlight, I examined to metal wall that I was vertically standing on. With my sensitive hearing, I could hear the sounds of panicked agents scrambling around somewhere beyond that wall, with operatives screaming orders somewhere inside. I grinned, bringing back my head and opening my jaws wide. I reached deep inside myself, into my very core, searching for that awful chill that I was both cursed and blessed with... A terrible cold-feeling began to build in my center, seeping throughout my body and rising to the back of my throat. I took in a deep, shuddering breath, before letting it out in an icy gust of air. The frozen blast struck the wall, immediately freezing it and enveloping the metal in blue ice. I mentally willed the ice the contact, concentrating on crushing and tearing a hole in the metal. The ice I had created responded to my command, and a horrible crunching sound filled the air. Within seconds, the metal wall had weakened enough to peel away like paper.

It was obvious that the Guys in White had underestimated my abilities and that I had grossly overestimated their security.

As I ripped through the hard shining metal with my ice and claws, I noticed that the wall was hollow, and that there were large coils of twisted wires and cords impeded inside. Once I had stripped away enough of the wall for me to fit my massive body through, I clambered through the hole I had made and into a long white hallway.

I landed on smooth gray and white linoleum, my body once again horizontally placed instead of vertically along the wall like I had been previously. Feeling extremely grateful to have gotten out of the high-tube-tunnel-like cell, I began to walk down the hallway, my sharp claws scraping against the linoleum floor.

Although the hallway was deserted and empty, I could hear the sound of shoes hitting the ground rapidly and agents yelling urgently in the distance. If I didn't get moving soon, I would not be alone for very long, I'd have company...

Finding Lily was my main objective now that I had found a way out of the strange room that I had been imprisoned in. But I couldn't just go looking for her. I had a feeling that this GiW base was too large and complex for me to explore thoroughly. It would most certainly take up too much time... unless...

Suddenly a reptilian smile began to spread across my features as I realized the solution to my problem. What if I sniffed Lily out? It would be a lot faster that way if I tracked her down by scent. With this thought in my mind, I closed my eyes and began to sniff at the air. Many different scents tumbled through my nostrils, some of them alerting me of the approaching GiW agents. I ignored some of the less important scents, and focused on singling out Lily's scent. Fortunately, I was just barely able to detect a scent similar to my own, but much younger. A fledgling dragoness. I recognized it as Lily.

With determination shining in my green eyes, I swiftly followed the lingering scent, often pausing to sniff some more whenever the scent was slightly faded in an area. Lily's trail led me down the hall and around a corner, the scent becoming steadily stronger as time passed on. Eventually, I ended up in front of a large, steel door that was bolted shut. This was where the scent was strongest, and where it seemed to end...

Lily has been here...

With sudden and seemingly-random fierceness, I snarled and reared up on my hind legs, my front claws tearing at the air angrily. With a deep-throated roar I toppled forward and plunged my paws towards the door. Let's just saw that the poor steel door didn't stand a chance when a ton of dragon muscle and claw were slammed into it at incredible speeds.


The door caved in like wet cardboard, making a satisfying sound as it did so. For a moment I just stared... surprised at my own strength. Grunting briefly I leaned my head forward and nudged the remains of the metal door out of the way in an almost gentle manner.

The doorway was too small for me to fit my entire body through, and I didn't want to risk bringing the entire wall down upon me, so I settled for sticking my neck and head through the opening to peer inside. The room was dark, much too dark for any human to see in, but then again, I wasn't exactly human, now was I? My glowing eyes were able to penetrate through the thick darkness, and I could see a large computer screen, and many smaller panels that appeared to be monitoring different high-tech cell. Each cell that appeared on a screen contained a ghost, and my own empty and damaged cell was also included on a separate screen-panel. As well as these, there were some strange advanced-looking consoles placed near the far end of the room. There was also a small metal box or crate that sat closer to the middle of the room. When I looked closer, however, I realized that it was a titanium kennel of some sort, with a little green shape locked away inside...


"WILL YOU PLEASE QUIT DOING THAT?!" I yelled, clawing at the side of my face irritably. Immediately after my outburst, I felt guilty. I hadn't meant to snap at her like that, but those constant urgent cheeping noises were REALLY starting to get on my nerves.

Lily was in the kennel, pawing at the door excitedly while continuing to make hyper cheeping noises. She didn't seem at all phased at my unexpected yelling, and hadn't even flinched. Her bright light-blue eyes peered up at me, shining with adoration and eagerness.

"Now, let's get you out of here..." I rasped in my reptilian voice, struggling to reach a paw into the room to grasp the kennel and drag it closer. Once I had reached the kennel, I pulled it gently out of the room until it sat in the middle of the hallway.

Before I prepared to try and break Lily out of the kennel, I froze as a scent from the room drifted into my nostrils. It was a slightly familiar scent, one I had smelled only once before...

Operative R?

I hadn't smelled him at first because I had been so distracted with Lily's predicament, but it was definitely his vile smell. He smelled like laundry detergent, most likely from multiple washings of his pure white suit. Wrinkling my noise, I surveyed the room cautiously, but Operative R was no where to be found, and judging from the faintness of his scent, he had left some time ago.

I'd better leave before he comes back.

Sudden shouting noises caused me to whip around with alarm. The GiW agents had finally caught up with me. I had been expecting them, but that didn't mean that their appearance hadn't startled me. Soon I could see them rounding the corner, so I temporarily abandoned my attempt at freeing Lily from the crate and pushed her behind me, out of sight and out of the line of fire. As they GiW troopers and agents came into view, I could see the dangerous-looking ecto-rifles that they held cocked and ready to fire. Growling nervously in my throat I prepared myself for the oncoming attack by assuming a battle position. I crouched low with my legs spread apart and my fins automatically and instinctively raised high in the air.

Come and get me...

With a sweep of my tail I caused them to trip, thus taking out the first wave of agents. But more of them weren't far behind...

The rest of the mob of white-suited ghost hunters rushed forward and within seconds I was nearly overwhelmed. Swarms of ecto-blasts pelted me like a hailstorm, causing me to roar in pain. I was forced to take a few steps backwards in order to shield Lily better as she sat frightened in the kennel. After a few shuddering breaths I raised my head and glared at the Guys in White with glowing eyes.

Oh, they are SO asking for it...

"Alright," I said in a dangerous voice. "Shiz just got real..."

A sound began to build in my throat, slowly but surely rising to a crescendo. Unable to hold this sound in for much longer, I opened my mouth and let loose.


Suddenly and abruptly, a horrific roar tore it's way out of my mouth. The walls and ground shook violently, and most of the agents dropped their weapons and gripped their ears, screaming in absolute agony. It was probably the loudest thing I had ever heard, excluding my own ghostly wail. After a moment, though, I realized that the roar WAS my ghostly wail! Or at least, a more animalistic and feral variation of it. Visible green sound waves ripped through my vocal chords and out of my mouth, assaulting the ears of my attackers. The experience was terrifying, even for me. It was like the gates of hell had been snapped off my their hinges, letting loose the evils within.

The "ghostly roar" must have lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like it went on for ages. When it finally did fade away, I felt utterly exhausted and completely shocked, scared out of my wits.

Did that just come out of me? I thought with bewilderment.

The rest of the agents all fled, and I can't say I blamed them.

"...I'm glad that's over with," I muttered, but instantly after these words I stiffened, hearing someone sneaking up behind me.

I guess I spoke too soon...

I quickly pivoted, whirling myself around to face whoever was sneaking up at me. I was met with the sight of Operative R himself, holding an excessively large bazooka. Immediately I found myself filled with a sudden and unquenchable rage.

"You..." I snarled in a menacing whisper, with a voice that was deadly quiet.

I pounced on him, and the resulting impact was so violent that Operative R's sunglasses were thrown off his face and his weapon was knocked out of his hands.

"Ooof!" gasped Operative R as the air was knocked out of him.

I pinned the disarmed Operative with my claws and put my nose directly in front of his face. Smoke churned from my nostrils and wreathed his sneering face. Although he was doing his best to look angry and intimidating, I could see in his dark eyes that he was terrified out of his wits and was trying desperately to hide it.

"Not so confident now, huh R?" I snarled, glaring into his eyes.

Operative R snorted in defiance, but his eyes still betrayed how anxious he was.

"...I could kill you right now... do you know that?"

I threateningly clenched my claws tighter around him and felt the man begin to shake in fear.

"Please..." he croaked pleadingly in a voice so small, I could barely hear him even with my sensitive hearing. The agent's demeanor had changed drastically. He was no longer attempting to retain a mask of bravery, he knew that he was at my mercy. He knew that he could die at any moment, and this revelation caused him to silence himself.

I hesitated, but some sick part of me was egging me on to do the deed... This man deserved to die. Who knew how many ghosts he had tormented with his research?

I reared my head like a snake preparing to strike, opening my mouth and baring my fangs. ...In the distant background I could hear reinforcements of GiW troopers approaching from behind... Operative R closed his eyes and flinched, preparing for the final blow that would end it all... But nothing happened. I saw him open his eyes with surprise, staring at me cautiously and confusedly.

"I could kill you..." I murmured, lowering my head. "But I won't," I stated in a monotone voice.

Operative R let out a shuddering breath of relief, and I could see sweat pouring down his face.

"Because unlike you..." I added. "I still have some humanity left..."

I swiftly released Operative R and watched him scramble away as fast as his fancy black shoes could take him. Snorting with amusement at the sight of the once proud agent scurrying away like a frightened rat, I turned to identify Lily in the surrounding chaos.

Reinforcements had arrived and were already beginning to shoot at both me and Lily, who was still caged in the kennel.

I've got to get Lily out of there!

With clumsiness caused by desperation, I ran over to Lily and used my claws to pry open the door of the kennel, fumbling a little bit by nevertheless succeeding. Lily bounded out of the kennel, glad to be free. Her freedom was short-lived, however, because as soon as she was out, the GiW squadron was already on top of us, and we found ourselves separated. A good number of troopers and agents had driven me back towards the other end of the hallway. I growled in frustration and irritably tried to shove them aside.

I saw Lily, doing her absolute best to appear as small and insignificant as possible in all the commotion. When she saw me, her eyes immediately brightened and her head perked right up. She had no idea that this entire thing was her fault. I hadn't wanted her to be in any danger, which is my I told her to stay in the forest.

"Young lady!" I yelled, dodging a shot from one of the attacking agents. "You are in SO much trouble!"

Despite my scolding, Lily ran over to me and scrambled onto my paw. I shielded Lily from the gunfire as best as I could with my wings, draped over her protectively like a tent or force-field.

"Starlily..." I breathed sternly, completely exhausted. Lily seemed to focus her complete attention on me at the sound of her name, swaying her tail cheerfully. It was obvious that she was a little oblivious to the danger she had put herself in. "Consider yourself grounded." I internally winced and shuddered after saying those words, It made me sound old... I'd better not be turning into my Dad.


Now we just have to get out of here... I knew that I couldn't tunnel through the ground to get to the surface, and I didn't want to get lost trying to find a passageway out of here. However, I did know of ONE way out... Back at my cell, the barred window at the top had been the only barrier between me and freedom. I quickly scooped up Lily in my mouth and ran off back to my cell, with guns blazing behind me.

After a while I began to lose the GiW agents, but I knew they wouldn't be far behind me. With this thought in mind, I put on an extra burst of speed.

When I found the hole that I had torn in the wall of my former cell, I simply jumped through it and opened my wings, soaring upward toward the window. The bars and the window would probably be infused with some anti-ghost element, so I'd have to break through them. Closing my eyes and shielding Lily, I conjured a green domed shield of energy in front of my nose before charging through the bars...

And failing utterly.

I nearly fell to the ground of the cell, all those feet below, but thankfully I managed to catch myself on the walls of the cell. Lily let out a squeak of surprise and my claws made an awful screeching noise against the metal as I struggled to stay on the wall, despite gravity pulling me down.

"Well, THAT didn't work," I complained, stating the obvious. The sounds of ecto-gun-shots and shoes against linoleum were coming closer. I didn't have much time before the Guys in White cronies caught up with me...

"...There is ONE thing I can still try," I mused aloud. I could always try... my ghostly wail. Or rather, my ghostly roar in my current state. The question was, could I pull it off? I had already done it once not too long ago, and I was already a bit drained as a result.

I have no choice.

I took a deep breath and called upon the immense power that I needed to let out my signature spectral cry. A second later, out came a eerie roaring-moaning that shook the entire complex. Lily cried out in pain, placing her paws over her ears and whimpering in fear. The glass above me shattered and rained down upon Lily and I, but luckily our scales deflected the worst of it. The bars groaned and creaked, and eventually broke apart like the glass. When I closed my mouth, it took all of my willpower not to fall over and die.

"Urrgh," I groaned, swaying from my perch. Lily cheeped in concern, so I shook myself out of my stupor.

"I'm okay," I assured her, shaking violently."Now let's get out of here!"

I let go of the wall and struggled to gain altitude, but eventually we soared out of the cell through the top. When fresh air hit my lungs, I couldn't help but roar with ecstasy, Lily chirping along with me.

I thought for sure we would be pursued by some helicopters, but the GiW must have still been recovering and reeling from the attack, so we escaped un-pursued. At least, for the moment...

After a moment of peaceful flying, trying my best to remain airborne, I thought back to all the GiW agents I had harmed in my escape. It made me feel guilty, and yet, almost... pleased.

"Hmm, I think I may have just seriously injured some people..." I said thoughtfully, sighing, before turning to Lily. "...If anyone asks, you did it." I confirmed seriously. Lily tilted her head in that quizzical way of hers.


"Yea, you're probably right. They'd never buy that. You're too cute to hurt anyone. We just need to think of a better excuse..."

Lily purred, rubbing her head against my neck. This action seemed to be her way of saying: "I missed you."

"Yea, yea." I said gruffly, trying to preserve my dignity and manliness. "I missed you too."


"...Uh, guys? You might want to take a look at this..."

Sam snapped her head in Tucker's direction almost immediately at the sound of his voice. She had been searching with Tucker, Valerie, and Danny's family for what felt like a million years, but they had still been unable to locate the GiW base, where they knew that Danny was being held.

"What is it, Tucker?" called Valerie from the other side of the Fenton-Jet. She walked over to Tucker, who was looking through one of the windows. Sam also stood up from her seat and went over to Tucker, curiously peering through the window to see what he was seeing. What Sam ended up seeing surprised her, and judging from the gasp that Valerie let out, she was just as surprised from what she saw as well.

From far down below them, off in the distance, was a large amount of smoke that was steadily rising from the forest.

"What happened there?" asked Valerie in confusion.

"Maybe a forest fire?" said Jazz, also coming over to stand next to Tucker to look out the window.

"It could be..." said Sam thoughtfully. "But maybe we should go and check it out, just in case."

Tucker looked at Sam with slight concern before speaking to her directly. "We can always go have a closer look, but I won't guarantee that we'll find anything. Just don't get your hopes up, Sam." said Tucker soothingly.


Two hours or so had passed since Lily and I had escaped, and I was so tired that it was a wonder I was flying at all.

Images of Operative R's frightened face filled my mind almost constantly, as well as the terrified and repulsed faces of his agents.

I began to deflate, my feelings of confidence and satisfaction beginning to fade. Realizing that I had almost ended someone's life a few moments ago, I felt myself ache with silent guilt. It was so unlike me to threaten a man's life. Operative R may have been a real mess, but he was no worse than a lot of the ghosts that I fought on a daily basis, and I still spared them. It became clear to me now that I was not as in control of my actions as I thought I was... The amulet was influencing me more than ever. How much time did I have left before I became a monster? Killing people and eliminating ghosts without a second thought? How much longer did I have until I was no longer myself?

Maybe this IS your real, true self. Have you ever thought about that, human?

Shut up.

Deep down, you are just like me. I'm just helping you release that part of you.


Don't you remember the time you met and battled your future self? I've seen and experienced all your memories, Danny. Do you really think you can actually CHANGE your future? That future still exists as a very large possibility.

Shut. UP!

I didn't want to hear this. None of what the amulet was saying was true, absolutely none of it. ...It couldn't be true. Could it? I had diverted the cause of that future, hadn't I? I wasn't going to become Dan. Or maybe what the amulet was saying was true, that I was just plain evil inside and it was only a matter of time before I let my true colours show.

I thought back once again to the moment when I was seriously considering killing the helpless Operative R. I had wanted to finish him so badly. Had those feelings of revenge and bloodthirstiness been from the amulet, like I suspected, or were they really from me?

You should have ended him, he stood in your way... thought-spoke the amulet again, referring to my thoughts surrounding the almost-murder of Operative R.

He didn't pose any threat at that point. I'm no cold-blooded murderer, unlike yourself...

Oh please, don't try and guilt me, Danny. I'm incapable of guilt, if you haven't already noticed. Hasn't your puny human mind realized that as long as that man lives, he will NEVER leave you alone. Your enemies will ALWAYS stand in your way unless you destroy them first. It's them, or us...


Yes, we are one. And we always will be. I promise to make SURE of that...

Author's Note: Don't get mad at me. My computer broke down for the longest time, and eventually I threw all hope of fixing it out the window and bought a new computer. At least I was able to retrieve most of my fanfic files!

So here's a long and crappy chapter.

Review pleeeease o3o

And not to be picky, but when I saw review, I mean please take the time to let me know WHAT you like about the fanfic, instead of JUST telling me to update. That isn't a review. XD

Annnywaaays I LOVE CHU ALL 3