
[C.C. praying in a church, c. 1933]

[Enter V.V. and Charles zi Britannia]

C.C.: What brings you here Charles, V.V.?

Charles: This is a matter about Code and Geass.

C.C.: Whenever we talk, it has always been about Code and Geass.

V.V.: This has something to do with you.

C.C.: What is it?

V.V.: You are no longer head director of the Geass Order.

C.C.: Why? Is it because of something I did?

Charles: No, it is because the Geass order has planned to start the Ragnarok connection. Code and Geass will join the final destination of the gods!

C.C.: You are mad! If you construct the Ragnarok connection, this world will not exist!

Charles: From the current global circumstances, humanity is at peril.

That is why I moved my family to Pendragon! We are safe in the Americas because we control all of it!

V.V.: The Ragnarok connection will ensure the entire human race brought to the path of holy righteousness. Morality will be the ultimate value that has perished as history progresses.

Only then will we be able to look back at the progress and mend certain time periods before exiting the loop.

Consider this the cleansing of the collective human conscience.

C.C.: Why wasn't I told any of this?

V.V.: Your connection with Lady Marianne has led us to suspect opposition.

C.C.: She never told me.

Charles: That doesn't matter anymore; I have persuaded her to this fate. She has agreed to join the connection and that was why she transferred her thoughts to the connection.

V.V.: You warned us never to explore what the Ragnarok connection has to offer.

C.C.: Because it is not the natural way!

Charles: Humans had always tampered with nature! We violated nature's ways since the dawn of invention. By corrupting nature, we progress. If we can even corrupt even the divine order of the cosmos, then this endeavour will be a great leap forward!

C.C.: I will not allow you to build the Ragnarok connection! There is much knowledge you do not know!

Charles: Guards!

[Enter guards]

Guards: Yes your highness!

Charles: Lock this girl in the Tower of Pendragon!

C.C.: Why are you doing this? I am the founder of the Order and I deserve the right to know what decisions are being made!

Charles: I am the ruler of this nation in which the Order was founded! My commands, my laws, my decisions are resolute! You have no right to negate what I do!

C.C.: Curse you Charles! V.V., you are his lowly rat!

Charles: There is one more thing I want you to know.

C.C.: What is that?

Charles: Stay away from my son Lelouch.

C.C.: He is the son of Lady Marianne. Why is he a concern?

Charles: For obvious reasons.

Take her away! I do not want to see her face!

V.V.: What are we going to do with Lelouch and Nunnally?

He denied being your son.

Charles: So be it, we will exile him to England!

He will be far away from C.C. and isolated from the rest of us, just as he wished.


Brothers and sisters slaughter each other,

To fight for an empty throne,

Without guidance from one another,

Only one will seal the cornerstone.

While others perish free,

The world tastes bitter-sour,

For no man show signs of sympathy,

Until the coming of the final hour…

Black Day

(Lelouch Narrates)

August fifth 1940:

The skies blackened by soot and tar after German bombers decimated cities over the skies of Britain. It all began with an announcement by Adolf Hitler himself. The air raids ended late July and the German leader launched Operation Sea Lion; an amphibious landing on the banks of the English Channel to capture England city by city. Of course, the emperor and his family were safe because they moved just twenty years ago to Pendragon, the new capital of Holy Britannia. I heard Pendragon was a city of splendour and it outpaced London and New York for cultural dominance. I cannot blame the enemy for what they are doing to the empire. It is the foolish emperor of Britannia and his ignorance! His negligence in defending the homeland has resulted in countless civilian deaths. The cities of southern England are scorching in the fires of hell! That corrupt man enjoys a life of leisure far from the realities of war! He would yawn at the fact London boiled under German bombs. The raids of Ireland were only a nuisance to his ever expanding domain. With more than half of England laid waste and nobody left guarding, the people of this rich land of culture are miserably hopeless. Now, I am hiding in a storage room of a general store while men, women and children are being brutally shot outside, being shot by Mauser rifles. I can hear the ground shock and the cries of women with their children as if they were right beside me.

Rivel: When do you think this will end?

Lelouch: When Hitler completes the entire annihilation of the British Isles.

Rivel: What the Nazis are doing is morbidly cruel but why won't the emperor protect London?

Lelouch: Because this nation has been corrupted by the ascension of one man.

It no longer has any worth fighting for!

[Sounds of people dying]

Rivel: What happens when the Germans discover us hiding?

Lelouch: Just like the rest of them, they will shoot to kill.

I'm afraid only a miracle can save the two of us.

We are going to die sooner or later.

[Door opens]

C.C.: I found you, after so many years I have finally found you! [In tears]

But why,

Why at a time like this,

Why at a time when the skies are not blue and the flowers blooming?

Rivel: Who is she talking to?

Lelouch: She is wearing a German uniform!

Rivel: [Mouth covered by C.C.]

[Enter a German soldier]

German soldier: {In German}

Is there anybody hiding in here?

C.C.: {In German}

I sorry to say this but there's nobody here but you and I.

German soldier: This city is captured and this is the rendezvous.

C.C.: Perfect timing then.

[Enter a German Officer with an entire platoon]

German officer: This is the last spot.

If nobody remains in this untouched area, Sheffield is no more!

Search this place!

Lelouch: Why do you have to take everything from me father! Now it's my life!

German officer: You there! So you are hiding two people. Get them out!

[Lelouch and Rivel nearing there execution]

German officer: {In English}

Do you have any final remarks before we kill you!

Rivel: Long live Britannia! Death to Adolf Hitler!

German officer: {In German}

Execute the one on the left.

[Gunshots to the head]

Lelouch: No! He's innocent!

German officer: No British vermin is innocent in this world!

You are not worthy to live in this world when Germany reigns supreme!

Lelouch: Damn you wretched lady!

[C.C. smiles back]

German officer: Do you have any last words?

Lelouch: You are right, Britannians are no longer worthy to live but the one you should kill is the emperor!

I have a family to take care of, just like you, and you and you.

Why would you kill people who did not harm you in any way?

C.C.: {In English} He cannot die!

German officer: Shoot him! She has gone mad!

[C.C. protects Lelouch from a fatal shot]

Lelouch: Why?

(Lost time)

C.C.: Do you want to live?

Lelouch: Wait, aren't you one of them?

C.C.: That was a disguise Lelouch. I have tried to find you for nearly seven years and I have worked so hard to just see your face.

Lelouch: What do you mean?

C.C.: All will be revealed young one. All will be clear once you accept this gift.

Lelouch: Why are you so cryptic whoever you are?

C.C.: Do you want to save you sister from certain death? Manchester will be the next target of the German campaign.

Lelouch: Of course!

C.C.: Then accept my gift. It is a contract between only the two of us and you will gain a new providence unlike anything ever seen. You will live a new life Lelouch, but you must promise me that you will live on. Accept this gift and you can save your friends, your sister and maybe even the empire from total destruction.

Lelouch: Who are you?

C.C.: Don't worry about me. I am only here to save you. I do feel sorry for your friend. Alas he is outside my power of rescue.

Lelouch: Then I shall accept what you have to offer. I will promise my end of this contract. I will do what it takes to restore order in this age of terror! I humbly accept your gift.

C.C.: You have made a wise choice Lelouch. Your mother would have been very proud.

Lelouch: What do I do with it?

C.C.: It is intuitive. You will know.

(Time regained)

German officer: Well, any last words?

Lelouch: {In German} I am a native German!

German officer: You don't look Aryan at all; perhaps a half-breed!

{In German} Hey! Does he look like a Semite!

Lelouch: Explain why she said I must live! I am German!

[Soldiers look confused]

German officer: She was probably a traitor!

Lelouch: Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't but one thing is for sure, she knew more than all of you. My name is Heinrich Schumann! I came to England to perform music!

German officer: Where is your proof?

Lelouch: It's all here. [Reaches in his pocket]

I, Lelouch vi Britannia command all of you to follow only my commands!

Ʊ [Red Geass insignia enters the eyes of the soldiers and officer]

Mass: Yes your highness!

Lelouch: Follow me!

Mass: Yes your highness!

[Exits the store]

(Lelouch Narrates)

It was a savage scene. All of Sheffield has been torn apart by flames and artillery shells. Corpses lay lifeless on the burning asphalt. Broken glass littered the ground as the smell of smoke diffused into the air. The sharp taste of sour fumes and bitter ashes entered into my lungs. The nails that were kept intact to crooked wooden beams glowed red from the fresh German bombardments. I don't know how these soldiers are able to handle it but my head was nearly knocked unconscious by this toxic environment.

Another German group: Sieg Heil!

[Lelouch's group was silent]

Lelouch: {In German}

Greetings from the fatherland! I see this is a glorious victory for Germany!

German commander: Who are you?

Lelouch: I am Heinrich Schumann, a German pianist.

German commander: Is he?

[German officer nods]

Lelouch: Now all of you follow only my commands!

German commander: On our honour!

Lelouch: Answer me, do we have everybody?

German commander: No, there are two more squadrons.

Lelouch: Where are they?

German commander: They are probably headed to the rendezvous site.

Lelouch: Perfect. We will wait until they arrive.

(Lelouch Narrates)

I do not know what this gift is but it was miraculous! I have turned the nation's foes into my slaves without any effort. If I can command the entire German force invading Sheffield to break the advancing troops to Manchester, I can save Manchester from peril. Most importantly, Nunnally will be safe. This is truly a machine sent from a deity!

[German troops enter from two fronts]

Lelouch: [Speaking to the commander in German]

Tell all your men to form a U-shape array and tell them who I am.

German officer: {In German} Assemble! U-formation! [Troops assemble]

This boy is not a Britannian prisoner! He is one of us German folk! Listen to what he has to say.

Lelouch: [Steps out] I command you all to follow my orders!

Listen to my words and you will liberate the Britannians from any hardship.

The mission is simple: all you have to do is cut down the supply lines and secure the supplies heading for Manchester.

Once that is finished, all of you will covertly slaughter the remaining troops. Do I make myself clear?

Mass: Yes your highness.

Lelouch: Just remember, you fight for morality; you cannot kill anybody else but the forces that are sent to rape all of England.

How many of you are there in every division?

Division one: Thirty four.

Division two: Forty seven.

Division three: Fifty three.

Division four: One hundred three.

Lelouch: That makes two hundred thirty seven. Crush Hitler's army! March on and do not fail!

Mass: Yes your highness!

[Lelouch narrates]

That was a momentous day of my life. For once, I can control the conditions around me. I can manipulate the minds of entire armies. This is the moment when I can change the circumstances of the nation, the war, maybe even the world!