So I've been reading all the amazing fanfics and I was inspired to give it a shot. I haven't written for a few years now so I hope you like it!

Premise: This story is my version of what could happen in the last few episodes of the season. Andy finally gives in to her feelings for Sam but the results are deadly...

Disclamer: I don't own Rookie Blue but I sure wish I did!

Andy jumped out of the cruiser as soon as it stopped. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute and she could feel her pulse radiating through her veins. She took off running towards the sea of blue uniforms. Her eyes zoomed into the center of the commotion: There was Boyd standing in front of two body bags his hands and clothes all covered in crimson red. All it took was one look at the officers around her and she knew.

She stood there for a moment unable to to move, unable to breath. She tried to run forward but her feet wouldn't listen to her. It took all the strength she had to keep breathing. Finally she mustered up enough strength to make her way towards Boyd.

"Sam!" she said as tears began to fall from her eyes. She kneeled down to see for herself but Boyd quickly jerked her back up.

"McNally, please don't. He's really messed up", he said as he held her steady by her shoulders, "Sam wouldn't want you to remember him like this".

"This is all your fault!", She snapped at him as she collapsed into his arms. "You told him you had his back! You are the one who convinced him to go under. Sam is dead because of you" she sobbed.

Boyd knew this wasn't entirely true. Yes, he should have made it here faster but he wasn't the one who blew Sam's cover and put his life in danger. Now wasn't the time to point this out though because today Andy McNally lost the most important person in her life.

Andy woke up with a sudden jerk and gasped to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as she propped up her sweat laden pillow. She sat up slowly and fumbled for the water bottle on her night stand. This wasn't the first time she'd had this nightmare and it probably wouldn't be the last. Infact, Andy couldn't remember the last time she slept through the night.

She slowly took a sip of water. The memories of that night were as crisp in her mind now as they were three years ago. She could still see the look of guilt in Boyd's eyes. The sadness and despair that engulfed officer Shaw. The pitiful looks that the other rookies gave her as the held her close and tried to console her.

But you know what was the worst? The smell. When she closed her eyes she could still smell that night. A mixture of blood, sweat, and gunshot residue as she held onto Boyd. She felt like beating him into the ground but in that moment he was the only one one who knew what she was feeling. The only one whose sadness was met with an equal amount of guilt.

It wasn't until after the funeral that Andy was finally able to forgive him enough to sit down and listen to what happened. Boyd told her that Brennan had followed Sam when he left to meet her the night before. He grew suspicious and eventually put the pieces together. Around 4pm that afternoon he got a text from Sam's emergency burner. He knew there was no time to put together a team so he hurried to Sam's location only to find Brennan pointing a gun to his face. Boyd fatally shot Brennan but it was too late, Brennan had already fired off the shot.

Andy sat up and swung her legs over the bed. She looked up at bright red numbers on her clock: 6:15am, still too early to get up. She rested her head in her hands and let a few stray tears trail down her cheeks.

"Oh Sam, I miss you" she whispered to herself.

Deep down Andy knew it wasn't her fault and it wasn't Boyd's fault but she couldn't help but blame them both. She never could forgive herself for asking Sam to meet her that night. She had spent the best night of her life with him before he went under but she just had to see him one last time. She had to tell him that she would wait for him. She had left too much unsaid and needed him to know. At the end, expressing her love lead to the end of his life. There were only 2 things that gave her comfort, 1) The memory of the night the had together. 2) Knowing that Sam didn't die without knowing how she felt.

Suddenly she heard footsteps from the hallway and a small smile crossed her face...