So despite the fact that this story had been untouched for nearly 3 years, I decided to polish up the spelling/grammar and give it a whirl. This one is going to be significantly shorter than my other works, for the most part it's all planned out and ready to go. Hoping that this recent bout of inspiration is contagious, and that I'll be wrapped up before Christmas (but not LITERALLY lol). You'll also be able to see the chapters on Harvest Moon Otaku.

~Lady Isludis/Sugar Rave


He hadn't been expecting this... not anything like this.

Time had certainly taken it's toll on the place, probably more so after the incident. The memory still left him with a chill. He'd just gotten home from working late, too tired to cook even though he was starving, and too tired to study for the fast approaching university entrance exams. He collapsed on the couch, and could've easily fallen asleep right on the spot if the phone hadn't woke him up a fraction of a second later.

He grumbled and lifted the receiver... That's when he should've clued in. Who on earth would be calling him at this hour when they all knew he was working late? Lazily addressing the speaker, he didn't receive the response he expected.

The shock jolted him awake, causing him to almost drop the phone. Every other worry in his head was simultaneously shoved aside. He fought back tears, but in a losing battle.

A couple of months later, here he stood. Surveying the piece of property that was left to him by it's previous owner. His father.