M'kay guys. I'm suffering major writer's block right now. So, for the meantime, here's a story! =D

Sally Jackson slammed the door to her small apartment. She brushed away a loose piece of hair from her face and dropped her keys on the old kitchen table.

She statered to walk towards her son's bedroom, but turned around after the fatigue of exhaustion hit her. She slowly rambled to her tiny bedroom. She immediately slipped under her scratchy blanket and onto her bumpy mattress, wishing she didn't have to go to work the next day. She peered over at her banged up alarm clock. She only had four hours to sleep before she would have to wake up. Time to make the best of it.

Sally rolled over to her side, and closed her eyes. She ignored the weak whimpers coming from Percy's room.


A soothing breeze of tropical warmth brushed over the infant who was now crying. A strong hand gently picked him up.

"There, there, my son," the owner of the hand cooed. Percy stopped crying. He opened his eyes and stared at the man who held him. "Your mother was not kidding when she said you were a mirror image of myself." The man chuckled, then stared intently at the young boy. "But you do look a bit like your mother... Perhaps the nose?"

Percy hiccuped, causing be he and his father to laugh.

"You will be a fine boy, a worthy son of the Sea God," the man said. He gently kissed Percy on his tender forehead. "Goodbye, my son. I shall always look over you and you mother." He placed Percy back in his crib, then began to caress his soft tuff of hair. "Goodbye." Percy closed his eyes, then slept soundlessly.

The man was gone in another breeze of tropical warmth.

Hmmm, should this just be a one-shot?

~Percidia Jackson