
As I lay broken and bleeding on the ground, gradually dying, with Sam by my side, I saw my life pass before my clouded green eyes.

I saw my parents, tucking in a small five-year old boy with long black hair; me, before this whole mess happened. My Dad had this large and goofy smile on his face, and my Mom's indigo eyes were shining with love as she tenderly caressed my shaggy-haired head.

Next I saw the first time I had met Sam, when we were just in grade two. I smiled at this lovely memory, that to this day I remember with absolute clarity. Sam was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me...

Then I saw Tucker and I playing video games. We both looked about ten years old, our young faces were determined as we concentrated on the screen, but every once in a while we would grin at each other, as if we didn't have a care in the world.

"You're my best friend, you know that dude?" asked ten-year old Tucker, still intently concentrating on the game.

"Forever," the younger me agreed, inclining his/my head with a smile.

The memories were speeding up now, I could barely register what they were as they seemed to whip through my brain like a whirl-wind.

But suddenly the memories slowed down once again to an almost screeching halt, and I saw myself in a white HAZmatt suit, walking through the metal tube of the deactivated Fenton portal... I watched as my black-gloved hand brushed over the "ON" button, and suddenly my vision was consumed by a blinding flash of ectoplasmic-green light as I continued to watch this scene from my past... My terrified and pained screams echoed throughout the lab as the green light continued to filled the portal... this was the event that had changed my life forever, never to be the same.

The memories now contained my many ghost battles, each time I had won, but this time, I had lost...

Now I observed the green and silver amulet latch itself around my neck, about a few weeks ago, and I watched my past-self change...

The memories were more recent now, and it was obvious that I was running out of time.

How strange... I thought to myself. That I will die in this form... That I will never be a human ever again... even my ghost form would be better than this...

Sam's desperate sobbing cut into my thoughts, and I curled my tail around her comfortingly.

To my surprise, salty tears began to form in my dying eyes as well. I had thought that I couldn't cry in this form, but I guess that that assumption had now been proved wrong, because very real crystal tears were now leaking over my reptilian face.

I wasn't scared of death, but I feared for Sam. How would she survive without me to defend her? I had promised to protect her forever, but now I had broken my promise. I was going to leave her forever... what a selfish liar I was...

My breathing was becoming laboured now, and with great effort I raised my scaled head and whispered to her with my almost reptilian voice:
"I-I'm... sss-sorry, sssam-m..."

Those were my final words as I drifted away from my beloved, away from my family... away from the person I had died to protect.
The last thing I remember was the amulet glowing a soft white...

Don't worry folks... Danny may survive yet! By the way, this hasn't happened yet! It's kinda like a sneak peak or a glimpse into the future! ;)


With guarded curiosity I watched the green eyed amulet slowly revolve around the small, black chest it was trapped in. Its polished silver chain gleamed brightly, even in this dark and light-less cavern, and the bright green jewel shaped like a dragon's eye almost seemed to have luminous sheen. As usual, I felt the slight and tentative urge to reach out and take the amulet, but I, Prince Aragon, was far too clever to be tempted enough to grab this evil piece of jewellery. I knew that the source of these cautious urges was the amulet's mind, trying to gently convince me with its mind that it was harmless by directing experimental thoughts of greed and yearning.

The golden chained amulets that me and my rebellious sister Dora wore gave us the power to change into beasts of great power... But this amulet was alive. If someone was stupid enough to wear the silver amulet, they would be changed into a dragon... but, at a terrible cost. The amulet is a like a parasite, slowly eating away at your energy to keep itself alive, but it almost never takes enough to kill you, it wants it's host alive and healthy after all. And although the amulet can change you into a dragon, it's almost impossible to change back unless the amulet wants you to change back. And finally, the amulet can control you...

After a few more minutes of staring at this abomination of a necklace, I slowly but firmly closed the chest again before locking it with a small silver key. I stowed away the tiny key in my cloak pocket and walked out of the door-way of the dark cavern, where I stored the cursed amulet, leaving the closed and locked chest behind me.

As I continued to walk down the medieval themed hall and into my private quarters, my mind began to wander. Now that I was exceedingly bored, I was trying to think of an activity worthy of my royalty. (wow, proud much? XD)

Maybe I would terrorise my people a bit in dragon form... yea... that sounded fun.

With a corrupt and fanged smile I changed into a monstrous large black dragon. Large and smooth purple plated scales adorned by chest, light green horns swept up from the back of my head, and two long sabre-like fangs protruded from my upper lip.

I bared my serrated teeth, grinning wickedly. This was going to be fun... I could already imagine the screams from the ghosts of my kingdom already!

More to come soon! Review please!