Chapter 5

Lily POV

"I'm so ready for bed," I sighed dramatically as Marlene, Alice, and I walked out of our last class of the day.

"I'm so ready to see what your dorm looks like!" Alice cheered excitedly. "How big do you think it will be? Ooh can Marlene and I spend the night? Please, oh pretty please?"

"Alice calm down!" Marlene cried.

"I dunno, Alice… I kinda just want to get a good night's rest. Plus I don't want Potter to have an excuse to invite the Marauders over. I know I won't be able to sleep with them fooling around!" I said reasonably. "Maybe this weekend."

Completely unfazed, Alice continued babbling cheerfully. Marlene caught my gaze and rolled her eyes. We loved Alice to death, but some days, she just couldn't control that motor mouth of hers.

"Um… Miss Head Girl lady?" a small first year squeaked nervously from behind me. Marlene and Alice laughed as I turned around with a kind smile on my face.

"Yes? How can I help you Nolan?" I asked sweetly.

He blushed brightly at the fact that I remembered his name. Opening his mouth to respond, he seemed unable to speak. Nolan turned even redder and thrust a rolled up parchment in my hand before tripping over the hem of his robes and scurrying away.

Marlene and Alice were nearly in tears from laughing so hard. "Oh gosh, were we that ridiculous when we were first years?" Alice asked once she had controlled herself.

"Only you, Ali," Marlene said with a smirk.

I was only half listening as I slit open the parchment with my wand. I read the loopy handwriting I was now familiar with.

Dear Miss Evans,

Please bring yourself and Mr. Potter to my office at dusk. We have some important matters to discuss.

Professor Dumbledore

P.S. Fawkes cannot wait to see you both.

Groaning, I crumpled up the parchment and shoved it in my bag. "I have to go meet Dumbledore," I sighed.

"When?" Alice asked. "Does that mean we can't have a picnic tonight?"

I looked out a large window at the nearly darkening sky. "Not tonight, sorry guys. I'm supposed to meet him at dusk, and I have to find Potter first. Who knows how long that will take!"

"Oh, come on! We've been planning this for years and the weather's only going to be nice for so long…"

"Alice, knock it off about the picnic would you? She can't say no to a visit with the headmaster!" Marlene snapped.

Alice pouted. "Fine, but if you can't do it this week, we'll find a replacement."

I snickered. "Sure you will. I'll see you guys later, I have to go find Potter."

Not knowing where to begin, I started with Gryffindor tower because that's where his mates were living. Climbing up the spiral staircase, I pushed open the door that said Seventh Years. All that awaited me was an empty room. I exited quickly, not wanting to be caught by some mysterious booby trap.

Once I descended the stairs, I spotted Benjy Fenwick across the common room. He was a friendly sixth year who was surprisingly James' closest non-Marauder friend.

"Benjy!" I called.

He looked up from his group of friends with a smile on his face and said a quick goodbye before strolling over to me. "Hey, Lily!" he said cheerfully. "How are you? Haven't seen you in a while!"

"I'm fine, thanks. Listen, Benjy, I need to find James. Dumbledore wants to talk to us. Do you have any idea where he might be?"

He looked at me innocently. "I dunno, Lily, it's kinda top secret."

"Oh, come on, I'm going to be living with him, for Merlin's sake! He's not going to have secrets much longer!"

Benjy's wide blue eyes met mine, and he shrugged. "Okay, fair enough. Follow me!" His typical cheer was back as he led the way out of the common room. "How are things going? With you and James I mean? Think you two can last alone in that dorm together?"

"I sure hope so. I'd rather not be remembered as the first Head Girl to blow up the castle."

He laughed, and I joined him easily. He was practically a little brother to me. "Okay, here we are!" He stopped outside a blank wall.

"Are you pulling my leg?" I asked. "There's nothing here!"

"Not now there isn't. Turn around, go on! I told you this is secret, and I mean it."

Grumbling, I turned around and faced my back to Benjy. I could hear him pacing back and forth, but that was all. What in the world was he doing?

"Okay, turn around!"

My jaw dropped. What had before been only a blank wall now held an enormous, ornately carved door. I looked at Benjy in awe. "How did you…?"

"Magic," he replied with a cheeky grin. Knocking to an odd rhythm, he opened the door. "Oy, Potter! Evans wants to talk to you!"

His muffled voice responded, "Send her in!"

"Go for it," Benjy said with a smile as he held the door for me. "I've got to get back to the common room. Can you find your way back?"

"Don't worry about it Benjy!" Sirius hollered from inside the room.

With one last wave, Benjy left and closed the door behind him. I walked slowly down a narrow hallway that opened up into a spectacular room. It was enormous, with high, arching ceilings. Along the walls were all sorts of bookshelves and pranking supplies. In the center of the room was a roaring fire with large, comfortable looking chairs surrounding it. Each of the boys was lounging in a chair like they owned the place.

"What is this?" I asked curiously as I tried to take in everything around me.

"This," said Potter, standing up and putting a piece of parchment in his pocket, "is our home base. Now, you're the only non-Marauder besides Benjy to know about this, so don't tell anyone."

"I won't, if you tell me how you did this," I bargained.

"Hm…" Sirius hummed, pretending to think. "Gee, if we don't tell you then you'll just bring people here and show them, what, a wall? Yeah, you're not really in a position to be making deals here, Evans."

I glared at him and turned to James with my arms crossed. I gave him a look that clearly said, "Tell me what's going on."

He looked at his mates, back at me, and shrugged. "Sorry, Evans, if I don't have the Marauders support I'm not talking."

I frowned, but remembered why I came here and quickly explained the situation to James.

He groaned and began to follow me reluctantly.

"Prongsie! I think you're forgetting something," Sirius called at our retreating forms.

James shoved his hand into his pocket, grabbed the parchment, and chucked it at Sirius.

"Ow! You gave me a paper cut!" Sirius whined as he sucked his finger.

James smirked, and we quickly exited and began to head towards Dumbledore's office.


James POV

We got to the giant gargoyle blocking the stairs to Dumbledore's office just as night began to fall. I looked at Lily, waiting for her to give it the password.

"What are you looking at me like that for? Why won't it open?" she asked in frustration.

"You don't know the password?" I groaned, smacking myself in the head. "Give me the letter he wrote you."

"What? Why would that help?"

"Just give it to me, Evans! We're going to be late!"

With a huff, she handed over the parchment. I carefully read the letter to myself, pausing on the P.S. I'd had my fair share of visits to Dumbledore's office, so I was plenty aware of how his password system worked. "Phoenix." I said confidently. The gargoyle jumped aside, and we were able to ascend the spinning spiral staircase.

"Pretty good, huh?" I asked as we continued our way up. "I'm smarter than I look!"

"It would be impressive if I didn't know you've been coming here at least once a month since first year," she said with a smirk.

I frowned, and opened my mouth to defend myself, but we were at the door. Knocking gently, Lily pushed it open.

"Ah, Miss Evans, Mr. Potter. Do come in. We have much to discuss." Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, his white hair and beard glowing in the setting sunlight. His fingers were drumming idly together as he waited for us to take our seats in the open chairs in front of him.

Once we were both settled, he began. "I assume you both realize that as Head Boy and Girl you will have more responsibilities than the normal students."

We nodded mechanically as he continued.

"They are nothing major, of course, merely some things that us teachers do not have time to pay enough attention to. Now, before we can delve too deeply into your new jobs, I will need to give you some background information. Mr. Potter, I am fairly certain most of this will be review for you, however listen closely. You are both aware of a new terrorist who goes by the name of Voldemort?"

My jaw set and my fists clenched. Voldemort was a sadistic and evil man who had ruined the tranquil peace that used to be the wizarding world. No longer were you able to just talk to strangers on the street or even go out alone. He didn't even do half the dirty work himself. Voldemort had a steadily growing group of followers called the Death Eaters that he sent out to kill those who stood in his way.

I could feel Lily looking at me questioningly for reacting so strongly to just the name, but I kept my focus on Dumbledore, waiting for him to continue. After examining me closely with those bright blue eyes that seemed to have x-ray powers, he continued. "Voldemort is trying to recruit new followers. He has been targeting those at school age to attempt to mold them young. Also, I believe it is his intention to someday take over Hogwarts. Therefore the more insiders he has, the better for him. I have created my own organization to counter his attacks, but there is far too much happening outside of school to keep them here for practically mere observation. That is where you two come in."

I sat up straighter, ready for whatever he would throw at us.

"I would like you to find trustworthy individuals, preferably fifth year or higher, to become the school branch of the Order of the Phoenix. I will, of course, make the ultimate decision of whether or not they may be trusted, but I believe you two will do a fine job. Once you have established your ranks, you will need to make a patrol schedule. Every night I would like two of you to be roaming the halls together to keep an eye out for any mischievous activity. I urge you to never travel alone, however well protected you may be. The Death Eaters will not fight fair and they will not hesitate to kill a youth. Do I make myself clear?"

We both nodded.

"Wonderful!" Dumbledore clapped his hands cheerfully as he stood up. "I expect you two to get to work immediately on this mission. It is of the utmost importance that we stop this war before it gets a chance to begin."

Lily and I stood and followed Dumbledore from his office. "Dinner is awaiting you in your dormitory. Now, off you trot!"

We walked off in silence, both deep in thought. I was thinking about this summer and how this would be the perfect chance to get my revenge.

We reached the portrait leading to our common room and stopped. Lily stepped in front of me. "Look, before we go in there, I want you to tell me something."

Still preoccupied, I shrugged and accepted.

"Why did you freak out when Professor Dumbledore mentioned Voldemort? And don't you dare say it's a typical reaction because it isn't. I may be a Muggle born, but I'm not stupid."

I sighed and ruffled my hair. "Can't we just go eat? I really don't want to talk about this."

"No. I'm tired of you always telling me to wait or that you'll tell me later because you never do. If we want to work together to stop Voldemort then you need to trust me!" She crossed her arms and stared at me defiantly.

Realizing no amount of talk would get me out of this, I took a deep breath as my throat closed up. Scowling at the ceiling, I managed to choke out the painful words, "The Death Eaters killed my father."

A/N: Hi all! Sorry this one took so long… Life took a crazy turn, but I'm back at it! A lot of typos last chapter, which I apologize for. I don't have a beta so mistakes happen. Thank you Mia and A Fan for pointing out one of my more careless mistakes. I have gone back and fixed that so it is now correct. Finally, thank you to cupcake23 for the push I needed to keep going. You're all wonderful, and please review :)